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Patrick Swayze has cancer

by mindanarchist | March 5, 2008 at 12:07 pm | 1328 views | 5 comments
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Sadly, the man who played the ghost is destined to meet his maker sooner rather than later. I've done some more digging and it's not totally clear what the full story is. Do you think it's true?

Swayze's representative has confirmed the rumours about cancer but not about the prognosis.

Patrick Swayze is being treated for pancreatic cancer but is doing well enough to continue working, his representative said Wednesday.

Patrick Swayze, best known for his role in Dirty Dancing, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told that he has just five weeks to live.

Swayze, 55, has been sick with the disease since he was diagnosed in late January with pancreatic cancer. The cancer has since spread to other organs and now the actor/dancer is dying.

For the past month, Swayze has been traveling to Stanford University’s prestigious cancer center in Palo Alto for radical chemotherapy, but his doctors are no longer optimistic that the treatments will be successful, according to the National Enquirer.

But sources close to the actor/dancer insist the story is far from true, and Swayze is at work on a new movie in Los Angeles.

According to the Enquirer, the Dirty Dancing star was reportedly diagnosed with the disease in January and immediately checked into Stanford University's cancer center in Palo Alto, California for a gastro-intestinal procedure.

Swayze, 55, is said to have undergone three doses of chemotherapy, which has helped shrink a tumor in his pancreas. But doctors are not optimistic they will kill the cancer.

Reports suggest the star has lost more than 20 pounds over the last few weeks and has had to resort to a liquid diet, because he's struggling to keep down solid food.

A source tells the National Enquirer, "He was told he could have two more treatments, but his cancer was not responding. In short - they held out little hope for a cure."

Swayze's spokesperson has confirmed the actor was "home and happy" after the operation but has refused to comment on the nature of his illness.

And an insider on the set of his unnamed new film tells celebrity blogger Perez Hilton that Swayze appears to be in good health, stating, "Patrick has been at rehearsals for a new cheerleading movie at a Century City studio frequently... and he definitely does not look like he has five more weeks of life left?"

"I'm not sure of his medical condition, but, if he is gravely ill, he is hiding it very well."

Further calls to Swayze's representatives were not returned by the time WENN went to press.

March 5, 2008 at 12:07 pm by mindanarchist, 1328 views, 5 comments

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This is so sad, Dirty Dancing is one of my favourite movies of all time. I can't believe it - 55 is so young. I can't even imagine what I would do with 5 weeks left to live.

I notice that all of the non-Enquirer postings on this subject have a question mark in their headline, hedging their bets in case the story deserves the ol' Fishy Flag. (I hope it's not true*- my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer, and it's a really crappy way to go)


(* And for every celebrity case, there're thousands of not-so-famous sufferers out there) 

Cancer, cancer, cancer. My mom-in-law had it, my mother had it, I recently lost my sister to it. Wish instead of all the funds spent on killing people with weapons and bombs, we would spend more on cancer research and find cures for all kinds of cancer. I feel truly sad for the actor and for his family.

Oh G-d Patrick Swayze!?

I remember turning to jello in my early twenties when I first watched Dirty Dancing (I've watched it around 20 times since, with kids!) seeing those incredible muscles ripple as he danced.  Then there were all those great action films.  *sigh* 

If he's truly dying, many will miss him, but none more than his wife, Goldie Hawn and their children.  They are one of the very few Hollywood couples that have never been in scandal.

He'll certainly be in my prayers ...
    ~ Swan

Goldie is not his wife, Swan, Goldie is with Kurt Russell.

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