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Al Gore plants a tree to offset speech at Oscars
ImageAfter an Oscars acceptance speech filled with hot air, Al Gore was quick to plant a tree to ensure that he did not contribute to global warming. It is the 56,923nd tree Gore has been forced to plant since he started travelling the world to deliver his lengthy lecture on his personal story and the reasons he should have won in 2000, as well as giving a few quick pointers on climate change. (9) comments
Blair uses withdrawal method to screw Iraq

ImageAn unapologetic Tony Blair has announced that British troops will begin a phased withdrawal from Iraq. “We decided that our situation in the country was no longer tenable,” said the embattled Prime Minister. “And then we waited three years.”

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Howard refuses to set date for withdrawal from US presidential race
ImageJohn Howard has declined to withdraw his comments about Barack Obama’s policy on Iraq, claiming that cutting and running from the fight with the prospective Presidential nominee would only embolden the Democrats. The Prime Minister also pointed out that his stance on Obama is in keeping with his Government’s long-term policy of refusing to apologise to blacks. (9) comments
PhD student regrets choosing Buffy The Vampire Slayer as thesis topic
ImageAlmost four years into her 100,000 word PhD in Visual Communications, Janet Wasserman is beginning to sincerely regret her chosen area of inquiry. Her still incomplete thesis, entitled The perverse in the Buffyverse: RE:reading Performative Gender Roles and their subversion in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, has become something of an embarrassment to her. (10) comments
Customs seeks community service order for Stallone: no more Rocky sequels
ImageFollowing Sylvester Stallone's promotional visit to Sydney, Customs have decided to pursue the aging action star to the full extent of their power after a routine X-ray of the 60-year-old's luggage revealed some prohibited items, including steroids, photos of his horrific mother and a pirated copy of Party At Kitty And Stud's. (0) Add a comment
Father introduces son to life-long hatred of fishing
ImageJacob Rosicky's well-meaning father has imparted to him an intense dislike for all forms of recreational angling, as well as a general antipathy for what Jacob calls "the not-so-great outdoors". Now 31, the chartered accountant need only think of fishing to bring back clear memories of freezing, pre-dawn mornings spent fiddling with a tangle. (0) Add a comment
Anna Nicole Smith: golddigger now seeking gravedigger

ImageActress and TrimSpa spokeswoman Anna Nicole Smith has died at 39DD. The star has left behind one daughter, one stalker/lawyer and eighteen frivolous lawsuits. "It's comforting to know that Anna Nicole died doing what she loved," said a close friend. "The Bahamian Immigration Minister, apparently."

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Hilali given the sack: forces his wife to wear it

ImageSheikh Taj El-Din Hilali has agreed not to give any more sermons at the Lakemba mosque, following the intervention of fellow Muslims, or as the Sheikh called them, "Islamaphobes". The controversial cleric was also forced to deny that he was a bigot who hated Australia. "I think Australia is the greatest Satanic infidel country full of lying convicts in the world. I didn't wish to offend anyone, except idolators and Jews"

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Labor panics: Rudd polling as well as Latham did
ImageLabor insiders fear a rerun of Mark Latham's crippling 2004 defeat after seeing Kevin Rudd's latest poll figures, the best ever for an Opposition leader. John Howard is struggling against him in Parliament, sending waves of panic around the ALP party room. "We've seen this before, a new face with fresh ideas who attracts voters in droves - until election day when they switch back to Howard," one long-time MP said. 
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