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Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela crisis: 4-5 March 2008 (updated III)

by rahul | March 4, 2008 at 10:23 am | 577 views | 5 comments
Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela crisis: 4-5 March 2008 (updated I)
Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela crisis: 4 March 2008
Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela crisis: 4 March 2008
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Caracas, Venezuela, 4 March 2008. The Americas crisis continues. It was ignited by Colombia on 1 March 2008 when its military and police forces entered Ecuadorian territory to kill No 2 FARC leader, Raul Reyes,  and other guerrilla members. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe lied to his Ecuadorian counterpart by telling him there was a combat and his forces acted in self defense when killing FARC members in an area near their common border. After in loco investigations, the Ecuadorian military forces found otherwise.  Colombia had entered its territory unsolicited to launch night air raids 10 kms inside Ecuador and kill FARC members in their sleep. Pictures clearly show they were shot in their backs. Then, Colombian forces visited the temporary FARC camp and took the dead bodies of two FARC leaders to parade them in Bogotá; the left behind three injured  guerrilla women who were rescued by the Ecuadorian army. One of these women is Mexican. There is unconfirmed information another one is the daughter of FARC chief Marulanda. The role played by American bases in the area is still unclear.  As the crisis escalated, Venezuela shut off its Embassy in Bogotá and sent tanks to the common border with Colombia. Ecuador had sent troops to its Colombian border earlier. As the evidence of its infringement of International Law emerged, Colombia said both Ecuador and Venezuela had supported FARC which it considers a terrorist group. New evidence emerge that contact with FARC was done in the frame of humanitarian negotiation lo liberate Colombian hostages. Ecuador unveiled it was very close to achieve liberation of 14 hostages including ailing French Colombian citizen Ingrid Betancourt. France confirmed Colombian knew of those contacts which also included Spain and Switzerland.  According for a FARC communiqué, No 2 FARC leader, Raul Reyes, was negotiating an encounter with Franc President Sarkozy when he was killed.   Ecuador called for an urgent meeting of American State Organization (OAS) for today. It will gather at 15:00 when Ecuador will present a case for the illegal violation of his sovereignty.  Brazil and Chile are working hard for a diplomatic solution to the regional crisis. Quito cut off diplomatic relations with Colombia and Venezuela expelled Colombian Ambassador and staff. US has backed Colombia.

Today, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa visited Lima, Peru, to explain the position of his country and ask for diplomatic support against Colombia. Correa will be visiting four other Latin American countries shortly.

After paying a short visit in Bogotá to just liberated hostage Gloria Polanco, Colombian President Avaro Uribe promised to take Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for  financing genocide. Colombian government is using information found in an undamaged computer supposedly belonging to Raul Reyes and that survived the air raid. The Colombian Venezuelan border has experienced increased control and commerce is disrupted. Petrol is not being sold to Colombians at the Venezuelan side of the border. 

During the 34-member-OAS meeting this afternoon, most OAS members agree Colombia should give a satisfactory response to Ecuador. They also stress the inviolability of sovereignty and call for a Foreign Minister gathering before 11 March 2008. Ecuador asked for an investigation in situ for OAS and a peaceful solution of the controversy with Colombia. It concluded, Colombia had violated its sovereignty and the very OAS charter.  On the other hand, Colombia continued to link Ecuador and Venezuela to FARC as justification of its violation of International and Regional Law. Venezuela rejected allegations submitted by Colombia. It also stated the violation of Ecuador sovereignty was the outcome of a Colombian policy of genocide and war.

Speaking from Caracas, Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affair, Nicolas Maduro, also rejected as baseless the legal thread by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe against President Chavez. Uribe said he would be taking action against Chavez at the ICC.

Worried over the impact of this crisis on regional integration, Uruguay asked for an urgent meeting of Mercosur. The Rio Group is expected to analyse the crisis too at its gathering on 7 March 2008 at Dominican Republic. Bolivia asked for an UNASUR urgent meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs on Thurday at Dominican Republic too.

It seems that the diplomatic crisis among Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela has been brought to a temporary halt. It is now up to OAS to further the peace process and settle the issue before 11 March, 2008. Otherwise, the crisis might continue its path towards confrontation. It is very unlikely, Quito or Caracas would resume their formal diplomatic dealings with Bogota. Commercial relations might continue at a slow pace though. Humanitarian negotiations to release more Colombian hostages could take place if there is a satisfactory solution to the regional crisis by 11 March, 2008.

On 5 March 2008:

Sources: Globovision, unionradio, BBC mundo, Caracol, RCN, El Comercio, LATimes, Hoy, El Universal, El, Le FigaroLa Hora,  El Universo, Liberation, Telesur, PrInside, PressTV, El, Prensa Latina, RFI, IPS,

Related stories: Number 2 FARC guerrilla leader Raul Reyes killed (updated III), Chavez sends tanks to Colombian border,  Chavez closes Venezuelan Embassy in Colombia (Updated VII),

March 4, 2008 at 10:23 am by rahul, 577 views, 5 comments

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good stuff:

rahul, thanks for keeping us updated. It doesn't sound like the crisis will be resolved any time soon, unfortunately.

Thank you Rachel. The crisis could be solved diplomatically within the regional dispute settlement offered by OAS. Let us keep our fingers crossed for the OAS meeting this afternoon.

Rahul: Thanks for your report, I am keeping an eye on the situation.

Nice article, though some of the facts conflict with other news reports I have read. The largest figure for the raid is around 3 km, not 10. Colombian helicopters flew south from Colombia (Though there is a lot of uncertainty on this fact), and the supposed links of Ecuador with the FARC were not the "justification" for the invasion of territory, they were rather mentioned as a complain to the OAS after the finding of documents on Reyes' computer. FARC leaders' bodies have not been paraded anywhere; I have not read anywhere else that Uribe lied to Correa about the raid being an act of self-defense, Colombian reports suggest that Colombian generals contacted Ecuadorian authorities before the raid (although I am not sure if they indicated the possibility of entering Ecuadorian territory) although Ecuadorian authorities deny this.

Bugmenot123. Thanks for your comments on my story.

  • May I bring to your attention that on many occasions, the Ecuadorian government insisted Colombian forces entered its territory more than once. (Please read my relates stories) According to their official findings, an air raid was launched 10 km inside Ecuadorian territory. That explained why the air raid took place in a South North direction and not an East West one. The role played by American bases is to be investigated yet. I am glad you have mentioned it because it is precisely the reason why Ecuador insisted OAS should investigate the facts and make an official and impartial report. That is also the reason behind the rejection of a Colombian diplomatic note as a final explanation of the violation of Ecuadorian sovereignty.

  • The body of two FARC leaders were taken to Bogota and paraded to the press and Colombian audiences. That is why a picture of a dead Raul Reyes in sleeping garment appeared in the Colombian newspaper own by the family of the current Defense Minister. Worse of all was the fact that three injured women were left behind unattended at the FARC camp in Ecuador. This shows the most striking fact about the invasion. It was brutal and inhumane. As you might be aware, even most dangerous prisoners have their human rights protected. No wonder, Justice is depicted as blind jus because it does not make distinctions.

  • Regarding the arguments mentioned by Colombia against Ecuador and Venezuela, I invite to read or hear the Spanish version. You may find it at the OAS site. You may also read the Spanish Ecuadorian newspaper and governmental sites to learn that Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa was rather hurt by the lies of President Uribe. As you might have read already, Quito cut off diplomatic relations with Bogotá.    

  • Bugmenot123, please feel free to write you own version or story on this crisis. Your profile does not contain any story yet. So, I very much hope you enrol in citizen journalism fully. Commenting on others stories is just one part of this great experience. Researching, writitng your own piece and publishing is also very geat. Perhaps, you may find that my way of citing sources is a bit overwhelming but it could be of help on your writing and when answering readers.

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