8 days of Anarchy Ends

2008-03-25 00:00


In the final analysis we have to ask the question, what do we actually believe? We know what we are against, this project seems easy enough, but what do we do? How do we act? What are the consequences in our daily lives of names such as anarchist, communist, radical, or any of the rest? This is a time to connect our ideas to the world.

To do this we will discuss the widely circulated CAL (Columbia Anarchist League) Press Statement DISARM AUTHORITY! ARM YOUR DESIRES! from 1989. This document presents an excellent place to start a discussion about what has changed, and stayed the same, in the past 30 years. What do we have to learn from then and what do we have to teach?

* Where: The Long Haul - 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley CA
* When: Tuesday March 25th
* 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm