Interview with producer of swords and sorcery themed porn

Village Voice interviews porn producer Dez, who says he got bored of making gonzo porn and applied his talents toward making porn based on World of Warcraft. He calls the Web-based video series Whorelore: Swords, Sorcery, and Sex.
200803030954 Whorelore, now in its second season, started in 2006 as Dez’s “labor of love.” He’d already starred in over 600 porn titles—most famously, he says, Rectal Rooter and Dez’s Dirty Weekend—before venturing behind the camera. “Whorelore had always been something I wanted to do,” he explains. “I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons since the time I was eight, and I love World of Warcraft. Besides, I was bored doing Gonzo porn. [In the past] they’ve done porn with knights and bare maidens and stuff like that, but they’ve never added magic or anything cool.” So Dez decided to “step it up a notch,” throwing in low-grade special effects, a storyline, and a geek’s affectionate attention to detail. Originally he called his new project Whorecraft, but had to change the title due to some hush-hush legal flack from “you know who.” Read: Blizzard Entertainment, the company that runs World of Warcraft and looks out for its good name. (A Blizzard spokesperson declined to comment on the name change, saying the company doesn't publicly discuss legal issues.)

A little legal action hasn’t stopped Dez from accomplishing his goal to show the world how hot it’d be if WOW's sensual elves swallowed. And Whorelore doesn’t stop at sweet elf love. Often shot outdoors for a more rustic, “medieval” feel, the six, half-hour episodes in season one feature everything from two armor-clad, busty blonde warriors making out on a boulder to a masturbating troll (i.e. a woman painted entirely green moaning with a Jamaican accent). Playing off an old video game joke, Dez called episode one "Rogues Do it From Behind," and episode four, “Man Hunt,” has Dez’s characters encountering a real live bear--though, thankfully, it doesn’t join in on the fun. The second season of six more 30-minute episodes is still in production, but the Whorelore website describes it as a struggle between light and dark, with a villain “capable of vanquishing those who thrive for harmony.” Don’t worry, that just means there’s a magical nympho who likes to deep-throat elf ears.

Link (Thanks, Bill!)


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#1 posted by Jeff , March 3, 2008 10:09 AM

There was a post the other day that questioned why Boing Boing might get filtered out by some software. The kind that filters out porn stuff. Just in case anyone really wonders.

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Is news about porn the same thing as porn? Is news about gambling the same thing as gambling? Is news about the liquor industry the same thing as having a drink?

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I've "heard" this is a good series, although it starts off a bit on the cheesy (even for porn) side.

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Of course not, Mark. And I agree, THIS entry would be no reason to filter the site.

And yet...there are ways of talking about and reporting about pr0n which are less graphic, and more fit for smaller eyes. I'm currently accessing this from a middle school, for example. Thankfully, I convinced the district admin to unblock boingboing a few years ago, since I get good ideas and content for my computers/media/culture classes from here. And though this entry isn't something I can use, it's still relevant to someone tracking cyberculture, as I have to for my work.

I have no problems with this entry, in other words, though I know I'm taking a risk here in an empty classroom in a planning period. And though the NYT can theoretically address the same issue, I'd not feel as uncomfortable trying to defend reading it in the classroom. Degrees matter, here.

On the other hand, the screenshot of today's BoingBoingTV episode is much less appropriate than this one, and it's harder, I think, to justify that as news. At first, I thought I was in the comments section for the wrong entry.

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#6 posted by noen , March 3, 2008 10:46 AM

Rule 34 is alive and well.

Is news about porn the same thing as porn?

As far as many are concerned, yes. You don't really expect Americans to have rational, adult views about sex do you? There is a very large segment of the population in America for whom even the slightest hint of sex must be vigorously repressed. Otherwise snorting a line of coke off a gay hooker's ass loses it's appeal.

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Porn, especially elf-porn, is indeed a "wonderful thing".

I'm always amused by the snarky faux disclaimers in "This American Life" along the lines of "there is no actual sex in this story but it does acknowledge the existence of sex."

It's sort of like "note to dumb people: you are dumb"

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Yeah, a bunch of geeks read boing-boing. Yeah, mostly men. Yeah, many many men watch pornography. So while demographically blogging about nerd porn is a good idea...
it's a bad idea.
Because now I'm not really sure if I should bother reading boing-boing. Why should this jerk get free advertising? When you get right down to it, most porn is the same-- gross. If I want porn (sometimes I do), I'll bloody well search for it myself.
Seeing it as I eat my breakfast is, well, totally inappropriate.


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I don't like having to hear or see theft, murder, lies, slander, corruption, or violence while I eat my breakfast.

And yet the news continues to be broadcast.

Might I suggest being more mindful of where you click? The word "porn" is present in the title of the article, so you knew what you were getting into when you read the article. Which you didn't have to do. You could have skipped it without missing out on anything else on Boing Boing. But you chose not to. (Or were you merely offended by reading the word "porn"? That would be truly sad.)

You're an adult, right? Act like one. Take responsibility for your own actions. Seriously, how did you end up reading the article if you didn't want to see anything about porn?

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#10 posted by MHotel , March 3, 2008 12:21 PM

psssh. some envelope pushers they are. their lack of Tauren porn reveals that they're total wusses.

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#11 posted by Jerril , March 3, 2008 12:26 PM


Boingboing blogs about all kinds of commercial enterprises. Why is this any more "free advertising" than a post about someone selling arty chairs or bizarre stuffed animals?

Just because you don't care about one post doesn't magically make the entire blog Eeeebil.

For reference, I'm a girl, and a world of warcraft player. I have no intention of going out and downloading this mans product (I have suspicions my boyfriend may have already done that, actually) but I still find the article interesting and amusing.

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Mia Rose is hot. I'd hit it.

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WTB gnome on tauren action.

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#14 posted by Takuan , March 3, 2008 12:44 PM

bloody mammals

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Seeing it as I eat my breakfast is, well, totally inappropriate.

It's not like this is some German Scheisse video. Everyone has different levels of "ewww. Gross." I had to stop mid-bite when the surgery photo story came up. Then I hit delete in the RSS feed and continued chewing on something copyright or music related. This is just a picture of a woman with elf ears on and a pretty tame description of some pretty tame porn.

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#16 posted by noen , March 3, 2008 1:28 PM

@ #14
Yeah, and those marsupial hangers on too. Go parthenogenesis!

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Anyone who knows me, knows what I think is missing, so I won't even mention it.

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"Is news about porn the same thing as porn? Is news about gambling the same thing as gambling? Is news about the liquor industry the same thing as having a drink?"

I'm disappointed in your logic here Mark. I think that's an "intellectually dishonest" argument your posting here.

Think of it this way...
If this is "just news" as you put it...
Would you feel comfortable in bringing this article into say a 3rd graders class room and reading it in front of the kids?
Yes or No?

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Are we making BoingBoing suitable for third graders now? What are you on about? Go away and picket a dildo store somewhere.

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It's good to see that the art of letter writing is still alive, at least when our ready supply of dildonics is threatened by internal deadly foes. Were you serious about having a contact for the DL to ask that question? If yes, then yes.

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#22 posted by Takuan , March 3, 2008 3:38 PM

yes and yes, but the timing is unknown

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Cyenobite, that's ridiculous. You seem to be saying that because a story about porn is not appropriate for children, the story about porn *is* porn.

Let's look at an example of your logic. Say the Lizard Man of Lee County is real, and that it has sneaked into three houses and eaten the kids. I don't think it would be appropriate to tell my kids the news reports about the Lizard Man if we lived in Lee County, but that doesn't mean the news story about the Lizard Man is the Lizard Man itself.


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Time is but an illusion.

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#25 posted by noen , March 3, 2008 6:07 PM

You didn't even mention Smurf porn. Did you know there is smurf porn out there? I didn't until I followed a BB link (admittedly I clicked a couple more links after, big mistake). Now I have to find some bleach for my eyes.

Next thing you know there will be human/chimp hybrid porn when those "reborn" baby sculptures grown up.

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That Smurf porn was hot! Not so much Papa Smurf, but the other guys. It would have been better if they had left their hats on for the whole thing, though.

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I might also not see it appropriate to discuss murder and rape with a 3rd grade class, but would still see this as news worthy material.

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I'm a little late to this discussion but....

#6 Noen You don't really expect Americans to have rational, adult views about sex do you? There is a very large segment of the population in America for whom even the slightest hint of sex must be vigorously repressed.

I fully expected that last sentence to read "There is a very large segment of the population in America for whom even the slightest hint of sex elicits juvenile laughter and dick jokes." That's probably closer to the truth.

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Sorry, "Cyenobite".

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I met the guy who makes the prosthetic ears these (and other) folks use. I thought he had a awesome job, he might be the coolest person on the face of the earth.

Proving that someone can make a living selling prosthetic elf ears is reason enough to buy a pair.

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#31 posted by John H. , March 3, 2008 8:21 PM

#28, one leads directly to the other. The result of the United States' repressive attitude towards sex is that the first reaction of under-educated folk to it becomes HURR HURR TITTIES. Then the prudes have a look at that reaction and say "You SEE? That's exactly why all traces of sexuality must be scrubbed from our culture!"

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wow, I got some negative vibes from my comment there ... I'd like to respond...

to #19 Antinous>
No... I wasn't suggesting that bb be targeted towards third graders.
The very first post by Jeff was speaking to the issue raised a few days ago by Xeni about bb being targeted "unfairly" by censorware. As some have pointed out (including myself), it's posts like this one that trigger the keywords in censorware.
I'm ALL for posts like this on bb - most of us are adults here. But I don't think some of these posts are appropriate for kids - thus making the censorware understandable (to me).

To #23 Mark>
That wasn't my point at all.
Ok, I'll try to break it down again...

1) bb gets put on a list of websites to be censored due to questionable content, by programs meant to keep office workers and/or children from seeing inappropriate material. These programs are called "censorware".
2) bb routinely posts adult oriented posts. (That's not a complaint)
3) These posts use words that trigger the censorware. Just in this article alone, words like "sex, whorelord, porn, whorecraft, masturbating, nympho, and deep-throat".
4) Jeff in comment #1, points this out.
5) Mark then seems to respond - But this is just a news story about porn, it's not actually porn. So therefore it should not be censored via the censorware programs.
6) So that's when I made my comment saying that I thought his logic was "intellectually dishonest". I was NOT claiming that a story about porn *is* porn. I was claiming that a story about porn *is* inappropriate for children and some office spaces.

Am I really not explaining myself clearly here?

Wait... am I trying to debate logic with someone who uses a "lizard man" as an example? Okay, this might be a losing battle.

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Your previous post was little tonally challenging. You accused Mark of intellectual dishonesty and ended the post with a demanding yes or no question. And perhaps most significantly, you used a lot of unnecessary quotation marks. It sounded like you were angrily demanding that Mark justify himself to you. Presumably, you were writing in haste and meant no harm, but we only get the words as written, not the tone of voice or the facial expressions that might alter the meaning.

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#34 posted by Takuan , March 3, 2008 9:02 PM

your position is clear; you wish to censor BoingBoing

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Well, if we're going to censor BoingBoing, can we start by censoring all the comments from people who want to censor BoingBoing? My day would be ever so much brighter.

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#36 posted by Jeff , March 4, 2008 5:13 AM

Noen @25 said, "Next thing you know there will be human/chimp hybrid porn when those "reborn" baby sculptures grown up."

LOL! How much fun would that be? Hell, why not a Boing Boing post discussing the issue of Avatars having sex in Second Life or some other virtual community? My cute avatar looks like a five year old boy. Of course, I'm not five, so it would be okay for me to engage in virtual sexual relations with an adult dragon-headed lizard lady. Or a priest. It's all far game, right?

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Point taken Antinous. Thanks.
My apologies Mark if I sounded that way. I did have a bad day yesterday and perhaps it came through via my comment. I should have been more respectful. I do have a tendency to overuse "quote marks" too - it's a habit I try to break, but find it difficult.

And if Takuan can totally misunderstand my point like that, then I give up trying to explain myself. I must not be doing a good job - I'll go back to lurking again. I'll keep my comments to myself.

needless to say - Thanks Mark for doing a good job on bb - I'm a huge fan and meant no disrespect. (and no I'm not being sarcastic here.)

ps> my comment about the Lizard Man was meant to be a joke too, but even that too sounds sarcastic and nasty. Sorry again.

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#38 posted by Sparrow , March 4, 2008 7:55 AM

#8, This is just like all the Mac Air pr0n I've been seeing lately. I don't think I'll buy the product but it is interesting to know that it exists.

#18/32, Would you feel comfortable reading a graphic article about waterboarding to a 3rd grade class? Why exactly is it that you want to raise 3rd graders to be uncomfortable with this?

#19, Why do people always underestimate the intellectual capacity of third graders. (I was reading OMNI in third grade.)

By the way, who was it who decided we need to protect third graders, rather than preschoolers. Maybe we should ban clashing colours and words longer than two syllables.

#25, Sometimes you don't really don't want to click that link, especially if it mentions rule 34.

#28, I think you may have hit the nail on the head. (Hehehe, they said "nail.")

#32, I think internally censoring the subjects that can be posted to defeat being censored by censorware would defeat the purpose. I also don't see the post itself as being objectionable, though following the link might be. Well designed censorware would block opening the link to the site that is being mentioned rather than the mere mention of the site.

I wonder if Fox News would be censored by the same censorware that blocks BoingBoing.

I don't think the net, or the rest of the world, should be made appropriate for the idealized vision of childlike innocence held by the sort of people who are likely to say "won't someone think of the children."

#36, SL makes it possible to explore all sorts of situations, but it's obviously a simulation and the kink factor is still only in your mind. I'm not exactly impressed by watching live, recorded or simulated meat rubbing against other meat.

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