W3C Interaction Domain

Television and the Web

Summary | What's New ? | URL-Schemes | HTML | Interest Group | External Groups | History | Activity Statement| Mailing List Archive

Note: The "Television and the Web" Interest Group has been closed in April 2002. Consequently, this page will not be updated anymore. See the Device Indpendence Activity for work on new web access devices such as TVs.


Integration of Web and television technologies will enable linking Television programs into the Web, and linking from television programs into the Web. By merging these two major media into one, the wealth of background information available on the Web is made available to television viewers, and the wealth of audiovisual information being broadcast on television is made available to the Web audience, resulting in a richer experience with both media.

The goal of the "Television and the Web" activity is to explore new issues arising for Web technology due to TV/Web integration. Currently, the Activity focusses on coordinating the W3C work on generic Web specifications with standards groups working specifically on TV/Web integration. You may also be interested in the "Synchronized Multimedia" Activity, which focusses on timed interactive multimedia presentations.

tv-related URL-schemes

A new URL scheme is needed to address content that is broadcast in a TV channel.


The "tv:" URI scheme has been issued by the IETF as an informational/experimental RFC. The following other drafts were under development at some point:

TV-specific use of HTML

In the television community, there is a desire to adapt certain W3C specifications to TV needs before using them in TVWeb applications. This means that only a limited set of features of these specifications may be supported, or that new, TV-specific features are added to these specifications.

Current Status

The W3C HTML Working group includes representatives from the television community. The group is working on XHTML modularization, which enables selecting subparts of the functionality of XHTML 1.0 for certain applications. It is also working on XHTML Basic, which is intended to be the minimum set of XHTML functionality to be supported on all devices.

To facilitate coordination with television standards bodies, the group maintains a roadmap which contains dates for different milestones in the development of the XHTML Recommendations.

Related work:

"Television and the Web" Interest Group (Closed)

Coordination with External Groups

A first important mission of the TVWeb Activity is to coordinate with efforts in other TV standardization groups, avoiding duplication of effort and fragmentation of the Web by incompatible standards.

The following is a list of groups that are known or presumed to be working on or interested in integration of Television and Web technology, including pointers to the respective projects.


Philipp Hoschka, Last modified: $Date: 2005/01/11 10:45:43 $

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