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Welcome to a gathering that's like none other — remarkably uninhibited, intelligent and iconoclastic.

The regulars in this place include noted authors, programmers, journalists, activists and other creative people who swap info, test their convictions and banter with one another in wide-ranging conversations.

The WELL, originally the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, provides a literate watering hole for some articulate and unpretentious thinkers. [more about The WELL...]

Fresh Conversations

What's cooking?
What are you making for dinner? (Members only)

Want a profitable Second Life?
How virtual quests have spawned a real-world economy (Guests welcome) bubble icon Subscribe to an RSS 2.0 feed of new responses in this topic

Words vs. actions
Does an inspiring speaker always make a strong leader? (Members only)

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Membership is not for everyone: partly because we are non-anonymous here. This means that as a member, you know the names of the people you're talking with and they know you, leading to real relationships. Here's how to decide whether The WELL is for you, and whether you're for The WELL. [more on how to join...]

Where in The WELL are you?

Charles Haynes, software guy
I love cooking and eating, so my top two favorite conferences are easily Cooking and chow.ind. Cooking to talk about cooking food, and chow.ind to talk about eating it. After that it gets harder, since there are so many great conferences to choose from, topics ranging from sex and sexuality to photography or jazz music. I'd have to say though that I love San Francisco in all its many facets so the San Francisco conference is my other home on The WELL. [more recommendations...]

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