Blogs about: Hymns And Spiritual Songs

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Here Is Love2 comments

Barbara H. wrote 3 days ago: One of my favorite new Christmas presents is a CD titled Depths of Mercy, performed by the Soundforth singers and … more »

He's Emmanuel9 comments

Barbara H. wrote 3 weeks ago: Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Holidays, Religion

I Hear Thy Welcome Voice1 comment

Barbara H. wrote 1 month ago: I hear Thy welcome voice That calls me, Lord, to Thee, For cleansing in Thy precious blood That flowed on … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Religion

Never further than Thy cross1 comment

Barbara H. wrote 1 month ago: I saw two verses of this in a book I was reading last night, and when I looked it up … more »

Tags: Christian Life, Poems, Religion, Thoughts From Scripture

Infant holy, Infant lowly

Barbara H. wrote 1 month ago: Infant holy, Infant lowly, for His bed a cattle stall; Oxen lowing, little knowing, Christ the Babe is Lord of … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Holidays

When Morning Guilds the Skies

Barbara H. wrote 2 months ago: When morning gilds the skies my heart awaking cries: May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer, … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Religion

In Tenderness He Sought Me3 comments

Barbara H. wrote 2 months ago: In tenderness He sought me, Weary and sick with sin; And on His shoulders brought me Back to His fold … more »

Tags: Religion, Thoughts From Scripture

Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All1 comment

Barbara H. wrote 3 months ago: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, Hear me, blest Savior, when I call; Hear me, and from Thy dwelling … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Christian Life, Religion

Safely Through Another Week

Barbara H. wrote 3 months ago: By John Newton, 1774 Safely through another week God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

Thy sea is great, our boats are small3 comments

Barbara H. wrote 5 months ago: When I was a teen-ager, I saw a plaque or poster with a stylized painting of a boat on the … more »

Tags: Poems, Thoughts From Scripture

The Best Freedom6 comments

Barbara H. wrote 6 months ago: (Graphic courtesy of Snapshots of Joy) Glorious Freedom by Haldor Lillenas Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters, … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture, Holidays

Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned

Barbara H. wrote 6 months ago: This hymn was one of the favorites of a dear former pastor, Jesse Boyd (for whom our Jesse was named). … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

To the Praise of His Glorious Grace

Barbara H. wrote 7 months ago: by D.A. Carson What astonishing mercy and power: In accord with his pleasure and will He created each planet, each … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

No work of mine...

Barbara H. wrote 7 months ago: I am often burdened for dear friends caught up in religions that teach that their salvation is dependent on their … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

Senior version of "Jesus Loves Me"4 comments

Barbara H. wrote 8 months ago: Though I don’t consider myself a “senior” yet (I’ve been wondering if the “middle-aged spread” is not so much a … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

All of These2 comments

Barbara H. wrote 8 months ago: I’ve heard this sung a time or two at church, then I discovered it on the new Creator of It … more »

Come, Come Unto Me2 comments

Barbara H. wrote 8 months ago: A young man sang this song in church last night, and it so touched my heart. Then today I received … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

There Is None Like You1 comment

Barbara H. wrote 8 months ago: Creator of the moon and stars, of mountains reaching high, Creator of the galaxies who hears a baby’s cry. Eternity, … more »

A Passion For Thee2 comments

Barbara H. wrote 8 months ago: A Passion For Thee  Set my heart, O dear Father, On Thee, and Thee only, Give me a thirst for … more »

Tags: Thoughts From Scripture

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