Great Moments in Gygax: Random Harlot Encounter Table


From the first-edition Dungeon Master's Guide. I've been trying to roll 66-75 my whole life. (Thanks, Bald Face Liar!)


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#1 posted by Sxe , March 5, 2008 8:49 AM

Some fine, fine synonyms in that left-hand column there.

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In elementary school, some boys got in trouble for talking about buying a "hooker" in D&D.; Some of the girls heard them and complained about sexism and the like.

I don't remember how it ended, but the upshot was that the boys maintained that a "hooker" was some sort of hooked weapon and they were not trafficking in sex. The girls did not believe them but had no way of proving otherwise.

We (I did not participate) were all like, 12. Jeesh.

Take a look at this
#3 posted by jessek , March 5, 2008 9:48 AM

this just makes me think of the Dead Alewives sketch with the guy in the kitchen yelling "If there's girls there, I wanna do them!"

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What's the saving throw vs. venereal maladies?

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I used to sell used RPG items on eBay, and whenever I listed a 1st edition DMG, I would include that table in the writeup.

Always sold 'em :-)

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#6 posted by Anonymous , March 6, 2008 5:14 AM

"...and so forth".

That cracks me up.

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