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Cascadia is the northwest coastal region of North America, including the area surrounding the Cascade mountain range extending from Humboldt County, Calif., to the Alaskan panhandle, and covers much of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.

A narrower definition of Cascadia refers to the area influenced by the Cascade mountain range and the 100 miles of coastal lands between it and the Pacific Ocean. Cascadia is a Pacific Rim nation-state concept and a possible basis for regional autonomy, as plans are made to secede from the respective countries that envelop the Cascadia bioregion. For many residents of the Pacific Northwest, Cascadia is a state of mind fostered by the lifestyle of this unique biosphere and has become a geographical identity spoken of with pride.

education | environment | police / legal 07-Mar-2008 11:32

Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, MARCH 6-9TH 2008

From the open publishing newswire: Taking Place at the U of O Law School in Eugene, the four-day Conference includes over 125 panels, workshops, and multi-media presentations addressing a broad spectrum of environmental law and advocacy. Topics include: forest protection and ecological restoration, grazing and mining reform, labor and human rights, air and water pollution, Native American treaty rights, globalization and "free" trade, environmental justice, corporate responsibility, marine wilderness, international environmental law, water rights and dam removal, oil and gas litigation, genetic engineering, and urban growth.

Indigenous Sacred Estates: Protecting the Climate at Home
Land Use, Energy Depletion, and Climate Change: Opportunities for Action.
Solving the Energy Crisis: Are We Making the Right Policy Decisions?
Pacific Northwest Old Growth Protection and Forest Restoration Legislation
Bends in the River: New Developments in Clean Water Act Policy and Litigation


green scare | prisons & prisoners 06-Mar-2008 16:12

Tacoma Jury Convicts Briana Waters of Arson; Hangs on Other Counts

briana waters From the open publishing newswire: Tacoma, WA - A federal jury was unable to reach a decision on conspiracy and transportation of a destructive device but convicted Briana Waters, a 32-year-old mother and violin teacher and former resident of Olympia of arson. The government charged her with being a lookout in connection with the May, 2001 arson of the Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington in Seattle. If convicted on all counts, Waters would have faced a sentence of 35 years. The two informants who testified against her in the case, who admitted to participating in the arson, face between three and seven years. Ms. Waters' sentencing is set for May 30.

Without any physical evidence linking Ms. Waters directly to the arson, the government built its case on the testimony of the two informants, and a number of pieces of circumstantial evidence. The defense argued that the informants falsely accused Waters in order to avoid 35-year prison sentences themselves, and that their testimony was demonstrably false. "The government's case was primarily based on character assassination and guilt by association," said civil rights attorney Ben Rosenfeld, a member of the Board of Directors of the Civil Liberties Defense Center. "Evidence of other people's writings never should never have been allowed to be used against her."


police / legal | prisons & prisoners 05-Mar-2008 23:38

Support the Evergreen 5

From the open publishing newswire: On the morning March 5th, 2008, five individuals were arrested by the Thurston County Sheriffs office on charges related to the incident following the Dead Prez show at the Evergreen State College. After much media hype about the events that occurred in the morning of February 15th, the police are finally taking action to ensure the blame be put on the community they attacked. Video taken after the concert clearly shows that police officers attacked a peaceful crowd of people without issuing an order to disperse or giving any warning. The so-called riot that ensued was a direct result of police violence, and an indirect result of racism on the part of the police. Both the incident itself and the response demonstrate a systematic abuse of police power, as officers from Washington State, Thurston County, Evergreen, Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater were all involved and have yet to be held accountable.

The Valentines Day incident began when an unmarked 'security' person pointed out an individual who he accused of starting a fight with him over smoking a joint. At this time Evergreen police arrested Kaylen Williams, who maintains that he only tried to break up a fight that security started with another person in the crowd. Protests to free Williams after the concert were entirely non-violent until the Olympia Police Department responded to the scene. When OPD arrived they began clubbing and pepper spraying the crowd. Many of the concertgoers suffered chemical burns and one young man was hospitalized with internal bleeding.


green scare 05-Mar-2008 09:02

Peter Young Speaks in Santa Cruz

Peter Young in Santa Cruz From the open publishing newswire: On February 23rd, Peter Young, an animal liberation activist and former Green Scare prisoner, spoke at the Louden Nelson Center in Santa Cruz before a screening of "Behind the Mask" at a benefit for the SHAC 7.

Peter grew up in Los Gatos, California and moved to the state of Washington at the age of nine. He went to college at the University of Washington where he became involved in animal rights activism. In 1997, Peter and a friend liberated over 8,000 mink and foxes from various fur farms in a two-week road trip across three midwestern states. In 1998, indictments were handed down for his arrest and of accomplice, Justin Samuel. After nearly 7 years on the run, Peter was captured in San Jose in 2005 and served almost two years in prison until his release in early 2007.


gender & sexuality | health | legacies 05-Mar-2008 09:01

Barbara Seaman, women's health activist, dies at age 72

From the open publishing newswire: Extraordinary women's health advocate, activist, journalist, writer founder of NWHN died Febraury 28. Barbara Seaman, author of "The Doctor's Case Against the Pill" and "The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women" has died. She was 72.

"The Case Against the Pill" resulted in hearings on the risks of birth control pills, and warnings placed on birth control pill packaging. She disclosed the risks of cancer and Hormone Replacement Therapy in "The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed on Women". She compares use of HRT in the US and Europe. In Europe, HRT is treated for a short period of time and women are told to taper off the medication once menopause is over. In the United States it has become a money making industry, with doctor's prescribing long-term, cancer inducing medication to women. Menopause in the US is treated like a disease.

Seaman founded the National Women's Health Network in 1975.
She was a journalist, activist, organizer, mother and grandmother.

To read more about Barbara Seaman go to womensspace.wordpress.com


green scare | police / legal | prisons & prisoners 03-Mar-2008 16:53

Tre Arrow Trial Date Set for May 6

From the open publishing newswire: Judge Hubel scheduled Arrow's trial for May 6th. Arrow is to be held as a flight risk and potential danger pending the trial. Arrow is currently being held in Multnomah County. Because of security concerns it is not yet known where he will be moved to. Tre faces fourteen counts with the charges of arson and conspiracy alone possibly resulting in life sentences.

Greeted by press outside the courthouse after the arraignment, (attorney) Loney stated that Tre felt that the time was right to return to Oregon to set the record. "His spirit is great," said Loney. "We are very happy that U.S. marshals will meet his raw vegan diet. He is a strong, centered and spiritual individual. This is what has carried him through."

Also speaking to press was Tre's sister Shawna Scarpetti. "Over the past four years we've had the time to discuss about how unjust and unfair what he is facing is. He absolutely believes that his attorneys will secure his freedom."

Statement From Tre Arrow|

Free Tre Arrow|

Audio and Photog Report Back from Tre Arrow Arraignment


actions & protests 01-Mar-2008 19:33

Students Protest Mexican Trade Commissioner

Holding a banner in front of the stage as Sergio Rios begins his presentation. From the open publishing newswire: At Seattle University (feb. 21st, 2008) students and community activists use a variety of tactics in protest to a lecture about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), given by the Sergio Rios (the Mexican Trade Comissioner).

On Thursday Feb 21 over fifty students from Seattle University, the University of Washington and community activists protested against the presence of Sergio Rios, the trade commissioner of Mexico, who spoke on Seattle University's campus about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). During the year Rios travels throughout the west coasts of Canada and the US and encourages trade with Mexico (which has become increasingly efficient for corporations as a result of NAFTA). SU students were moved to action after having organized a panel discussion on free trade, indigenous rights and migration earlier this year.


education | environment 01-Mar-2008 12:50

Skillshare Radical Botany -Week 6: Plants for clothes, shoes and utility- Plant: Cattail

Cattail From the open publishing newswire: Radical Botany: Arising from or going to a root or source; Arising from the root or its Crown: radical leaves. Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in the current practices.

GRASSES,REEDS, RUSHES and SEDGES- The plants of utility

For Thousands of years First Nation people's created everything they needed in their lives from plants, rocks, earth, water and fire. They used fire and rock to forge the tools they needed for harvesting the raw materials. Plants gave them the bulk of the materials they needed to create clothes, shoes, blankets, hats, protection from the elements, home furnishings, storage containers and cookware. These people lived simple lives, uncluttered with "stuff" that would poisoned their world. Everything they created decomposed back to the earth, so there was no need for collecting and discarding garbage into unsafe environments. There was no collection of vast islands of plastic and metal collecting in landfills, oceans and streams. People kept these utilitarian objects for years, patching them and only creating new when absolutely necessary. Elders passed on favorite tools or baskets to youth. The young felt blessed by such a gift. Along with the gift of the tool or basket came wisdom and valued knowledge about the natural or spirit world. How were plants used?


prisons & prisoners 28-Feb-2008 11:17

Jeffrey Free Luers has been resentenced to 10 years!

From the open publishing newswire: February 28, 2008 (Eugene, OR)- This morning at 9:00am in Lane County Circuit Court the re-sentencing hearing for Jeffrey Luers took place in front of Judge Billings. This followed an Oregon court of appeals ruling in February 2007 that Luers original sentence of 22 years 8 months by Judge Lyle Velure was illegal, and the appeals court remanded the case back to Lane County Circuit Court for re-sentencing. Following the appeals court decision, negotiations have resulted in the decision today to reduce Luers sentence to 10 years, bringing his release date to late December 2009.

In June 2001, then 23 year-old Jeffrey "Free" Luers was arrested for the burning of three trucks at a Eugene car dealership. His stated purpose was to raise awareness about global warming and the role that SUVs and trucks play in that process. Despite the fact that this action hurt no one, caused only $28,000 in damages and the cars were later resold, Luers received the draconian sentence. Luers gained support locally as well as all over the world as a political prisoner. It is widely believed that Luers received such a drastic sentence because of the political nature of the action he took. Following his original sentence, Amnesty International and the Eugene Human Rights Commission (EHRC) issued letters of support citing that the sentence appeared to be politically motivated.

Jeff Luers statement to the court


actions & protests | imperialism & war 28-Feb-2008 10:36

FUNK THE WAR! March 19th War Anniversary Action

From the open publishing newswire: On the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq war, Portland's radical community will be taking on Portland's war profiteers. While were at it, we plan to throw the one of the best parties the streets of Portland have ever seen.

Portland Guide to War Profiteers

Movement Building In Portland - CM, Funk the War, and Walkout!


actions & protests 27-Feb-2008 11:05

Radical Workshops in Eugene Starting Friday

From the open publishing newswire: Join Lane Community College Students for a Democratic Society, the Civil Liberties Defense Center, and the LCC Peace Commission in a series of workshops.

Friday Feb. 29th, 2008 2:00pm - 3:30pm
"Battle for the Port"with Leah Coakley & Patrick Edelbacher, Tacoma Students for a Democratic Society. This interactive workshop focuses on the diverse and effective acts of resistance at the Ports of Tacoma and Olympia. After analyzing the organizing and sharing the story of the actions, the workshop will look at what worked and what challenges remain. An emphasis will be placed on the potential of meaningful large group actions and other issues relevant to the group.

Friday Feb. 29th, 2008 3:45pm - 5:15pm "Civil Rights & Liberties Post 9/11: Practical Steps to Restore the Constitution" with Lauren Regan, Executive Director Civil Liberties Defense Center & Dave Fidanaque, Executive Director ACLU Oregon. Civil rights and liberties have been under grave attack for the last several years. Panelists will illustrate the rollbacks to our civil liberties through specific cases and legislation they have worked on recently including the Green Scare, SHAC 7, the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, and many others. Come learn how your rights have been eroded since 9/11 and why we are no safer.


police / legal 26-Feb-2008 14:42

WEDS: Clackamas Co. to hold hearing on Use of Deadly Force

From the open publishing newswire: ALERT: Public hearing on Wednesday re: the use of deadly force in Clackamas County. The hearing begins at 5:30 pm in Courtroom 5 of the Clackamas County Courthouse, 807 Main Str., Oregon City.

The hearing will be held by the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office and will address the county's draft of a new policy re: the use of deadly force. According to the O, the new policy was drafted "to satisfy a 2007 state law aiming to bring uniformity and fairness to the processes following a police shooting."

Draft copies of the plan will be available at the hearing and afterward at: www.clackamas.us/sheriff. A two week public commenting period follows.

Police use of deadly force accounted for 40% of the homicides in Clackamas County in 2005, the year Fouad Kaady was gunned down so cruelly and needlessly. Since June of last year, Clackamas Co. deputies have been involved in 3 lethal force cases. To my knowledge, every officer involved in a lethal force case in Clackamas County has been cleared of wrong doing by secret grand juries.


green scare | police / legal | prisons & prisoners 24-Feb-2008 14:57

Briana Waters Defense Starts Monday

From the open publishing newswire: The Defense starts for Briana Waters trial on Monday, February 25, at 9am. Federal Court House, 1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA. The Defense for Briana Waters will start on February 26 and is expected to last a week. There is a little left on the cross examination of Agent Halla and then the prosecution will rest. Now we can hear Briana's Defense!

Court begins at 9am on Monday, February 26 at 1717 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA. There is housing available for people who come and need a place to stay. Now is the time to show our support. This is a call to come support Briana Waters this week! This will be a critical week, and probably the last, and there needs to be as much support as possible in the court room.

South Puget Sound Indymedia


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