From Maria Cuavas in Yakima:Yakima Herald Editorial Board claims “Constitution prevails in Selah”

This is a copy of today’s editorial defending the MMP’s right to assemble and people to protest— peacefully. This has never been an issue of NOT being peaceful!! At least with concerned citizens. The papers raised that issue.

This has been about asking where does the city of Selah stand using its tax dollars to support a racist organization? Now we know. And we know where Yakima stands.



Here’s the editorial from the Yakima Herald.

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.

Selah officials are to be commended for rethinking and reversing a decision to deny a meeting place to the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps. While initial concerns about having the controversial group in town on a regular basis were understandable, this is a case where constitutional rights trump perceived problems.

Selah Civic Center administrators originally denied a request for the Eastern Washington chapter of the Minutemen to meet weekly at the center starting in November. The decision was subsequently reversed Friday at the suggestion of Mayor Bob Jones and other city officials who said there was insufficient reason to deny the meeting request. The Minutemen meeting is now scheduled for the facility from 2 to 5 p.m. Nov. 12. A spokesman for the group had said earlier that his group will likely scale back its meeting to monthly instead of weekly to decrease the potential for confrontation with protesters.

From the Yakima Herald: Minuteman Opponents Rally


Miguel Rodriguez, left, listens in as Tony Sandoval whispers to Maria Cuevas before the start of a news conference. The three immigration rights advocates Tuesday denounced a decision allowing the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps to meet at the Selah Civic Center. “I object to their being able to meet in a public venue paid for by citizens,” Cuevas said.

Action Alert! MM Meeting in Yakima Oct. 24th

An urgent message from Maria C. in Yakima, WA. click here for a brief article on the Civic Center and the MM. - Carl

We need your help out here on the Eastside. As I write this email message, the Mayor of Selah(about 2 miles north of Yakima ) Bob Jones, has just met with Bob Dameron, local Yakima Chapter Director of the Minuteman Project (MM) to entertain the idea of allowing the MM to meet on Sunday at the Selah Civic Center . The Mayor does not want to violate the constitutional rights of the MM by not allowing them to use the meeting room as the group had requested. The Civic Center denied the MMP the use of their facility citing concerns with public safety. However, the Mayor is recommending to the Civic Center Board to reconsider their decision (to not allow them to meet). I do not know when the Board is going to meet and as such, I ask for your assistance in calling and emailing the following people to express your concern regarding the use of the Selah Civic Center for the Minute Men Project meeting and the presence of this vigilante group in Washington State .

I am asking that folks call the Mayor’s Office at (509) 698-7332 and the Selah Civic Center at (509) 698-7302 to urge the Board to reconsider hosting the Minuteman project, which has known white supremacists as members. You can also email your letters to the Selah Mayor, Chief of Police, Supervisor, and Director of Parks and Recreation (because the Civic Center is part of Parks and Recreation) at:;;;

As concerned citizens, we must speak up to protect those who do not have a voice.

This is not just about the Minuteman Project’s civil rights; this is also about immigrants’ civil rights and our own as well. If this hate group is allowed to meet to plan their racist agenda targeting our communities, we must ask ourselves, who among us might be targeted next? Is this part of the diversity we want in our communities? We cannot sit idly by to watch our friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and community members bear the brunt of their vitriolic actions fueled by gross misinformation and hatred.

In peace and solidarity,


Defending Democracy Series: #2 October 18th

Deeply disappointed by anti-immigrant legislation in Congress, a coalition of concerned Washington state groups will hold a community immigration hearing entitled Defending Democracy: Protecting Immigrant Rights and Strengthening Our Communities.

This hearing will highlight the drastic impact our unjust immigration system and draconian enforcement policies are having on many local communities, as well as the need for real immigration reform that protects civil rights, offers a path to citizenship and worker protections, and reunites families and helps businesses by reforming our visa system.

What: Defending Democracy: Protecting Immigrant Rights & and Strengthening Our Communities (a community immigration hearing)

When: Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 2006
(6 PM, reception; 7-9 PM, community hearing)

Where: Bellevue Community College, Carlson Theater,
3000 Landerholm Circle S.E., Bellevue , WA

The forum will feature voices from the faith, immigrant, business, labor, and other perspectives, and will provide a broad view of the impact current immigration laws have on our families, communities, and businesses. A blue-ribbon commission featuring King County Executive Ron Sims, Assistant US Attorney Bruce Miyake, Karen Yoshitomi of the Japanese American Citizens’ League, Rev. Monica Corsaro of the University of Washington , and Renee Radcliff Sinclair of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will hear and offer brief responses to the community perspectives presented. (more…)

Raise Your Voice! Indy Media Conferenc, Saturday Oct. 14th

The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center presents a Bellingham grassroots & independant media conference Raise Your Voice! with guest speaker Ray McGovern.

Saturday Oct. 14th @ 9am
Fairhaven Auditorium, WWU (free parking)

For more information and workshop times, please visit or call 360-734-0217

LATE NOTICE: More Minutemen in Yakima this Sunday!

I have just been notified that the organization GrassRootsonFire is meeting at 2:00p on Sunday in Yakima at 1120 No. 34th Avenue which is the American Legion Hall.

This is the organization that has been associated with the MinuteMan Project and has been visited by one of the national leaders Jim Gilchrist recently. You can visit their website ( to view their mission statement and recent activities here in Yakima .

To participate in a peaceful protest, please arrive at 1:00p Miller Park with signs (Not in Our Community; “Put Out the Fire”; Immigrant Rights are Human Rights, etc.) and we will caravan to the American Legion Hall.

The Minute Men have been recently active along the Canadian border in Whatcom County and this organization has been associated with their efforts. For further information see

Maria Cuevas

Living in the ICE Age: Gender, Immigration & Militarism - Oct. 23 @ WWU

Community to Community Development, the Social Issues Resource Center, the
Women’s Center and MEChA de WWU present:

“Living in the ICE Age: Gender, Immigration & Militarism”
7:00-9:00pm Monday October 23rd
Viking Union 565, WWU Campus

This past August 30th, forty ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
agents, armed and wearing bulletproof vests stormed into a local business
taking with them 32 men and women to the privately-run Northwest Detention
Center in Tacoma, WA. Many of them have been part of our community for
more than five years, if not since they were teenagers. ICE’s increasingly
heavy-handed tactics in Bellingham and across the nation have spread fear
and distrust amongst immigrants and their friends, loved ones and allies.

You are invited to a panel discussion with five local women caught in a
recent ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) raid and Rosalinda
Guillen, Executive Director of Community to Community Development. As ICE
continues to step up the intensity and frequency of their raids and
arrests, immigrants and their allies across the nation are coming together
to preserve true community security in the midst of this coming ICE age.

For more information: (360)650-6805 /