Use this form to submit an item for editorial consideration. Some tips to consider first:

  • Be as specific as possible with urls.
    If you're pointing us to an item on a blog, for instance, please submit permalinks to a specific entry on the site, not the main url. A submission that reads, "I did this really cool rant about ____ yesterday on my blog, Crazy Bob's Discount House of Internet. Check it out at http:///www.crazybob'" will get more attention that "My blog is good, check it out, http:///www.crazybob'"

  • Tell us a little about the link you're sending.
    Explain what we can expect to see when we get there. Please don't suggest "naked" links without a description.

  • Use this form for suggestions and email for personal notes.
    Boing Boing's editors prefer to receive blog post suggestions through this web form, not by email. If you're trying to reach an individual editor, please *do* use email. Here's a link to Joel's e-mail. If you'd like to reach BoingBoing's "band manager" John Battelle about sponsoring, here's a link to his email.

  • Our space lasers will vaporize your auto-submitter.
    Don't even think about using submission scripts. Only hand-crafted submissions from real humans get through Boing Boing's nuclear deflector shields.

For more tips, read our submit-a-site HOWTO. Thank you!


Your name (optional)

Your email address (optional)

Your website (optional -- for credit/linkback)

Title for the item you're suggesting:

URL of suggested website:

Please describe the suggested site: