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High steppin’ and fancy dancin’

"I ran across this a few days ago and posted it as an update on the previous thread. Rather than be accused of burying the lead, I wanted to take the opportunity to ask our readers this question: “Is it legal for dead people to make political contributions?” I don’t...
Mitt Romney's Best Take-Away Quote On Religion :: MAXINE

Mitt v Hillary: Take the Quiz

"Listening to their current stump speeches, Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton seem like polar opposites. The Democratic lightening rod and the former New England governor appear to offer voters a contrasting vision of...

Texting may be hazardous to your thumbs

" Well, it had to happen sooner or later. The first recorded case of “Text Messagers Thumb”. In New Zealand.  "The 20-year old student is thought to have sent up to 100-text messages/day, which resulted in inflammation of the tendons in her thumb, causing grave...

Breakthrough lithium battery charges to 90% in ju...

Toshiba announces a groundbreaking alternative to hydrogen fuel cells......"December 13, 2007 Toshiba have stunned the world with their announcement of what's pretty much the holy grail in Lithium battery technology – the Super Charge ion Battery, which recharges up to 90%...
El único

Daimler expects huge US demand for tiny Smart car

"German car maker Daimler said Tuesday that next month's launch of its tiny Smart car in the United States will unleash such stiff demand the company will have trouble meeting it. "We will not be able to meet demand...

Nuke to the Future

"The portable nuclear reactor is the size of a hot tub. It’s shaped like a sake cup, filled with a uranium hydride core and surrounded by a hydrogen atmosphere. Encase it in concrete, truck it to a site, bury it underground, hook it up to a steam turbine and, voila, one...

Club for Growth: conservative hypocrisy?

Club for Growth President Pat Toomey was recently quoted, "Earmark reform will shine a glaring light on the profligate pork barrel projects and the politicians who sponsor them,"  It didn't occur to him  that earmark reform also exposes the recipients of...
Brave New World?

Brave New World?

"PARENTS of sick children in Britain will be allowed to use IVF to create “spare-part babies” under controversial laws published yesterday. The legislation will dramatically relax rules on IVF clinics creating...

More on The Club for Growth’s smear of Mike Huc...

"UPDATE: "Emmett", a commenter who has joined the discussion, has rightly pointed out that my original post did not make the proper distinctions between Jackson (Jack) Stephens who passed away in 2005, and his son Jackson (Steve) Stephens, Jr. I have edited the original...
Hillary! Uncensored

Hillary! Uncensored

"WASHINGTON — One gift that Hillary Clinton is unlikely to enjoy on her 60th birthday Friday is the premiere of “Hillary Uncensored,” a scathing documentary whose 13-minute trailer has been No. 1 on Google...

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