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Imperialism & War

peace, anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti-militarism.

actions & protests | corporate dominance | election fraud | imperialism & war 26-Feb-2008 14:46

RNC Welcoming Committee comes to Portland

From the open publishing newswire: On September 1-4 of 2008, the Republican Party is descending upon
Minnesota to celebrate their latest conquests in global domination and
exploitation. The RNC Welcoming Committee wants to make sure that this
time the fear-mongers will be met with their own biggest fear: people
mobilized, organized, and taking the future back into their own hands.

The RNC Welcoming Committee will be at the Blue Heron Infoshop on
Thursday, Feb 28th at 6pm to present subversion, critical analysis, and
ideas for how the future is taken back today. All are invited to the
free presentation

Blue Heron Infoshop
Reed College-3203 SE Woodstock BVLD
Grey Campus Center room 34


imperialism & war 23-Feb-2008 17:27

Eugene: Anti-Recruitment Rally THIS MONDAY

From the open publishing newswire: A crowd of students & community members will gather @ 9:30 Monday morning, in front of the Military Recruitment Center on 13th & Chambers to manifest this community's rejection of the state's war program & use of poverty, race, & other institutions to win new recruits to kill and be killed, oppress & be further oppressed. All are welcome and encouraged to contribute their voice, presence, & protest. Food Not Bombs will serve food and (fair trade) coffee & musicians of all levels are encouraged to bring their instruments. You are encouraged to join the bike parade leaving from the 16th/17th alley between Alder & Hilyard Street (campus neighborhood) or have your own. Let's kick recruiters out of our schools, neighborhoods, and minds. No Bodies, No War


actions & protests | imperialism & war | youth 19-Feb-2008 10:55

Students Plan to Walkout Against the War

Peace! From the open publishing newswire: As part of a nationwide day of action to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, students in the Portland metropolitan area will walk out of class on March 20. Students will walk out at 11:00 to converge in the North Park Blocks for a rally and march beginning at 1:00.

The event will address student-specific aspects of the Iraq War, and emphasize the responsibility that each citizen has to respond to this illegal and immoral war. As a group, students are adversely affected by the war in that we lack legislative representation, are targeted for military recruitment, and experience the loss of resources that comes from an inflating war budget. By walking out, students not only take a stand against the war, but also assert our own power as a community determined to enact change. Acknowledging that silence gives consent, students are willing to disrupt our education for one day to take a stand against five years of mounting death tolls.


human & civil rights | imperialism & war 17-Feb-2008 16:50

An Open Letter to Three Iraqi Women:

From the open publishing newswire: You don't know me and one of you will never have an opportunity to read this letter but you have each left your mark upon my soul.

If you don't already know it, the US military can train a man to kill but can not train that man how to handle it when he does. For this reason amongst many others my Marine son, John, who touched your lives in Iraq, (and through him, so did I), is in treatment along with other veterans of this and earlier wars.

There was a firefight in Baghdad, a 360 degree battle with the Marines taking fire from all around and overhead. You were there, not as a participant just a civilian and you are my first connection though I learned of you last because my son couldn't tell me about you until recently. Training had the Marines firing back reflexively at anything that moved, vehicles, stray dogs a blur of a shirtsleeve. The Marine who fired upon your husband and two children was almost 100 yards away and he jerked his weapon up in horror at the end of the burst and watched your family fall. You didn't know it at the time but he watched you run out to your family. He saw you in your light blue wrap as you went from one body to the other. He tried to avert his eyes as you picked up your dead child and then the other and wailed in your grief. He tried to look away but that light blue color was always in his peripheral vision, pulling at him drawing him back.


actions & protests | imperialism & war 16-Feb-2008 15:50

Report from Berkeley counter protest in front of City Hall

Code Pink Truck - more pictures here - http://codepinkjournals.blogspot.com/ From the open publishing newswire: Report from a Code Pink supporter who was counter-protesting "Move America Forward" in front of Berkeley City Hall:

I was at the Berkeley recruitment center event on the 11th and 12th. The Berkeley city council had drafted a letter telling the Marine recruiters they weren't welcome in that town and gave Code Pink [  http://codepinkalert.org/ ] a free parking space in front of the center to hold their protests. Code Pink activists are currently gathering signatures to zone the recruitment center out of town.

Of course, plenty of folks aren't happy with this, and right-wing radio tools are rallying their ever-faithful listeners to come to the "defense" of the Marines. Republicans in Washington have drafted a bill, the "Semper Fi" bill [ link to chronicle.com ], to punish Berkeley for this "snub" by the city council, which would take away $2 million of Federal money from the city and give it to the Marines. As if the Marines don't have enough of a budget already (how about this, Congress? Take away *Blackwater's* entire budget and give it to the Marines. That's a measure I'd sup


actions & protests | imperialism & war 04-Feb-2008 16:36

Video: Youth Led Peace March

Youth Led Peace March From the open publishing newswire: This weekly Peace March starts on 35 and Taylor behind the Sunnyside School Elementary School, and is organized by a 14 year old boy.

This inspiring bunch of kids (and a few adults) have great spirit and are bringing the peace message to the community, which as you see overwhelmingly support them.



actions & protests | human & civil rights | imperialism & war 01-Feb-2008 18:49

24 - HOUR PEACE VIGIL (Fri - Sat) 4:00PM in Sandy Ore

From the open publishing newswire: To mark the one year anniversary of their weekly peace vigil the Oregon Trail Democrats, (Sandy Ore) along with other local peace and justice advocates, will be holding a "24 Hour Peace Vigil"on the corner of 362nd Ave and HWY 26 in Sandy, PM Friday,February 1st until PM Saturday, February 2nd, 2008.


actions & protests | imperialism & war 29-Jan-2008 14:42

School of the Americas Watch: Teach-In & Report Back

From the open publishing newswire: Many Americans don't know about the school's existence, much less the infamous and dark shadow it has cast through its short history. Come hear from a variety of angles: how U.S. foreign policy has effected Latin American social movements, and stories about those personally affected by the implementation of what continues to be taught at the school. You'll hear from a prisoner of conscience who spent 6 months in a penitentiary for participating in non-violent action against these atrocities, and there will also be a few students and SOA Watch members sharing from their time at the yearly protest and vigil in Ft. Benning Georgia this last November.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008, 7pm
Concordia University, 2811 NE Holman St Portland, OR 97211


corporate dominance | government | imperialism & war 29-Jan-2008 14:37

WA State Democrat Central Committe Supports Impeachment

From the open publishing newswire: The Washington State Democratic Central Committee voted on January 26, 2008 to support SJM 8016 and HJM 4027,the two memorials in the state legislature calling for impeachment investigation of Bush and Cheney.

The resolution quotes the text of SJM 8016 : "WHEREAS, America has
only until January 20th, 2009 to signal to history that America will
not sanction torture, America will not sanction unprovoked war, and
America will not sanction illegal spying, including on its citizens"


actions & protests | energy & nuclear | imperialism & war 22-Jan-2008 10:34

17 arrested honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Trident submarine base

From the open publishing newswire: The Trident submarine base at Bangor is located 20 miles west of Seattle. It is the last active nuclear weapons depot on the West Coast and is the place of deployment for approximately 1,360 nuclear warheads. Another 1,000 warheads are stored on the base in inactive reserve. The Trident base at Bangor has the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads in the United States.

120 people were present at the demonstration commemorating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the gates of Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor on January 19th. 17 demonstrators were arrested at the highway entrance into the base.

At 2 PM on Saturday, demonstrators walked from the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action to the entrance of Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor. After a vigil for peace at the base, six demonstrators entered the highway on federal property, walking arm-in-arm toward the base while singing "We Shall Overcome." At the same time, five other demonstrators blocked the highway entrance to the Trident submarine base while holding a banner with a statement by Dr. King which stated, "When scientific power outruns spiritual power, we end up with guided missiles and misguided men."


government | imperialism & war 22-Jan-2008 10:29

WA Impeachment: SJM Passes in Committee!

Impeach Bush and Cheney Now! From the open publishing newswire: Wshington State. Senator Oemig's revised petition calling for a full investigation and trial of alleged misdeeds by President Bush and Vice President Cheney passed a vote in the Senate Government and Operations Committee today, Monday 21, 2008.

SJM 8016 2007-08, revised for 2008, calls on Congress to initiate impeachment hearings for the President and Vice President. The bill, first introduced Feb. 15, 2007, was heard before the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on March 31st, 2007 with over 500 pro-impeachment citizens in attendance.


actions & protests | imperialism & war 18-Jan-2008 01:42

Packed House and Drama in Olympia: Impeachment Hearing 1/17

Packed hearing room--Washington Legislature From the open publishing newswire: Well over 100 people filled Hearing Room 2 and an overflow room in the Cherberg Building today to hear statements in support of SJM 8016 calling for impeachment investigations. Only a handful of people got to speak but those who did spoke eloquently on their desire to see the Constitution restored.

Senator Oemig made the opening statement at the meeting that started at 3:30 with only the Democratic members of the committee present: Fairley (chair), Pridemore, Kline and McDermott. He said it was unfortunately necessary for the state legislature to act. Since he first introduced the bill ten months ago, there are more abuses, he said, the most recent being the White House destruction of emails. "We can no longer hope and pray that these abuses will stop," he said. The state legislature must act. "If we fail to pass this memorial, we will tell Washingtonians that we are as unwilling as Congress to take a stand to protect the Constitution."


green scare | imperialism & war | prisons & prisoners 17-Jan-2008 14:16

Will The Real Eco-Terrorists Please Stand Up? 2nd Prison Dispatch from Jonathan Paul

Jonathan Paul From the open publishing newswire: When I was arrested in early 2006 for the destruction of the Cavel West horse slaughterhouse, the media went into a frenzy with headlines describing me as an "eco-terrorist" or "eco-terror suspect". The local newspaper in my area had a heyday putting out stories fed to them by the federal government. The news media in my area surely enjoyed being the mouthpiece for the corporations and the government. For me it was not the fact that they reported the story of my arrest, but how they reported it.

The government's use of the term "eco-terrorist" works well for their fear-mongering and paranoia inducing plans to terrify the general public into complacency, inaction and silence. After the September 11th attacks, the government proclaimed that anyone who opposed the policies of our government would now be dubbed a "terrorist". This was the perfect opportunity to begin to shred the Constitution and to reign in our civil liberties protected under the Constitution by using fear. By instilling fear in the American public, our government and the corporations that rule the government, began to criminalize the people's right to oppose their practices, therefore ensuring their bottom line - maximum profits for 1% of the population, the super-rich and elite.

As I sit here in prison I see red-tailed hawks flying overhead. I see rabbits running through the fences and razor wire like it isn't there. I see ducks and songbirds fly over me. I see true freedom. I hate being here. I know why I am here. Although I chose many years ago not to use fire as a tactic because of the inherent dangers involved, I know somewhere out in the world a wild foal is born and a herd of horses run free because the Cavel West horse slaughterhouse no longer exists.


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