27th February 2008


I just found out my esteemed service provider is closing down its hosting service in March. In fact, the mail to any address at dailyflute.com is disappearing down a Nelson Hole already. Perhaps this is a good time to draw a line in the sand for the Flute. I’ll probably be back in another shape or form before long, but I don’t think I can be arsed restoring this site as is on another server. For fuck sake, when I first did a Daily Flute back in 199? the word “Daily” was quite satirical. How humanity has grown.

To Guido and Georg, can you leave me a comment so I get your current email address (fill in the email field, don’t leave it in the message body). I’ll back up your sites tonight so don’t come out with a Pulitzer Prize winner after that.

To all you muppets over the years who read this silly old bollocks, you have my thanks.

And really, saying “sorry” wasn’t that fucking hard after all was it?  I’m sure letting gays and lesbians get married, detention centre immigrants getting a fair go, having more than 1 sodding woman on the 2020 panel, having more than 1 sodding non anglo male on the 202o panel, etc, etc, won’t be that hard either.

12th February 2008

Nelson: Sincere apology

Nelson’s Sorry Equation


23rd January 2008

Yidos 5 Gooners 1

Howdo campers.  A nice welcome home present for Tottenham fans.  A quick scan of the news doesn’t show much ado in politics, but I’m sure they’ll get back to being fuckwits after Australia day.

2nd January 2008


Forgot to say I’m on hols, and will be buggering off for my annual outing to nowhere for a few weeks.  Thanks for your continuing patronage, November was the most successful month ever at Das Flaut by a fair way.  I would say see you next year, but it’s too sodding late for things that scan nicely like that.

If you’re in Canberrra, be sure to check out the Behind the Lines exhibition at the National Museum of Australia which somehow I’m in again.  I’ll pick up my pictorial game in one way or another this year.

And rumour has it, Kudelka’s hot potato book 101 Uses For a John Howard is getting a bit of a rarity, so get in quick (I bought four) or you’ll miss out on a slice of Strayan History before it gets revised by the future Pyne/Mirabella Government.

20th December 2007

RIP WorkChoices III

Doc Twat’s new chief of staff 2006 HR Nicholls speech:

We though, at ACCI, have basically maintained the policy framework that the CAI agreed to in 1991 and it is available in graphic detail in the 166 page Modern Workplace, Modern Future Blueprint that we released at the end of 2002.

This is a policy that goes well beyond WorkChoices and in our view still needs to be implemented.

Some of you may think that a Costello Government or a Nelson Government or a Downer Government of the future might abolish the minimum wage.

Don’t believe those lying liberal fuckers for one second about IR.

RIP WorkChoices II

Phew WorkChoices is dead, I assume that Peter Hendy has been hired to be Brendan Nelson’s chief of staff purely for his looks then, and not to work out a way of putting a phew hundreds and thousands on the dogturd of coalition IR policy.

RIP WorkChoices

In the latest reinvention and clasping for the nearest expedient policy straw, Doc Twat and the increasingly irrelevant SHADOW cabinet have abandoned WorkChoices.

Now that the rabble across the floor have acknowledged that the ALP, the Unions, and the majority of voters were right and they were oh so very wrong, can we at last get an admission that spending over $100 million advertising WorkChoices was a complete waste of our money?

Never again should we have to put up with taxpayer funded political propoganda. The high risk of policy abandonment makes it a shithouse investment.

Every time Doc Twat and the glory be crowd get ants in their pants over an ALP policy in the future that costs less than $100 million, this atrocious and corrupt use of government should be thrown back at them. They wasted our money to fill the pockets of the liberals’ advertising agency de jour and like the spineless little lying fuckwits they are, tossed it aside and will no doubt waste all their energy telling us that WorkChoices will never ever happen again.

Exploitation of workers for the inexorable siphoning of capital to the top is in their blood, they will never let go of it. With Workchoices as a public policy they were fulfilling their aims, without it they have less substance than a silent fart in the Grand Canyon.

18th December 2007

Liberals in turmoil: More proof

How bad can it be for them?  How much at the arse end of politics can they get?

Doc Twat opines on the need for the libs to get over factional differences in this Adelaide Now article, but their real issue is the following description (and it’s not the first time I’ve heard this label):

Senator Nick Minchin, the leader of the Right in SA, was a key backer of Dr Nelson’s leadership move after the election loss and helped him get the numbers to defeat contender Malcolm Turnbull.

Senator Minchin has often been at odds with Sturt MP and Moderate leader Christopher Pyne.

There you have it.  They have careered the panzer so far off to the right that a dickhead like Pyne is actually the “Moderate Leader”.  When Newton did his first prism experiment, perhaps he pondered what lurked in the shades of faintest violet on the border of human visibility.  The word “moderate” would not have sprung to his mind.  And not even a bumblebee with Carl-Zeiss binoculars could see where Minchin parks his arse on the political spectrum.  The good guys are going to be around for a long time whilst this mob continue their pissing contest in obscurity.

Hendo speaks

Hendo talks utter bollocks today in the SMH.

In short he is saying that the government should prop up inefficient businesses and allow them to pay shit wages by providing welfare. He doesn’t go into too much detail on how taxes would be raised on bugger all wages to pay for the welfare though.

This is the essence of the contradiction of the right wingers’ argument. On the one hand, keep the public sector out of the private market (we don’t want inefficient governments picking winners do we?) but on the other, the public sector should subsidise the private sector to screw workers (well maybe the government should er pick some winners).

The flaw in the living wage concept even became evident when, in the 1909 Broken Hill Mines Case, Higgins declared that it was better for an employer to go out of business than to pay employees less than the prevailing basic wage as determined by the taxpayer funded and tenured judges on the Arbitration Court.

Without any safety net that would be dire indeed, but we now have safety nets so there is no flaw. The system is quite simple, you work, you get paid a fair wage, if the business can’t do that anymore, you lose your job, you rely on state welfare until another opportunity arises from captial investment in a more efficient market, productivity rises, the economy grows, we’re all happy. Hendo’s system means you work, you get paid bugger all, it gets topped up with welfare, the business continues to operate profitably by paying bugger all, preventing capital investment in more efficient areas, productivity lessens, the economy slows, we get a recession, we’re all sad.

17th December 2007

unAustralian of the Year nominations: Final call

Last chance to nominate for unAustralian of the Year 2008.  Comment here to put someone forward.


I popped over to see Keating! last week on closing night, and it was a smart and entertaining night.  So funny, I’ve just booked for next year as it’s returning in July/August 2008 to the Seymour Centre.  If you haven’t been, and you’re not a sense of humourless liberal git, then it’s well worth going.

Oh, and the sky hasn’t fallen in yet has it?

11th December 2007

unAustralian of the Year nominations

It’s that time of year again to nominate who will succeed Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt as unAustralian of the Year for 2008.  The rules are simple:

No current or ex politicians
Leave a comment to nominate.
Must be a living Australian Citizen.
Nominations close 18th December.

Depending on the amount, we’ll have the usual semi finals and final.

Separated at birth?

Brendan Nelson and Thomas Keneally: Separated at birth?

Housekeeping, plus out smartarsing Hendo

CurseIn all the recent excitement I forgot to renew my domain, but its back and dandy now. 

Oh yeah, the politics bit.  Is it just me or is the point that ex PM John Howard lost his seat to a female ex ABC journo huge bloody news that doesn’t seem to be getting the coverage it deserves?  It seems to be so matter of fact, just one seat listed in the myriad of liberal losses. 

Of course, now that we smug lefties have the Stanley Bruceupper hand, I can reveal that some time ago I placed a curse on Howard.   In March 2006 I did this picture for the SMH and kept a bit of mystery about who the best man was.  In true Gerard “Since this has happened, I can now say I predicted it some time ago, but if it didn’t i would have kept my gob shut” Henderson fashion I can disclose that the unknown MC is Stanley Bruce, the only other PM to lose his seat (in 1929, mainly because of IR changes).

10th December 2007

Libs stoushing continues….

The chronology of the liberal leaks is interesting:

Turnbull tells Costello that the ballot was bent.
Nelson wins 45-42.
Turnbull gives Nelson a “verbal bollocking”
Press reports a “verbal bollocking”
A moment of peace and quiet
Tollner looks set to lose Solomon
Press reports that Turnbull told Costello the ballot was bent
Bailey loses her seat
Liberals deny there’s a leadership challenge in the offing

I’d give it a couple more days before another leak featuring Turnbull in a cameo appearance, or until the McEwen recount is done, but it looks like Nelson is in an untenable position of being leader with the numbers on a knifedge.  The only question is one of timing: Is it better to get it out of the way now, budget time, or next year?

In a great win for democracy just four voters in McEwen might have changed the liberals prospects from down on the ropes, to out on the floor.  To think, this rabble ran the country for 11 years.  The liberals were a magnum of shaken up bitter fizzy shite with Howard as the cork.


Paul Batey (not a barking mad scientologist)

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