Penguicon 6.0

To those of you familiar with the Linux and Free/Open Source community

Think of a weekend long Linux Users Group meeting with hundreds of other geeks, which also just happens to have nationally acclaimed guests, a LAN party, its own wireless network, hotel room parties, lots of folks talking about Science Fiction and Fantasy, a place to buy cool t-shirts and buttons and such, amateur singing, anime, a costume contest, and free caffeine and snacks always available.
To those of you familiar with Science Fiction conventions

Imagine all the convention features you know and love, with the addition of wireless internet access, computer game tournaments, people who know about online publishing / books on demand / digital art, a programming track involving computing topics and another one focusing on the crossover between Science Fiction and computing. Imagine seeing your favorite creative visionaries meet the innovators who are creating the future you read about in SF.

Read the rest of this entry

Tech Guest of Honor: Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager for Canonical
Tech Guest of Honor: Benjamin Mako Hill - Debian/GNU, MIT Media Lab, Free Software Foundation, Ubuntu, Wikimedia
Author Guest of Honor: Vernor Vinge, Multiple Hugo winning science fiction author, computing visionary
Author Guest of Honor: Tamora Pierce, fantasy author, co-founder of Sheroes Central
Webcomics Guest of Honor: Randall Munroe of xkcd
Gaming Guest of Honor: Keith Baker, creator of Ebberon world for Dungeons and Dragons
Hack of Honor: The Giant Singing Tesla Coils

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LN2 Ice Cream [Feb. 19th, 2008|11:00 pm]

We've gotten a couple questions about how to get involved in making LN2 ice cream, so here's the way to do it:

1. If you are already LN2Ready=1, then go to step 3. If you are at LN2Ready=0 go to step 2.
2. Go to LN2 training session, then go to 4. (Training sessions will probably take place the evening of Thursday, April 17, and the afternoon of Friday, April 18. Watch the blog for the announcement of confirmed times and locations, which will also be added to the FAQ.)
3. Find Molly at con to pick up a badge ribbon reading "LN2 Ready", then go to 4
4. Find Molly starting Thursday and sign up for a session
5. Make ice cream, make friends, enjoy.
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The "Now Playing" Display [Feb. 17th, 2008|08:30 pm]

For a few years, I've wished we could get software to use at Penguicon that would work like a cable TV channel directory. It would just cycle through a list of the rooms, displaying the titles and descriptive blurbs of the events currently taking place in them, in a clearly-visible and highly legible font. Then it would cycle through the rooms again with the events that will happen next in them; then start over. Keep your eyes peeled for a solution that will do this!
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Hello Penguicon [Feb. 15th, 2008|10:56 am]

Just saying Hi and posting to the site. :)
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Video [Feb. 10th, 2008|07:52 pm]

I've reposted the video I threw together of last year's Penguicon. The Youtube version lacks the clarity of the DVD that many of you would have watched by now.

Once again, the posting is temporary, due to potential copyright problems.

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Velociraptors & Wierd Al! [Feb. 9th, 2008|06:18 pm]


Weird Al Yankovic just made a joke referencing PenguiCon on the RiffTrax for Jurassic Park!
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Room share anyone? [Feb. 8th, 2008|12:14 pm]

Was there a place I could post to try to find someone willing to share a room during Penguicon?
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Needed: Penguicon Events Page Updater [Feb. 7th, 2008|09:01 pm]


No matter where you are in the world, would you be willing to put in five minutes a week to help Penguicon? I've got too many tasks and some of them are falling down, so I've got to delegate. One such task has been updating the website's Events page from the database every week. This involves many steps.

Alternately, if you want to write code to update automatically, please do!
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Cruel 2 B Kind at Penguicon [Feb. 3rd, 2008|04:50 pm]

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Cruel 2 B Kind, the game of benevolent assassination, comes to Penguicon in 2008. Registration is now open for this free event for any and all Penguicon attendees.

Your team's mission, should you choose to accept it, is to perform specific acts of kindness against your fellow assassins beginning at 7:00 PM on Friday, April 18. You will not know which Penguicon attendees are playing the game, so... you will have to guess! You will need a mobile phone, and a unique small item of "booty" to give away that represents you. See the website for more details.

A change from the normal rules is that this will not be outdoors. The game will take place within the function space and public areas of the Troy Hilton. No guest rooms, restrooms or service areas.

Choose up to two teammates, if any, for a maximum of three per team. Send this information for each player to the Puppet Master at penguicon dot c2bk at gmail dot com. KEEP YOUR PARTICIPATION A SECRET except to the Puppet Master and your team.

Team Name:
Player Name:
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:

Again, it is important that you not tell anyone you are a player, except for your team. Registration will close on April 17. You will receive an email on April 17 revealing your arsenal of kind acts.

Cruel 2 B Kind designed and developed by Jane McGonigal (from "I LOVE BEES") and Ian Bogost.
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Reminder - Penguicon rates go up Friday Feb 1st [Jan. 31st, 2008|12:17 am]

This is just a quick reminder that Penguicon's Registration rates are due to increase on Friday, February 1st. Right now the rates are $20 (youth) and $35 (regular). They will be increasing to $25 (youth) and $40 (regular).

This means that if you want to register at the lower rates (and you know you do) you need to do so soon. You can do so at our web page at You can use Paypal to make the payment, or mail a check or money order. Please note that registrations must be made and paid for by January 31, 2008. Any registrations after 11:59 pm EST will be charged the higher rate.

Also note that if you are mailing a check or money order, it MUST be postmarked by February 1, 2008 to qualify for the lower rate. Any postmarked after the 1st will be charged the higher rate.

So act quickly to get the lowest membership rate possible now for Penguicon 6.0!

Kimba Wilson
Penguicon 6.0 PreRegistration
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We Got BoingBoinged [Jan. 25th, 2008|12:12 pm]

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Penguicon switches to a Whuffie economy - Boing Boing

P.S. Also, the February convention organizer meeting is now set for February 23. We'll meet at 1 PM for partying and 2 PM for the actual meeting. Location TBD.
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more programming! we need more programming! [Jan. 24th, 2008|03:04 pm]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |Bad News is all the Wind can Carry, Richard Thompson]

And more programming meetings since we're just not going to be able to get everyone together at once I've sett up two more programming meetings.

The first is next week Tuesday, the 29th of January at my house at 6p. This is especially for everyone who has difficulty with weekend meetings.

The second is next week Saturday, the 2nd of February at my house at 2p. This one will get Molly to it so we'll all be able to talk to the girl who's been talking to the GoHs. It might even be a good idea for the GoH liasions to show up if they can too, but that'll be their call.

If you need my address or my phone number let me know and I'll get it to you off the public list. I'll still do my best to have corn-free and gluten-free snackies and drinks, everything else will be on you. Oh, and I'll have "Northwoods Espresso Blend" coffee from Or at least I'll have it until Matt comes over and drinks it all. ;)

Finally if you can get as many panels listed into the database as possible by Saturday, even if you're not coming to the meeting on Sunday, so that I can print them all out and look at it on Saturday night it would be greatly appreciated. If you don't have access to the programming database and need it let me know, we only get so many slots but I'll do what I can about juggling.
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Calling All Computer Gamers (and Halo 3 XBoxxers) [Jan. 22nd, 2008|12:15 pm]

[Current Location |School]
[Current Mood | excited]

As many of you are aware, MPCon is throwing a small (for them) version of their enormously successful LAN party at this year's Penguicon. Well, why wait until April when MPCon and the Gamers Outreach Foundation are teaming up to bring you Gamers for Giving, a massive merger of two very successful gamer parties.

Not only will there be a 250 seat bring-your-own-pc LAN party done as only MPCon knows how, full of tournaments with kickass prizes and free gifts; but there will be a 128 gamer Halo 3 tournament on XBox. Tournaments that I've been informed about include Halo 3, Team Fortress 2, and some quick-draw challenges, not to mention the ever present Trackmania Nations and Counter-Strike 1.6 and Source tourneys.

It is only $25 to attend either the LAN party or the Halo 3 tournament... or $40 gets you admission to both. I can't tell you what an awesome value this is; hell, at MPCon XVIII, I probably walked out of the doors with $50 worth of free stuff in return for my $25 admission, they run that nice a show.

But just to add value, Penguicon has agreed to come by and make some Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream for the hungry gaming masses. That's right, Commander Tux and a few ice cream making mad scientists will be there whipping up batches of LN2 frozen treats for all and sundry... and we'll be handing em out FREE to all of the gamers.

If that wasn't enough, the whole shebang is for a fantastic cause. All proceeds will be given to the local branch of the Autism Society of America.

What, gaming, gifts, prizes, ice cream, and charitable donations aren't enough? Fine, I also heard a rumor that MPCon's very own Nick and Dave will be going down on the first 100 registrants!

Okay, it's possible that I made the last bit up... but seriously, what more could you possibly want? Go here for more information then SIGN UP!

(And while you're at it, you might want to register for Penguicon and their LAN party there, before the limited slots are all filled.)

(Cross posted to
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Programming Meeting Scheduled [Jan. 22nd, 2008|09:31 am]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | sleepy]
[Current Music |none yet, I forgot to turn it on]

Good morning!

And now to make sure I've covered ALL my bases...

After looking at the poll results so far everyone who said they would be available for a meeting today also stated their available for either this Sunday or next week Tuesday/Wednesday. So, I'll call the first programming meeting on Sunday the 27th at my house, 2p. If you need the address because you're only reading this here an not in either of the email groups please send me your email (que-sara-sara at livejournal dot com) and I'll email it to you privately. There is plenty of parking both in the lot of the office building next to my house and some right behind the house. I do request that you come to the back door, which will be unlocked if not propped open for you.

I promise to have corn-free and gluten-free snackies and drinks in my house. If you wish non-diet soda aside from the lone 2-liter of Dr. Pepper I currently have please feel free to bring it with you and take what ever's left over home with you while I do my best to avoid those foods that I'm allergic to.

I also promise to have more than one meeting, I'll announce the next one later in the week when I have a better idea what next week is going to look like for me.

Chocolate Visions,
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Panel idea [Jan. 22nd, 2008|01:06 am]

I won't be able to go to the programming meeting, sadly, but (despite the lateness of the suggestion) I'd like to put a vote in for an interactive fiction panel and/or event at Penguicon.

There are all sorts of interactive fiction possibilities, from a historical overview of what interactive fiction has been to current Alternate Reality Games, or (if someone was really ambitious) running a mini-ARG at the con.

Other interactive ideas - sign up for flash mobbing. Have someone write up a list of things (to be approved) that could happen at any time at con, and ask people to sign up with their cell numbers to be texted during con with flashmob events. Things like pillow-fights at 1 am, for instance, or a water-balloon fight.

What say ye, folk?
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New Whuffie Volunteer Currency [Jan. 21st, 2008|11:52 pm]


At Penguicon, attendees can sign up at the convention to earn rewards by doing simple things like carrying boxes, guarding doors, or changing DVDs. We think it would be cool to create a record of that for your permanent positive reputation. It's called "Whuffie" -- a term from Cory Doctorow's science fiction novel Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom. It's a unit of measure in a reputation economy.

A currency system will increase volunteerism by letting volunteers maximize its value to them based on their circumstances and what they need help with. I'm designing a Whuffie currency printed on marbled cardstock. The bills will picture this year's Guests of Honor. The attendance badges and currency will use a barcode system to track individual work throughout multiple years.

One Whuffie = 1 hour of work. (Loading and unloading the moving truck, and any work done setting up beforehand and breaking down afterward earns 1.5 Whuffie per hour.) Each concom person who needs volunteers gets an amount of Whuffie currency to distribute, according to the volunteerism hours they expect to need filled. It is against the rules for concom to spend it themselves, give it to non-volunteers, or use it for any other non-intended purpose. But they can give bonuses for those who do an awesome job.

Here's a menu of things we intend to offer. We reserve the right to adjust it at the convention.

- Redeem 1 Whuffie to Tracy Worcester, Anna Petrak, or the convention Operations desk, per night of crash space, at the time of access to a hotel room shared among volunteers. There is one room for men and one room for women. Bring your own sleeping bag.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie to Jer Lance on Saturday or Sunday morning to jump to the head of the line for free pancakes and eggs.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie with Chuck Child for a plate of Brazilian Beef during a scheduled serving on Saturday afternoon. No reimbursements; if you already registered for it, this is redeemed to be served seconds.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie with MythLogic for 1 hour of play on one of their LAN party rental stations.
- Redeem 2 Whuffie with Jessica Zerwas on Sunday for reimbursement of your 2008 LAN party weekend-admission wristband.
- Redeem 3 Whuffie in the dealer room for a Penguicon 2008 t-shirt.
- Redeem 3 Whuffie to Aaron Thul on Sunday for a free weekend seat at Penguicon's MPCon LAN party 2009. This is the first opportunity to get on the list, to guarantee your seat.
- Redeem 4 Whuffie with Aaron Thul on Sunday for a free registration to Penguicon 2009.
- Redeem 5 Whuffie with Jessica Zerwas on Sunday for reimbursement of your 2008 convention badge, if the convention broke even.
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Let's try this again, shall we? [Jan. 21st, 2008|11:28 am]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |(The Story of) Hamlet, Richard Thompson]

There were more errors in the poll text than I'd originally thought so we've killed the other one and this one should be much more accurate now. I hope. Please vote again and remember that I have crash space if you need it, you just have to let me know.

Poll #1124911 Programming Meeting Redux
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Date and Time?

View Answers

Tuesday, 22nd January @ 5p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
3 (37.5%)

Sunday, 27th January @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Tuesday, 29th January @ 5p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
3 (37.5%)

Wednesday, 30th January time and location suggestions near Sarah's work (12-1/2 Mile Farmington Hills, after 4p) welcomed, please detail in comments
1 (12.5%)

Saturday, 2nd February @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Sunday, 3rd February @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Other date and time; see next question
0 (0.0%)

Insert suggestions for dates and times and locations here.

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Penguicon Artist Alley: A Call to Artists [Jan. 15th, 2008|02:52 pm]


Dean Stahl has this to say:
Are you attending Penguicon and are artistic? Do you have something you created that you'd like to offer to the Penguicon attending audience? Use our new Artist Alley! From 11am-6pm on Saturday, April 19, just outside of Ops, there will be open tables for you to set up and display your creations! Contact and get registered to show off your work. Space will be limited, so signing up for time will be of great help to the co-ordinator. This year, we will have it for no cost to the artists. Sign up now and come show your work to the world of Penguicon.
To this I would add, that if you are not an artist but you know someone who might be interested, please take a moment right now to dash off an email to them with this info!
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Concom Meeting Notes, January 12, 2008 [Jan. 15th, 2008|11:21 am]

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Read more... )
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UPDATE: Penguicon Board Meeting 1/12/08 [Jan. 11th, 2008|05:46 pm]


Due to a home crisis (involving multiple, separate, and simultaneous instances of major water damage) there is a problem with the planned location for tomorrow's Penguicon Board meeting. People should still come to Steve Gutterman's house in Farmington Hills, where the meeting had been planned to happen, but shortly after the meeting start time we will move to another nearby location. The actual meeting location will be decided at the time, based on availability, and we'll leave a notice on the door of the house to direct people there.

Though all Penguicon Board meetings are open to the public, given the problems with the location and the need to move, I would encourage people not to plan on attending the meeting unless they have business on the agenda. Please accept my apologies for what I'm sure is going to be confusion, but I didn't intend to have both a leaking roof and a basement flood in the same 72 hour period!

If you plan to come to the meeting late, and need to know where it is, either come to the original location (the 32305 Chesterbrook address below) and check the note on the door, or feel free to call me directly and ask where we are. I can be reached at 248.763.3454.


Steve Gutterman
Penguicon Board Secretary

Penguicon Board Announcement

Reminding everyone that the next scheduled Penguicon Board meeting will be on January 12, 2008 at 3:00 PM. The location is Steve Gutterman's house at:

32305 Chesterbrook St.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

(Chesterbrook goes to the south from 13 Mile Road, exactly half-way between Orchard Lake Road and Farmington Road. 32305 is the fourth house on the left of Chesterbrook after turning off 13 Mile Road. Those of you that have been working with Penguicon long enough may remember this location as where we had the Penguicon 2.0 ConCom meetings.)

The Penguicon Board meeting are open to everyone, anyone interesting in Penguicon is welcome to attend and to contribute, although only Board members may vote. As this is a business meeting, there is no planned social gathering or food event either before or after.

Penguicon Board Meeting 12 Jan 2008 Agenda

1) Old Business - Present and review Penguicon 6.0 budget (Jordan Malokofsky)
2) Old Business - Define where web site management is located within Penguicon (Garrett Kajmowicz)
3) Old Business - Proposal for web site officer (may be combined with item 2) (Garrett Kajmowicz)
4) Old Business - Present proposed schedule for future Board Meetings (Steve Gutterman)
5) Old Business - Review the legal headquarters location for Penguicon Inc. and revise if needed (Chuck Childs)
6) New Business - Support for Google Apps for Domains (if applicable to the Board after agenda item 2)
7) New Business - New items from Board members or the floor

Steve Gutterman
Board Secretary
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Reminder: Events This Week [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:06 am]

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Here's a reminder that the next SMOS Dinner will be hosted by Garry Stahl tomorrow, Thursday, January 10 at 7 PM in Dearborn. Dinner will be chicken chow mien and rice. Garry will provide a tofu batch for the veggy lovers.

On Saturday of this week, January 12, we will have a meeting of the Board of Directors at 3pm in Farmington Hills, followed by the January meeting of the convention committee at 5pm in Berkeley.

The Board meeting will be at the home of Steve Gutterman-- see two blog posts ago for the address. The concom meeting location has changed and is now at the home of Audrey Geiger in Berkeley.

All these meetings are public. In case you're allergic to pets, be advised that Garry has cats and guinea pigs, and Audrey has cats. Email me at matt dot mattarn at gmail dot com for the addresses and directions to any of these events.
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LN2 Ice Cream [Feb. 19th, 2008|11:00 pm]

We've gotten a couple questions about how to get involved in making LN2 ice cream, so here's the way to do it:

1. If you are already LN2Ready=1, then go to step 3. If you are at LN2Ready=0 go to step 2.
2. Go to LN2 training session, then go to 4. (Training sessions will probably take place the evening of Thursday, April 17, and the afternoon of Friday, April 18. Watch the blog for the announcement of confirmed times and locations, which will also be added to the FAQ.)
3. Find Molly at con to pick up a badge ribbon reading "LN2 Ready", then go to 4
4. Find Molly starting Thursday and sign up for a session
5. Make ice cream, make friends, enjoy.
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The "Now Playing" Display [Feb. 17th, 2008|08:30 pm]

For a few years, I've wished we could get software to use at Penguicon that would work like a cable TV channel directory. It would just cycle through a list of the rooms, displaying the titles and descriptive blurbs of the events currently taking place in them, in a clearly-visible and highly legible font. Then it would cycle through the rooms again with the events that will happen next in them; then start over. Keep your eyes peeled for a solution that will do this!
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Hello Penguicon [Feb. 15th, 2008|10:56 am]

Just saying Hi and posting to the site. :)
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Video [Feb. 10th, 2008|07:52 pm]

I've reposted the video I threw together of last year's Penguicon. The Youtube version lacks the clarity of the DVD that many of you would have watched by now.

Once again, the posting is temporary, due to potential copyright problems.

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Velociraptors & Wierd Al! [Feb. 9th, 2008|06:18 pm]


Weird Al Yankovic just made a joke referencing PenguiCon on the RiffTrax for Jurassic Park!
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Room share anyone? [Feb. 8th, 2008|12:14 pm]

Was there a place I could post to try to find someone willing to share a room during Penguicon?
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Needed: Penguicon Events Page Updater [Feb. 7th, 2008|09:01 pm]


No matter where you are in the world, would you be willing to put in five minutes a week to help Penguicon? I've got too many tasks and some of them are falling down, so I've got to delegate. One such task has been updating the website's Events page from the database every week. This involves many steps.

Alternately, if you want to write code to update automatically, please do!
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Cruel 2 B Kind at Penguicon [Feb. 3rd, 2008|04:50 pm]

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Cruel 2 B Kind, the game of benevolent assassination, comes to Penguicon in 2008. Registration is now open for this free event for any and all Penguicon attendees.

Your team's mission, should you choose to accept it, is to perform specific acts of kindness against your fellow assassins beginning at 7:00 PM on Friday, April 18. You will not know which Penguicon attendees are playing the game, so... you will have to guess! You will need a mobile phone, and a unique small item of "booty" to give away that represents you. See the website for more details.

A change from the normal rules is that this will not be outdoors. The game will take place within the function space and public areas of the Troy Hilton. No guest rooms, restrooms or service areas.

Choose up to two teammates, if any, for a maximum of three per team. Send this information for each player to the Puppet Master at penguicon dot c2bk at gmail dot com. KEEP YOUR PARTICIPATION A SECRET except to the Puppet Master and your team.

Team Name:
Player Name:
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:

Again, it is important that you not tell anyone you are a player, except for your team. Registration will close on April 17. You will receive an email on April 17 revealing your arsenal of kind acts.

Cruel 2 B Kind designed and developed by Jane McGonigal (from "I LOVE BEES") and Ian Bogost.
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Reminder - Penguicon rates go up Friday Feb 1st [Jan. 31st, 2008|12:17 am]

This is just a quick reminder that Penguicon's Registration rates are due to increase on Friday, February 1st. Right now the rates are $20 (youth) and $35 (regular). They will be increasing to $25 (youth) and $40 (regular).

This means that if you want to register at the lower rates (and you know you do) you need to do so soon. You can do so at our web page at You can use Paypal to make the payment, or mail a check or money order. Please note that registrations must be made and paid for by January 31, 2008. Any registrations after 11:59 pm EST will be charged the higher rate.

Also note that if you are mailing a check or money order, it MUST be postmarked by February 1, 2008 to qualify for the lower rate. Any postmarked after the 1st will be charged the higher rate.

So act quickly to get the lowest membership rate possible now for Penguicon 6.0!

Kimba Wilson
Penguicon 6.0 PreRegistration
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We Got BoingBoinged [Jan. 25th, 2008|12:12 pm]

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Penguicon switches to a Whuffie economy - Boing Boing

P.S. Also, the February convention organizer meeting is now set for February 23. We'll meet at 1 PM for partying and 2 PM for the actual meeting. Location TBD.
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more programming! we need more programming! [Jan. 24th, 2008|03:04 pm]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |Bad News is all the Wind can Carry, Richard Thompson]

And more programming meetings since we're just not going to be able to get everyone together at once I've sett up two more programming meetings.

The first is next week Tuesday, the 29th of January at my house at 6p. This is especially for everyone who has difficulty with weekend meetings.

The second is next week Saturday, the 2nd of February at my house at 2p. This one will get Molly to it so we'll all be able to talk to the girl who's been talking to the GoHs. It might even be a good idea for the GoH liasions to show up if they can too, but that'll be their call.

If you need my address or my phone number let me know and I'll get it to you off the public list. I'll still do my best to have corn-free and gluten-free snackies and drinks, everything else will be on you. Oh, and I'll have "Northwoods Espresso Blend" coffee from Or at least I'll have it until Matt comes over and drinks it all. ;)

Finally if you can get as many panels listed into the database as possible by Saturday, even if you're not coming to the meeting on Sunday, so that I can print them all out and look at it on Saturday night it would be greatly appreciated. If you don't have access to the programming database and need it let me know, we only get so many slots but I'll do what I can about juggling.
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Calling All Computer Gamers (and Halo 3 XBoxxers) [Jan. 22nd, 2008|12:15 pm]

[Current Location |School]
[Current Mood | excited]

As many of you are aware, MPCon is throwing a small (for them) version of their enormously successful LAN party at this year's Penguicon. Well, why wait until April when MPCon and the Gamers Outreach Foundation are teaming up to bring you Gamers for Giving, a massive merger of two very successful gamer parties.

Not only will there be a 250 seat bring-your-own-pc LAN party done as only MPCon knows how, full of tournaments with kickass prizes and free gifts; but there will be a 128 gamer Halo 3 tournament on XBox. Tournaments that I've been informed about include Halo 3, Team Fortress 2, and some quick-draw challenges, not to mention the ever present Trackmania Nations and Counter-Strike 1.6 and Source tourneys.

It is only $25 to attend either the LAN party or the Halo 3 tournament... or $40 gets you admission to both. I can't tell you what an awesome value this is; hell, at MPCon XVIII, I probably walked out of the doors with $50 worth of free stuff in return for my $25 admission, they run that nice a show.

But just to add value, Penguicon has agreed to come by and make some Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream for the hungry gaming masses. That's right, Commander Tux and a few ice cream making mad scientists will be there whipping up batches of LN2 frozen treats for all and sundry... and we'll be handing em out FREE to all of the gamers.

If that wasn't enough, the whole shebang is for a fantastic cause. All proceeds will be given to the local branch of the Autism Society of America.

What, gaming, gifts, prizes, ice cream, and charitable donations aren't enough? Fine, I also heard a rumor that MPCon's very own Nick and Dave will be going down on the first 100 registrants!

Okay, it's possible that I made the last bit up... but seriously, what more could you possibly want? Go here for more information then SIGN UP!

(And while you're at it, you might want to register for Penguicon and their LAN party there, before the limited slots are all filled.)

(Cross posted to
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Programming Meeting Scheduled [Jan. 22nd, 2008|09:31 am]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | sleepy]
[Current Music |none yet, I forgot to turn it on]

Good morning!

And now to make sure I've covered ALL my bases...

After looking at the poll results so far everyone who said they would be available for a meeting today also stated their available for either this Sunday or next week Tuesday/Wednesday. So, I'll call the first programming meeting on Sunday the 27th at my house, 2p. If you need the address because you're only reading this here an not in either of the email groups please send me your email (que-sara-sara at livejournal dot com) and I'll email it to you privately. There is plenty of parking both in the lot of the office building next to my house and some right behind the house. I do request that you come to the back door, which will be unlocked if not propped open for you.

I promise to have corn-free and gluten-free snackies and drinks in my house. If you wish non-diet soda aside from the lone 2-liter of Dr. Pepper I currently have please feel free to bring it with you and take what ever's left over home with you while I do my best to avoid those foods that I'm allergic to.

I also promise to have more than one meeting, I'll announce the next one later in the week when I have a better idea what next week is going to look like for me.

Chocolate Visions,
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Panel idea [Jan. 22nd, 2008|01:06 am]

I won't be able to go to the programming meeting, sadly, but (despite the lateness of the suggestion) I'd like to put a vote in for an interactive fiction panel and/or event at Penguicon.

There are all sorts of interactive fiction possibilities, from a historical overview of what interactive fiction has been to current Alternate Reality Games, or (if someone was really ambitious) running a mini-ARG at the con.

Other interactive ideas - sign up for flash mobbing. Have someone write up a list of things (to be approved) that could happen at any time at con, and ask people to sign up with their cell numbers to be texted during con with flashmob events. Things like pillow-fights at 1 am, for instance, or a water-balloon fight.

What say ye, folk?
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New Whuffie Volunteer Currency [Jan. 21st, 2008|11:52 pm]


At Penguicon, attendees can sign up at the convention to earn rewards by doing simple things like carrying boxes, guarding doors, or changing DVDs. We think it would be cool to create a record of that for your permanent positive reputation. It's called "Whuffie" -- a term from Cory Doctorow's science fiction novel Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom. It's a unit of measure in a reputation economy.

A currency system will increase volunteerism by letting volunteers maximize its value to them based on their circumstances and what they need help with. I'm designing a Whuffie currency printed on marbled cardstock. The bills will picture this year's Guests of Honor. The attendance badges and currency will use a barcode system to track individual work throughout multiple years.

One Whuffie = 1 hour of work. (Loading and unloading the moving truck, and any work done setting up beforehand and breaking down afterward earns 1.5 Whuffie per hour.) Each concom person who needs volunteers gets an amount of Whuffie currency to distribute, according to the volunteerism hours they expect to need filled. It is against the rules for concom to spend it themselves, give it to non-volunteers, or use it for any other non-intended purpose. But they can give bonuses for those who do an awesome job.

Here's a menu of things we intend to offer. We reserve the right to adjust it at the convention.

- Redeem 1 Whuffie to Tracy Worcester, Anna Petrak, or the convention Operations desk, per night of crash space, at the time of access to a hotel room shared among volunteers. There is one room for men and one room for women. Bring your own sleeping bag.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie to Jer Lance on Saturday or Sunday morning to jump to the head of the line for free pancakes and eggs.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie with Chuck Child for a plate of Brazilian Beef during a scheduled serving on Saturday afternoon. No reimbursements; if you already registered for it, this is redeemed to be served seconds.
- Redeem 1 Whuffie with MythLogic for 1 hour of play on one of their LAN party rental stations.
- Redeem 2 Whuffie with Jessica Zerwas on Sunday for reimbursement of your 2008 LAN party weekend-admission wristband.
- Redeem 3 Whuffie in the dealer room for a Penguicon 2008 t-shirt.
- Redeem 3 Whuffie to Aaron Thul on Sunday for a free weekend seat at Penguicon's MPCon LAN party 2009. This is the first opportunity to get on the list, to guarantee your seat.
- Redeem 4 Whuffie with Aaron Thul on Sunday for a free registration to Penguicon 2009.
- Redeem 5 Whuffie with Jessica Zerwas on Sunday for reimbursement of your 2008 convention badge, if the convention broke even.
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Let's try this again, shall we? [Jan. 21st, 2008|11:28 am]

[Current Location |work]
[Current Mood | cold]
[Current Music |(The Story of) Hamlet, Richard Thompson]

There were more errors in the poll text than I'd originally thought so we've killed the other one and this one should be much more accurate now. I hope. Please vote again and remember that I have crash space if you need it, you just have to let me know.

Poll #1124911 Programming Meeting Redux
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Date and Time?

View Answers

Tuesday, 22nd January @ 5p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
3 (37.5%)

Sunday, 27th January @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Tuesday, 29th January @ 5p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
3 (37.5%)

Wednesday, 30th January time and location suggestions near Sarah's work (12-1/2 Mile Farmington Hills, after 4p) welcomed, please detail in comments
1 (12.5%)

Saturday, 2nd February @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Sunday, 3rd February @ 2p - Sarah's House in Belleville (caution: contains cats)
4 (50.0%)

Other date and time; see next question
0 (0.0%)

Insert suggestions for dates and times and locations here.

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Penguicon Artist Alley: A Call to Artists [Jan. 15th, 2008|02:52 pm]


Dean Stahl has this to say:
Are you attending Penguicon and are artistic? Do you have something you created that you'd like to offer to the Penguicon attending audience? Use our new Artist Alley! From 11am-6pm on Saturday, April 19, just outside of Ops, there will be open tables for you to set up and display your creations! Contact and get registered to show off your work. Space will be limited, so signing up for time will be of great help to the co-ordinator. This year, we will have it for no cost to the artists. Sign up now and come show your work to the world of Penguicon.
To this I would add, that if you are not an artist but you know someone who might be interested, please take a moment right now to dash off an email to them with this info!
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Concom Meeting Notes, January 12, 2008 [Jan. 15th, 2008|11:21 am]

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UPDATE: Penguicon Board Meeting 1/12/08 [Jan. 11th, 2008|05:46 pm]


Due to a home crisis (involving multiple, separate, and simultaneous instances of major water damage) there is a problem with the planned location for tomorrow's Penguicon Board meeting. People should still come to Steve Gutterman's house in Farmington Hills, where the meeting had been planned to happen, but shortly after the meeting start time we will move to another nearby location. The actual meeting location will be decided at the time, based on availability, and we'll leave a notice on the door of the house to direct people there.

Though all Penguicon Board meetings are open to the public, given the problems with the location and the need to move, I would encourage people not to plan on attending the meeting unless they have business on the agenda. Please accept my apologies for what I'm sure is going to be confusion, but I didn't intend to have both a leaking roof and a basement flood in the same 72 hour period!

If you plan to come to the meeting late, and need to know where it is, either come to the original location (the 32305 Chesterbrook address below) and check the note on the door, or feel free to call me directly and ask where we are. I can be reached at 248.763.3454.


Steve Gutterman
Penguicon Board Secretary

Penguicon Board Announcement

Reminding everyone that the next scheduled Penguicon Board meeting will be on January 12, 2008 at 3:00 PM. The location is Steve Gutterman's house at:

32305 Chesterbrook St.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

(Chesterbrook goes to the south from 13 Mile Road, exactly half-way between Orchard Lake Road and Farmington Road. 32305 is the fourth house on the left of Chesterbrook after turning off 13 Mile Road. Those of you that have been working with Penguicon long enough may remember this location as where we had the Penguicon 2.0 ConCom meetings.)

The Penguicon Board meeting are open to everyone, anyone interesting in Penguicon is welcome to attend and to contribute, although only Board members may vote. As this is a business meeting, there is no planned social gathering or food event either before or after.

Penguicon Board Meeting 12 Jan 2008 Agenda

1) Old Business - Present and review Penguicon 6.0 budget (Jordan Malokofsky)
2) Old Business - Define where web site management is located within Penguicon (Garrett Kajmowicz)
3) Old Business - Proposal for web site officer (may be combined with item 2) (Garrett Kajmowicz)
4) Old Business - Present proposed schedule for future Board Meetings (Steve Gutterman)
5) Old Business - Review the legal headquarters location for Penguicon Inc. and revise if needed (Chuck Childs)
6) New Business - Support for Google Apps for Domains (if applicable to the Board after agenda item 2)
7) New Business - New items from Board members or the floor

Steve Gutterman
Board Secretary
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Reminder: Events This Week [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:06 am]

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Here's a reminder that the next SMOS Dinner will be hosted by Garry Stahl tomorrow, Thursday, January 10 at 7 PM in Dearborn. Dinner will be chicken chow mien and rice. Garry will provide a tofu batch for the veggy lovers.

On Saturday of this week, January 12, we will have a meeting of the Board of Directors at 3pm in Farmington Hills, followed by the January meeting of the convention committee at 5pm in Berkeley.

The Board meeting will be at the home of Steve Gutterman-- see two blog posts ago for the address. The concom meeting location has changed and is now at the home of Audrey Geiger in Berkeley.

All these meetings are public. In case you're allergic to pets, be advised that Garry has cats and guinea pigs, and Audrey has cats. Email me at matt dot mattarn at gmail dot com for the addresses and directions to any of these events.
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