Part of Patriot Act struck down: ISPs must get court approval

A federal judge today struck down portions of the US Patriot Act, saying investigators must obtain court approval before they can order ISPs to turn over records without informing their customers. Link (Thanks Danny)


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Just a thought, but how about having to get the customer's approval before turning over their records?

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What are you, a turrist?

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#3 posted by Anonymous , September 6, 2007 4:11 PM

Great news for the folks in the 2nd Circuit. Unfortunately this is not binding on the rest of the country, and will surely be appealed to the Supreme Court by the government.

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Thinks: I haz a turrist in meh pantz. *mimics shocked cat face*

We're all turrists these days if we do something Big Brotha doesn't exactly like.

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#5 posted by Anonymous , September 6, 2007 4:17 PM

What is a turrist? I can't find meaning of this word anywhere?

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Yurei: I believe we need a cat macro for the italicized portion of your comment there.

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And anyone who thinks that thinks that electronic surveillance or records-snooping is ever justified, even with court approval, is a Bush-loving neocon Christo-fascist.

(many heads nod in perfect unison)

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Here's a nickel, kid:


Go buy yourself some fresh straw men.

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#9 posted by Anonymous , September 6, 2007 4:46 PM

You... may want to fix the headline, as ISPs aren't the ones who have to get court approval, here. ;)

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this is one of the reasons I love boing boing so much, the civil liberties news. and this is good news. at least the country isn't totally fucked yet.

'He said when "the judiciary lowers its guard on the Constitution, it opens the door to far-reaching invasions of liberty."'

God damn right.

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It's about freaking time. Anyone who honestly believes that terrorists are a bigger threat to our freedom than an ignorant electorate or power-hungry public officials is out of their mind.

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#12 posted by Anonymous , September 7, 2007 12:02 AM

'turrist' = intentional typo for 'tourist' (methinks)

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Of course, I didn't see anything in the court's opinion which would prevent an ISP from simply cooperating with the government and not telling its customers, something I wrote about here. Of course, I'm sure that we have nothing to worry about and that such behavior is totally hypothetical...

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Turrist = terrorist (Texan pronunciation)

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