Tag: Texas

Henry Jenkins - Opening Remarks SXSW 2008

NowPublic@SXSW2008: LiveBlogging Saturday

Austin, Texas -- NowPublic is on the ground here in sunny Austin, Texas for the annual digerati, film, and music festival blowout that is SXSW.We'll be posting stories, photos, and video of all the Interactive action...
Press Silent on Obama Texas Win

Press Silent on Obama Texas Win

Today the press is in a bind.  Having announced prematurely a Texas win to Clinton, they stand today to be corrected. A quick search on Google yields few articles on the Texas nominating contest results and...
Bush says "HOWDY DOODY" at journalists' dinner

Bush says "HOWDY DOODY" at journalists' dinner

OpinionBarry Artiste, Now Public ContributorThe President of the United States in preparation of his eventual departure from office next year arrived in style at Washington Journalists Dinner. President Bush donning...
Barack Obama in Dallas, TX

What Constitutes a Conspiracy?

The root word in conspiracy is conspire and for the purposes of this piece, I intend for conspiracy to refer to the action of secretly plotting unlawful acts as well as the act of conspiring among conspirators. On...

It’s McCain/Bush, stupids! Get your heads in th...

"“I’m not a member of any organized political party, I’m a Democrat"Will Rogers" One Citizen's OpinionbyLee DunkelbergGood, God! Just how much do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to give the White House to McCain/Bush/Hagee? It’s almost as though they...

Massive SnowStorm Hits Ontario, 50cm Expected

Hold on to your hats Toronto, we're in for another storm, this one is expected to last at least 36 hours and dump 50cm of snow between Friday and Sunday.You can see what happened the last time we had even a third of...

Ron Paul Admits 'Conventional Defeat'

Ron Paul is getting out of the race."In a message posted on YouTube on Thursday, Representative Ron Paul acknowledged that he would not be able to win the Republican presidential nomination. “Though victory in the conventional political sense is not available in the...

Obama now may win Texas; would be victory for old...

One Citizen's Opinionby Lee Dunkelberg Right now, it appears Barack Obama will actually get more delegates in Texas than Hillary Clinton. That's due to the state's precinct convention system (called "caucus" by the clueless). The count of delegates continues at a snail's...
Tap Dancing News: Hillary and Rush

Tap Dancing News: Hillary and Rush

All the news that's fit to tap
The ruins of Palenque represent a woman-ruled society

Mexico: Chiapas offers stunning contrasts

"SAN CRISTÓBAL, Mexico – Contrasts are what produce "wow" moments in Chiapas, Mexico's southernmost state.  It's Mexican. But it's really more Mayan. The Spanish were afraid of the jungle and never succeeded...
Prime Minister Stephen Harper at MHHS dinner

Canada is deciding next US President

The involvement of the Canadian government in determining the Democratic challenger to Bush's successor is pretty remarkable."The NAFTA-Gate controversy has taken another turn, one that could potentially boomerang...
Jeff Healey Dies March 25, 1966 – March 2, 2008

Jeff Healey Dies March 25, 1966 – March 2, 2008

Award Winning Jeff Healy dies of Cancer, a Cancer which took his eye sight so many years ago as a child.  One can be sure there will be many Guitar players gently weeping"."ENTERTAINMENT COLUMNIST ...
The Real Jack Nicholson ad for Hillary

Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results...

Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News from TX, OH, VT, and RI. All of our posts are in reverse chronological order.  The newest stories are first, oldest last.  Results: 3:33...

It ain't over til its over department

I was struck by how the MSM was ignoring the caucus in Texas which will determine the fate of 67 delegates. Here is what I found out. The Democratic race in Texas has a two parts. The outright election and the caucus. In the regular election par of the primary, Clinton, with...
Raw Video: At Least 2 Dead in Wendy's Shooting

911 tapes released in Wendy's shooting

In what is still a big mystery to police and public alike, the 911 tapes of the Wendy's shooting that happened Monday have been released to the public. They reveal the panic and despair of what happened that...

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