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Corrigan calls for ABC scriptwriters to be trained in Dubai
ImageFormer Patrick Stevedores CEO Chris Corrigan has slammed the ABC docu-drama Bastard Boys for what he calls a one-sided representation of the waterfront dispute. In response, Corrigan and the Howard Government are developing a plan to replace the entire ABC drama department with scab scriptwriters trained in Dubai. (3) comments
Meet The Nominees, part 1: Democrats
ImageGregor takes us on a weird and wonderful tour of the Democratic Presidential nominees. If you've ever wondered which candidate's middle name is "Robinette", or who seriously suggested the establishment of a Department of Peace, read on. And stay tuned for Gregor's guide to the Republican nominees...
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Man joins Socialist Alliance to pick up alternative chicks
ImageNCIS fan and regular visitor to the Suicide Girls website Gary Bullock has admitted he only joined revolutionary political group Socialist Alliance on the chance that he "would meet some hot goth babes". Bullock, who cares nothing about the exchange of blood for oil and rides a Ducati motorbike, nevertheless agreed to sell copies of Green Left Weekly in a local mall "as long as that chick with the dreadlocks and neck tattoo shows me the ropes". (13) comments
Girl suspects Tom from MySpace not fully committed to friendship
ImageNew MySpace user Emily Lee, 14, says she feels neglected by her new friend, the company's CEO Tom Anderson. Lee was delighted when she first signed up for the site, and found she already had him listed as a friend, and had even received a message from the man she describes as a "really cool guy". But now she is beginning to doubt that Tom looked at her profile at all, "if that is even his real name". (14) comments
UN Security Council fails to enforce New Year's resolution
ImageThe UN Security Council has admitted it is in clear breach of its own 2007 New Year's Resolution. SC Resolution #1738, which stated council members would "Join the gym - and this time really stick with it" was struck in a mood of optimism at the first meeting of the year. However, it waned through March and April, and has now "floundered completely", as a spokesman put it.
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7-Eleven clerk lives vicariously through condom purchaser

ImageConvenience store duty manager Russell Celine spends most of his 6pm-4am shifts serving truck drivers, drunk uni students and late-night porn buyers, but there is one highlight in his ten hours of drudgery – imagining what kind of sexual debauchery regular condom buyer Steve Tintoski gets up to. Although Celine has never actually seen Tintoski accompanied by a woman, he often fantasises about the "raw, animal carnality that guy must have inside him".

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Rudd achieves nuclear disarmament of Garrett

ImageIn what may be his biggest victory yet, Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has unilaterally disarmed formerly outspoken anti-nuclear activist Peter Garrett. The Shadow Minister For Climate Change, Environment & Heritage, Arts had his anti-uranium core removed and deactivated by the new leader in a delicate operation that took place hours before the Labor national conference.

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Yeltsin remembered for getting on tank, getting tanked
ImageBoris Yeltsin died this week after winning a protracted battle with communism, and losing a protracted battle with alcoholism. The former Russian President was best known for defying the coup plotters who attempted to depose Mikhail Gorbachev when he bravely climbed on top of a tank to see where the nearest bar was. (6) comments
English teacher writes novel about teaching English

ImageAlthough her weekdays are spent educating Wollongong students on the importance of Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson and Peter Goldsworthy, English teacher Sharne Mitchell, 48, has a deeper passion – her magnum opus on the turbulent inner life of a late-40s woman who educates Wollongong students on the importance of Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson and Peter Goldsworthy.

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