S.P.A.M. Theater

In today's edition of Boing Boing tv, dramatic readings of real-life unsolicited emails. Part one, HOWITZER CANNONPANTS, a spiritual and pharmaceutical parable that ends not with ressurection, but erection. Part two, THANKS, MAURICE, one of dozens of emails received by Boing Boing editors from a disturbed man in Canada who sought cash, justice, and an end to "Mind Controlled Hatred."

Dead media and living light

Today on Boing Boing tv, another episode in our ongoing series of experimental animated shorts.

First, regular BBtv contributors monochrom from Austria give us The Void's Foaming Ebb, a hallucinatory retrospective of ancestral media -- from the eight-track to the VCR to long-extinct PDAs -- and a meditation on dead data-forms of the future (created by: Frank Apunkt Schneider, Christoph Sonnleitner, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Stefan Scheder, Roland Gratzer, David Dempsey). German version here.

Next, 198090 by BBtv favorites Peppermelon from Argentina -- a sweet short suggesting new forms of luminous eco-erotica (created by: Fernando Sarmiento & Tomás Garcia).

History of war through food; Dog impersonates boozy Orson Welles.

Today on Boing Boing tv, surreal shorts about food and drink, in a two-part showcase of works from filmmaker Stefan Nadelman. First, "Food Fight," a stop-animation piece that provides an abridged history of war, told through the foods of the countries in conflict (Ed.: the original work has been edited for time, and captions have been added to assist the history-impaired). Next, "My Dog Impersonating Orson Welles," in which a pooch clutches a bottle of champagne, and attempts to form sentences.

Klaus Pierre, French-German Action Hero in Training in America at Coffee Shop.

If you stand in front of a cafe on Sunset Boulevard with a giant beatbox on your head, will chicks dig you? French/German actor Klaus Pierre explores this enigma, and reflects on the challenges of dating in America.

Klaus aspires against all odds to become America's next great action hero. We met him in the previous BBtv episode "Point Break and Heartbreak," in which he revealed his devotion to the great Keanu Reeves; then followed him to swordfighting class. Today we learn that becoming a great action hero isn't all about the fight -- it's about pickup lines, too.

Special thanks to Nick Nardelli and To the Wolves for music in this episode.

Vlog (Mark) - RESIST light pegboards by Evil Mad Science

Today on Boing Boing tv: a vlog from Mark about "Peggy," a fun little light emitting pegboard kit. Mark says:
Remember those LED signs from the great Boston Mooninite debacle of 2007, in which a street promo campaign for a television show turned into a big security scare? They are in fact fun to make, and not at all deadly -- I spoke with Windell from Evil Mad Science, which sells kits so you can make pegboard signs at home. Here's a related post by Phil Torrone on the MAKE blog.