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Bush Promotes NATO Expansion Over Russia's Objection

April 2:
Bucharest, Romania: In a speech here on Tuesday, President Bush encouraged an expanded NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) by promoting admission to the alliance by two former members of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Georgia; this, over Russian objections to having the U.S.-led alliance in it's own back yard. The U.S. president added that Russia would have no veto power over the addition of the two countries. France and Germany however, remain cautious about violating Russian sensibilities, particularly in light of Russia's objections to Bush's desire to implement a missle-defense system in Eastern Europe. Read more here.

March 30
The international network known as Friends of Brad Will, which is seeking accountability for the murder of the former journalist and others has obtained and released secret documents concerning the Merida Initiative, a plan agreed to by U.S. President George Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderón, which under the guise of fighting the war on drugs, would militarize Mexico in a way similar to the failed Plan Colombia. The group hopes to bring attention to human-rights violations, such as the murder of Brad Will, that have been growing under the current program of militarization in that country. Click here for the full story and links to the documents.


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News :: Children & Education

ASVAB is Military's Stealth Recruiting Tool

nnomy_logo.jpgThe Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the military's most valuable recruiting asset. You can stop this predatory practice.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Labor : Prisons : Protest Activity

Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts

On March 27, the U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia reaffirmed the frame-up conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther Party spokesman and world-renowned radical journalist who has been locked up on Pennsylvania’s death row for more than a quarter century. After previously rejecting Mumia’s request to present evidence of his innocence, as well as a host of issues showing that he was railroaded by a racist court, the Court turned down Mumia’s request for a new trial. It upheld the 2001 ruling by a federal district judge that ordered a new hearing on the sentence, but limited the “choice” to the living hell of life imprisonment without parole … or execution. Mumia is innocent. He was declared guilty and sentenced to die because of his revolutionary politics and because for years he had been a thorn in the side of the racist rulers of the misnamed “city of brotherly love.” Around the world, millions have come out in defense of Jamal. This latest ruling, like all those that preceded it, shows that the exploited and oppressed must have no faith in the racist injustice system. We call on the workers movement to mobilize its power to free Mumia now!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Intifada comes to Tibet 30 dead

China ordered tourists out of Tibet's capital Saturday while troops on foot and in armored vehicles patrolled the streets and confined government workers to their offices, a day after riots that a Tibetan exile group said left at least 30 protesters dead.


Commentary :: International Relations

Texto De La Renuncia Oficial De Fidel Castro/Text of Fidel Castro's Official Resignation

alba-02.jpgEn el dia del 19 febrero, y hace 49 años de poder, el Presidente Cubano Fidel Castro Ruz se renunció su posición en el periódico oficial Granma.
El texto de su mensaje continua de bajo, en español y ingles.

On February 19, after some 49 years of being in power, Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz announced the resignation from his position in the official newspaper Granma. The full text of his message follows in Spanish and English:


News :: Elections & Legislation : Environment : International Relations : Peace : War

Clinton and Obama: Failures on War and Global Warming

Amazon1.jpgOn the biggest question facing humanity, human caused global warming, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are ignoring the urgent proposals of global warming experts and instead put forward conservative proposals of carbon credit trading for big corporations and proposals for so-called “cleaner” fuels for cars. Carbon credit trading, giving big corporations the “right” to buy and sell the “right” to pollute, will undermine the ability to pass other legislation that can better curb carbon pollution. And the “cleaner” bio-fuels being proposed make no substantial difference because it takes energy involving carbon emissions to grow the plants used to make bio-fuels. In addition, rainforests that would help remove global warming causing carbon from the atmosphere are being cleared to grow bio-fuels. To make matters worse, converting food-stuffs and croplands to bio-fuels increases world food prices, causing increased world hunger.

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Commentary :: Urban Development

Fayetteville Parks to residents: Keep Out

Pedestrian access to parks not a priority; trails for cyclists are.

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Commentary :: Drugs

Fayetteville Low Priority Marijuana Campaign

042007_ucsc420_06s.jpgSensible Fayetteville "Low Priority"
Marijuana Initiative

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Drugs : Protest Activity

"NO NAME" warrant gets innocent man shot 5 times; CITIZEN CONGRESS organizes proaction

It is terrorizing to come into the knowledge of just how deeply ingrained corruption has become in our community so as now to be perceived as justifiable and socially acceptable. But it is profoundly more terrorizing to think about what it must be like to feel so 'under the thumb' of these rogue bastards as to allow the dictatorial rule of barbaric ego-aggrandizement to continue unchallenged. Once a law enforcement official has ‘stated their case’ it seems to become like holy scripture. Yet daily facts prove this paradigm wrong.

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