Burbank, CA
Member since: November, 2007
MomLogic is an online community "for thinking moms who don't have time to think."  In addition to posting topical, entertaining and relevant stories, the site features breaking news and how it affects the lives of mothers and their families in an ever-changing world. is produced by Telepictures Productions, an industry-leading producer of syndicated programming and winner of 49 Daytime Emmy Awards. Sabrina Weill (formerly of “Seventeen”) is editor-in-chief.

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MomLogic > Kenyan Bloodshed Hits Home

MomLogic > Kenyan Bloodshed Hits Home

Even though I'm not her Mom, I still want to know that she's safe. "When I saw the New York Times article about erupting violence and bloodshed in Kenya, I immediately thought of Loise Atieno, the 12-year-old Kenyan...

"My 6-Year-Old Started Her Period"

Debbie Smith is a British mother whose daughter started puberty at age 3. Age three! We then talked to Joy, a Mom whose daughter also started puberty at age 3. Both of their daughters experienced what doctors call "precocious puberty," an uncommon condition that occurs when...

"My 6-Year-Old Started Her Period"

Debbie Smith is a British mother whose daughter started puberty at age 3. Age three! We then talked to Joy, a Mom whose daughter also started puberty at age 3. Both of their daughters experienced what doctors call "precocious puberty," an uncommon condition that occurs when...
In Re-Mission: Video Game Cancer Treatment for Kids

In Re-Mission: Video Game Cancer Treatment for Kids

A video game helps children deal with devastating effects of cancer. Have you heard there's a video game that helps kids fight cancer? It's called Re-Mission and it's developed by a non-profit called HopeLab. In the...

What is Maternal Profiling?

Do you know what Maternal Profiling is? We didn't until we took this pop quiz from our friends from Maternal Profiling is employment discrimination against a woman who has, or will have, children. According to MomsRising, women without children make 90 cents...

MomLogic: Zoey 101 and Your Grade Schooler

Tips for talking to a younger child about Jamie Lynn's pregnancy.Yesterday, MomLogic gave parents tips on how to talk to their tweens and teens about sex. But many fans of Zoey 101 are age 6 to 9, so we called our friend Jessica Sheets, spokesperson for the National Campaign...

I Am Not My Mother ... But I Inherited Her Breast...

One of MomLogic's own recently shared her first hand account of detailing the many ways in which cancer has affected her life.She writes, "When I was three years old, my mother died of breast cancer, leaving a loving husband and 11 children behind. That event has shaped who I...

MomLogic: Talking to Teens About Sex

Our editor-in-chief comments on Jamie Lynn's pregnancy and how to talk to our teens about it.Almost all news outlets have reported on the Jamie Lynn Spear's pregnancy, including Although our thoughts go out to the struggles a family faces when a teen daughter...

Holidays with Rocco and His Mama

Rocco and his mother's exclusive interview with MomLogic.We're not sure if there's a celebrity Mom who's cuter than Rocco Dispirito's Mom, known to all as Mama! The two have such a strong bond, which was beyond apparent when they cooked up stories, laughs and love for our...

When Being a Mom Sucks

With the joys of motherhood, sometimes come horrible thoughts. How do you know if you're capable of hurting yourself or your kids?The news is filled with tragic stories of mothers who snap and harm their own children. A Mom in Texas recently smothered her 4-year-old to death...

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momlogic is reporting from
Burbank, CA, United States

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