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Rudd to attend fake memorial at Virginia Tech

ImageKevin Rudd has again come under fire after plans for a fake memorial for the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre became public. "I knew nothing about a plan for a fake service for the Sunrise show," Rudd said this morning. "I thought it was for a 60 Minutes colour piece."

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Even stars now sick of 'Little Britain'

ImageAlthough the pair have no immediate intentions to quit churning out episode after episode of catchphrase-based comedy, Little Britain creators Matt Lucas and David Walliams have annouced that even they have grown weary of the show's repetitious, endlessly quoted toilet humour. "It's a dilemma, because we're sick to death of it, but it's just so lucrative," Lucas said. "The BBC keeps asking us to do more, and we say yeah, but no, but yeah, but no. But then they wave even more money at us, and we say yeah."

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Prince William dumps Kate: cites "poor inbreeding"

ImagePrince William has dumped his middle-class girlfriend Kate Middleton, saying she won’t make a suitable royal wife. “Kate was lovely, but ultimately we are from different social circles,” William said. “If I’m going to settle down, I need to find a suitable mother for my children. And, at the same time, a long-lost cousin.”

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Mugabe regime on shaky confiscated ground
ImageAfter 27 heroic years of dedicated public service, Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe is facing the prospect of early retirement at the hands of ill health and/or an angry opposition. "Even our rigged opinion polls show he is lagging in popularity," said ZANU-PF minister Nhamodzenyika Gallup. (3) comments
Jones to praise Lebanese after new sponsorship deal
In the wake of broadcaster Alan Jones' negative comments about Lebanese gangs at the Cronulla riots, the controversial community has decided to take action to improve its image. After a series of fundraising ventures including garage sales, lamington drives and an eligible bachelor auction, Australia's Lebanese community have finally raised enough money to purchase the public approval and respect of Alan Jones. (5) comments
Ian Thorpe releases range of designer drugs

ImageFresh from his work with fashion designers Giorgio Armani and Paspale Pearls, Ian Thorpe is now consulting with a group of high-end European chemists to design a new range of stimulants "for the modern man". The new range of drugs will include "Thorpedo" and "gold medal" branded ecstasy tablets suitable for "parties, nightclubs and any other situation where people need their performance enhanced."

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Keith Richards denies snorting father's ashes, admits injecting them
ImageGeriatric rockstar Keith Richards has hit out at the media this month, claiming he was joking when he told British music mag NME he had snorted his dad Bert's remains in 2002. The Rolling Stones guitarist says the media are "making a mountain out of a relatively small pile of cadaver-infused cocaine." (3) comments
Hicks finally granted a legal right: to remain silent

ImageConvicted terrorist David Hicks will soon return to Australia under a plea bargain that will see him serve nine months in jail and bar him from commenting on his case. Hicks has been warned that under a variation on the US's famous Miranda Rights, anything he says can be used against him in a non-court of retrospective law.

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An open letter to Kate Middleton from Harry M. Miller
ImageThe recently-dumped Kate Middleton probably isn't thinking straight just now. At least, not about her commercial interests. Fortunately, when tragedy strikes, there's always one man who knows where the dollars are. Harry M. Miller. (19) comments
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