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shITe – Fan Shites Part Two Print E-mail
Wednesday, 01 February 2006
urkel2.jpgHere is the second part in shITe's award winning series on celebrity fan sites. This week, we look at Eamon's fan site to himself, learn why Gary Sinise is often described as "legless", and visit a shrine to Jaleel White's most enduring creation, Steven Q. Urkel. Anyone who writes to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , correctly identifying what the "Q" stands for, will win a mystery piece of Chaser merchandise.
shITe – Fan ShITes Part One Print E-mail
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
busey2.jpg H. L. Mencken once said something to the effect that a fan was by definition a second-rate person. If that’s true, what does it mean to be a fan of Michael Jackson who sells Thriller-branded air-fresheners online? In this two-part shITe investigative report, we examine the often hidden world of low-quality celebrity websites. No C-list actor, no two-bit pop star is too minor for a webpage to be erected in their honour.
shITe – Dead Animals Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 January 2006
sam2.jpgThis week, shITe is dedicated to the sites dedicated to the memory of small, dead animals. The sentiments expressed on them are more nauseating than any real small dead animal ever could be. Whether it's an ugly dog or a pampered snail that has passed on, someone, somewhere is emotionally unstable enough to write a saccharine eulogy and post it on the internet.
Webshites: Men, women and parrots of Metal Print E-mail
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
bm3.jpgThis week on Webshites, Richard Cooke trawls the worst of the web for traces of heavy metal. Like masturbating and smoking, metal is a bad habit picked up in tender years and carried into adult life - and the internet.
Webshites: Drinks Print E-mail
Wednesday, 07 December 2005
drink_thumb_1.jpgLike food, drinks are something that we can all enjoy, particularly if we are thirsty. Since the very beginning of the internet, people surfing the web have enjoyed nothing more than relaxing with a nice hot or cold drink. This special drinks-themed edition of Webshites celebrates the tradition of friendship between webheads and beverages of all kinds. Cheers!

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