Visions of the Future/Listography

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    In this first episode of Boing Boing TV: Listography (a book and website by Lisa Nola about documenting your life in lists); "Visions of the Future" (some cool old French lithographs by a guy named Villemard about life in the future, which is now the present); and a Unicorn Chaser (title card art by Ape Lad; video is the theremin-playing robot LEV doing Patsy Cline's "Crazy," by Ranjit Bhatnagar of A production glitch resulted in a lack of credit for that robot theremin video inside the episode. Please forgive us, o robots.)


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    Boing Boing TV? Oh, this is hot. People look at me funny when I say I don't have cable. Stuff like Boing Boing TV is ten times better than the crap that's on $60/month cable.

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    Congrats on the launch, gang! I can't wait to see what this evolves into over time.

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    > People look at me funny when I say I don't have cable.

    What's cable? Is that how some still watch TV?

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    I'm sure I'm not the first to ask... Where's the podcasty version for iPod/iPhone? :-)

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    #5 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 8:38 PM

    i've been a fan of BB for quite a while now, and visit several times a day, nice to see this TV addition good luck, cant wait to see more :D

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    i love it guys. thanks for continuing to push.

    btw, i'm having trouble with the tv feed. looks like it might be a little confused...

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    #7 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 8:46 PM

    Xeni is HOT!

    But seriously, what is the point of putting together a "best-of-youtube" collection with some commentaries connecting them? Too much work for you, guys.

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    Only a flash version? Will there be a downloadable version available?

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    #9 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 9:12 PM

    The RDF feed doesn't work with Miro Player.

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    yay, BBTV! i love it! but... podcast? PLEASE? my iphone would look even schweeter with BBTV on it!
    : ))

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    rss werkin now.

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    #13 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 9:28 PM

    Tried to subscribe in Miro, but what downloaded does not appear to be a video. Any ideas?

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    I'm likin' it. Moving boing boing.

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    #15 posted by m1k3y Author Profile Page, October 2, 2007 9:38 PM

    awesome development!

    you guys continue to show everyone else how it can be done...

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    Many thanks for checking it out, guys!

    (1) podcastiness coming! RSS feed and the ability to subscribe via iTunes will be live ASAP. Hopefully Wednesday October 3, the day on which we were *supposed* to launch anyway. We just couldn't wait.

    (2) THanks for the reminder -- I've udpated the post to include a direct link to the MP4 file above, now, for iphone users and others who get indigestion from flash.

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    Wow! Congrats, this is great! The production looks terrific and I can't think of a better topic to open with than "Visions of the Future" guys are the future. Back to my electroshock learning...

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    Awesome. Great work, guys. Looking forward to the podcast.

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    #19 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 9:55 PM

    frigg: move over web2point0, 2.1 is on the move.

    excellent! nice nice nice!

    outta the ballpark! rocks. r00lz. pwns! whatever.

    love you d00ds, thx fr n0t resting on yer laurelz!

    secondary kudos for adding joel: he's the bestest of the bestest. great call; grand addition. a prize 4or y00!!!


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    Well done.

    That said, the Theremin was a bit flat.

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    I love this to bits!

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    I hate to be the wet blanket, but I think I like reading BoingBoing more than watching it. I read at my own pace: I can multitask, I can skim the posts I'm not terribly interested in, I can listen to The Perceptionists while I read.

    Also, after a couple years of reading the site, I've established the voices I hear for all of y'all, and it's jarring to see/hear the people behind the rhetorical voices. (Don't worry: Your imaginary voices are way awesome.)

    Granted, some or all of this is probably just transitional. And I'm not suggesting you stop with the BoingBoingTV; just that I don't think it's going to fit with my own rather hyperkinetic reading style.

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    @Jason Cosper: Boogahhhhhh! Hi!

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    It plays on the Wii! Yay, compatibility! I wish Gametrailers/Gamevideos did, you think they'd be on the ball with that.

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    #27 posted by Anonymous , October 2, 2007 10:26 PM

    thnk hll frz vr bcs Xn sn't tlkng bt Gtml r th Phn.

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    Great job, I'd love to see more!

    PS: Credits? I think I heard a piece of Les Rita Mitsouko in the beginning.

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    i think it's okay, but it feels like you're playing it safe or something. i would suggest moving a little faster, something like ask a ninja or geek brief.

    also, it feels way to fancy and professional for boing boing. that's a compliment, btw! maybe try standing up, backing away from the lens a bit, get threadless or someone to send you some awesome shirts, and lose the green screen.

    of course, some people really liked it, so you really can't please everyone. but to me, boing boing tv kinda moved at a dora the explorer pace, and i'd love to see you guys having fun and showing some enthusiasm when on camera! it's got potential, i'll give you that!

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    whats with that swirling opaque background? it almost distracted me from the real focus of the clip, xeni's eyebrows.

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    Anyway of getting some other format of downloadable video? When I download the .mp4 I get a message that says "error - 2002: a bad public movie atom was found in this movie". Anyone else get this?

    Would be nice to see it available in something like an .avi or .mov. That way I could put it on my Zen:Vision player. (Not everyone uses IPods.)

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    Too short! Too fast! Not enough!

    This could easily become the geek version of Sesame Street or Monty Python. But just make the pieces longer and provide a menu and Presto - a geek version of Youtube! I love it!

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    Am I the only one who has a swoon-on for Xeni?

    Holla if you hear me!

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    #34 posted by Luc Author Profile Page, October 2, 2007 11:52 PM

    Don't mess with Xeni, she is channeling Grace Jones.
    Great stuff guys, I am looking forward to more!

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    Mark, I've known you for nearly ten years and this is the first time I've seen you with your hair combed. It's kind of freaking me out.

    Love the show. Keep 'em coming.


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    This positively reeks of awesome and bears strong premonition of much win yet to come.

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    #37 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 12:32 AM

    Whl t shld b bvs tht xn s pyng th cmrmn by flmng hr pc jckt pn, n br, wht y cn't tll s tht mrk s, n fct, sns pnts.

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    #38 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 1:00 AM

    Diggin' the fancy animation, freaked out by the glowing red ur-space. Why was there a unicorn chaser with no preceeding goatse or story about brain-eating bacteria or something? And if is terrifying but true, why do I want to go there?

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    Congratulations on the launch.

    Alas I have to agree with MadMolecule that I don't really like the TV-format experience. I love BB and have been reading it daily for a few years now. While visiting BB always gives me something to discover, the TV format just leaves me empty. It's like the difference of visiting a foreign place on your own with a map or being driven thru it in a tourist bus.

    BTW, I'm also slightly shocked about the 3D animation at the beginning, as BB used to take a stand against bland CGI (like here: so it's strange to see you do the same thing with your own logo.

    On the bright side: I did like the unicon chaser bit at the end, though and the production looked classy.

    I just hope that the written BB stays your #1 priority, because the time spent producing the TV segments can eat up valuable web discovering time.

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    #40 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 1:47 AM

    Hey - That's Wink Martindale! Woo Hoo for the Winker!

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    Thanks for the chaser when, for once, there was no need.

    Gotta love the theremin.

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    #42 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 2:15 AM

    >don't have cable

    How do you then get fast internets?

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    #43 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 2:40 AM

    If we're asking for feeds, any chance of a .3gp formatted version? You know, for us non-iPhoned smartphone users...

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    #44 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 2:59 AM

    It's a very encouraging start, with a fuzzy feeling of geekness that really doesn't hurt.

    And don't underestimate the sexy geekness appeal of Xeni !

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    #46 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 3:07 AM

    Does anyone know where the 60s film shown can be found? I can't seem to find it on YouTube.

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    I think the TV is a good idea, but I think you guys need to make it a bit more like the site. I think I mean a little more raw. Someone mentioned to lose the green screen, I agree.
    Show a studio in the background, or a window (unless you're in a basement! hehe).
    It just feels a little tense. When I say tense, I mean with all the fanciness. Then again who's to say that my vision of BB (plain, filled with goodness on the inside) is the correct one eh?
    Also some parts sounded a little like a TV commercial (I don't mean the egg one). Then again if you think about it, boingboing is kind of marketing for many different sites and articles... hehe

    And I am sure that the intro animation will be "fixed" one day, may I suggest an animation sans 3D? :)

    One thing you did well this time, is the format. I think that 5-10 minutes is a good time for any podcast, 30 minutes is too long. I often leave podcasts lying around for years before I have time to listen to them. Here in Stockholm the longest subway ride is like 20 minutes (not a joke) so you see my point right?

    Anyway I am sure that lots of kinks will be worked out as time goes on, so please don't take this is a criticism, rather first impressions and suggestions. I'll certainly follow this fancy futuristic development to see where it leads. :)

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    #48 posted by MattR Author Profile Page, October 3, 2007 3:13 AM

    Great work - love the 'crazy' robot and you guys are even better looking on moving pics than you sound on the podcasts.

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    #49 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 3:13 AM

    Too bad for techno-luddites like me who refuse to use Flash for ethical reasons (Adobe sux as well as proprietary software, as well as crappy plugins that take 100% CPU to display ads...;)

    Could you make the video downloadable too? You're not affraid of "pirates", are you ? ;)

    Pretty please with sugar-on-top!!

    jz, anonymous.

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    #50 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 3:51 AM

    Dear Boing Boing,

    This is very neat, my only comment is that the CC license is useless without the option to embed, or even better copy the video in an editable format.

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    #51 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 4:03 AM

    your style of cyberpunk always surprises me.

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    #52 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 4:53 AM

    It was so... smooth.

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    Agree with previous commenters, my first thought too was it looks to fancy; the intro, the backgrounds, the player, even the way Xeni speaks. I'd prefer something more casual, natural, raw, authentic. Also, I thought some of the bits were passing by a bit too quickly and you didn't quite get the point. A more natural speaking style with non-prepared bits, but just normal talking -- like you'd talk to a buddy! -- might help here too. Plus, maybe more subtitles to indicate the segment or URL etc., this might also aid "scrolling" through the video via the time slider.

    On a technical note, the streaming wasn't smooth, maybe you guys need to change to lower quality, I think quick streaming is a little bit more important. Not sure what player this is, but YouTube might make it easier for people to handle & embed it as they're used to it. Another technical note, the player somehow interferes with this comment box, partly causing you to not be able to type here.

    I'm sure the format will evolve, interesting start.

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    #54 posted by Chad Author Profile Page, October 3, 2007 5:36 AM

    Don't listen to 'em. You guys are the top blog and highly professional individuals...we shouldn't be surprised when your clips reflect that. Great work!

    Just when I thought it was impossible to love you guys more, you drop something like this! I'm going to have to quit my job and become a full-time BB fanboy.

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    #55 posted by krex , October 3, 2007 6:06 AM

    boingboing rules the school.

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    Re: what is TV?
    I believe it's that big thing that looks like an old monitor that people have in front of their living room sofa. I used to own one back in the 90's...

    Do people actually still have things like that?

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    I think the new BBTV is great, though it seemed a bit too scripted and, dare I say, fake. I agree with the others that it lacked the raw feeling that you get from the blog, but it was the first episode and I'll cut you some slack for trying something new, that I did still enjoy very much.

    Any chance you might do the Tivo-Cast thing like Rocketboom?

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    "Lng tm n th mkng" nd tht's th bst y cld d?

    h wll...s lng s Nrcsss wsn't prmtng nthr fctn stry/spkng nggmnt. 'm jst wndrng f h'll b spkng n thrd prsn whn h stps n frnt f th cmr.

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    The "Recent Comments" section on the right is all in upper-case, making all us clever comment-makers
    div class="block" id="block-recentcomments">
    to give us mixed case again?

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    Pretty good beginning. I'm excited to see what else you guys have got in store for us. The theremin-playing robot was key though.

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    #63 posted by rxbbx Author Profile Page, October 3, 2007 7:47 AM

    Like it.. nice parts..

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    I I do agree it's very crisp, however it does have some rawness to it just because it is Boing Boing TV after all!
    Thanks for keeping it short and sweet, too :)

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    I can't believe it, I just made it through an entire web video without closing the window before it ended.

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    #66 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 8:14 AM

    I wish you luck. I won't be seeing any of these, because they are in Flash. Do you anticipate adding any reasonable formats? Ogg Theora would be ideal, but I can play a variety of things under Linux. I won't install Flash because their license is unreasonable.

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    #67 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 8:26 AM


    well done, BB, for addicting me to your site even more. I think you have to pay me for that soon, right?

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    #68 posted by pgee , October 3, 2007 9:48 AM

    Wow.... And to think this all started with a stack called "Beyond Cyberpunk"....what a long strange trip it's been!....

    Good luck...!

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    Mark's a rad dude, but I don't think he works well as a TV host.

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    looks great! xeni, as erudite and lovely as ever. one question, why was it shot in the lower atmosphere of Mars?
    keep more episodes coming...maybe try some other planets...

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    #71 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 10:37 AM

    Go Boing Boing!
    Two more mediums and BB's path to world domination will be paved.

    Keep up the good work.

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    #72 posted by tonx Author Profile Page, October 3, 2007 10:49 AM

    I for one welcome our new gel-haired iptv overlords. please have an episode in the future with Joel Johnson disemboweling a lobster.

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    Do we get to play too? Can we submit "features" 'cause I've got a few clips that I think fit with the style and tone of BBTV. I'm so excited! I can't wait to have my videos rejected by Boing Boing just like all my other stuff.

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    I love this. My biggest complaint is that it's wayyyyyyyyy tooooo short!

    Please make it longer, like a half hour... 15 minutes at least. And, where was Cory? Cory's got to get involved in this, too.

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    Gotta get this on Miro. I even donated money to it because you (boingboing) told me to.


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    Nice stuff. The robot needs tuning though.

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    Great job on this! I love it!!!
    But Mark, where are your cool glasses!?

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    Am I the only one who thought Mark's section came off like a less-informative "Good Eats" with Alton Brown? Mad dorky jokes, yo.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Joel on some episodes though. I have a feeling he'll come across a bit more casual and laid-back. Though he could freak out at the thought of thousands and thousands of people watching him worldwide and flip the fuck out. Only time will tell!

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    truly awesome !

    (& so much better than the crap i work at every day here at our station)

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    #80 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 3:06 PM

    Is that Wink Martindale, famous game show host, and singer extraordinare à la Red Sovine ("Deck of Cards") helping his wife shop there?

    - Clyde (sans Bonnie)

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    #81 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 3:30 PM

    Very cool! Volume was low, though - I had to max my laptop to hear this.

    Also, Xeni should *hold up* the book she's reviewing. And maybe *announce* it's a book review. Talking heads can be a little sterile.

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    Hey guys, a text version of this would be really great. I can read text 10 times faster than you can talk!

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    Brad, does your girlfriend know you talk like that? Just kidding.

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    Its crazy to finally put faces to names.

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    #85 posted by Anonymous , October 3, 2007 7:13 PM

    Very nice! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Good job, guys! It was all so good I totally didn't need that unicorn chaser, but it was lovely anyway. Can't wait for the next episode!
    Love, JenDiggity

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    Good going, kids. Mark, I think your glasses would actually look good on-screen. Xeni, you would look better if... well, I'm actually not sure how you could look better. I look forward to screentime for Cory, Pesco, Battelle and Joel, and BBTV ad infinitem, especially as a template for other videoblogs/podcats.

    That Theremin-playing robot needs a little tremulo in its approach if it wants to sound like anything but a siren.

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    cool- something else to occupy my time...maybe i should look for a job...

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    Wonderful. Same great taste as the regular blog, and just as filling!

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    Very nice! For some reason, it seems like lately a lot of very good new content has cropped up. First Morgan Webb put together her daily capsule report of tech & associated news (from gaming to tech-related financial). Next I found out that Adrian Pasdar of Heroes posts to Youtube under the name 'buckshotwon' featuring funny little films he makes of his castmates and behind the scenes of their TV show. Now you guys have the random cool stuff corner staked out. It's especially nice to see and hear the people behind boingboing because it makes it a little more personal. (I'm looking for highlights, personally). Of course, with Xeni's broadcast experience her delivery is amazing.

    If I had a camera I think I'd be starting that "cooking for beginners" show I always wanted to host! ;)


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    What, only micro-trolls? Too slick, too fake, waaaah! BB continues to move toward universal domination one medium at a time. Now, if only you could exert control over certain people in Washington D.C. to open their view of the world. Bravo!

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    #91 posted by Anonymous , October 5, 2007 4:34 PM

    larmo says,
    Thanks to WebbAlert I have discovered this site and will view every new episode.
    I watch, Crankygeeks, and listen to Leo Laporte's TWIT, and the techguy as new episodes are aired.
    I've seen the Boing Boing "Blonde Lady" (yeah, she's fashionably HOT!), on the "Screen Savers", and am glad to add Boing Boing to my infomation center.
    With all of these great podcasts online, I actually forgot about the new network TV season!

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    #94 posted by Anonymous , October 10, 2007 7:27 AM

    Bravo! Cant wait to see where you take this Boing Boing. Keep up the good work.

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    i thought you said 'Lisztomania'

    here he is flying a woman-powered plane
    whilst being shot at by an electric guitar;=related&search;=

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