Countdown to Microsoft's "J.Lo 3"

Everyone on the internet today is talking about the big launch of J.Lo 3, the latest game in Microsoft's J.Lo Trilogy which, as I understand it, will provide the thrilling conclusion to the events that began in J.Lo 1 and became awesomer still in J.Lo 2. I can't wait!

I think the people at Microsoft are doing a great job keeping this big secret until midnight tonight, because I can't even find the official J.Lo 3 website on the internet. But Google turns up this gaming gem, and some wallpaper. I agree, this game sure was worth waiting for.


Take a look at this

I love this game...if you have trouble finding it, check ebay...I'm sure they have this Jenny on the block.

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There goes the rest of my week!

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I knew my purpose in life would reveal itself sooner or later. At least, until J.Lo 4 is released!

Take a look at this

Thank you for not offering any spoilers!

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Pfft, J.Lo 3 is the most over-hyped game since Geres of War (though I will admit that that gerbil move was a killer). For real fun give JLO Star Wars II a try!

Take a look at this

Wow, guys, I found the theme music for this long-anticipated game!

Take a look at this

Gilda Radner would be proud, Xeni.

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