Blogs about: Christianity

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Simplicity versus "The Mommy Frump"

"Maggie" wrote 3 minutes ago: Richard Foster, author of “Celebration of Discipline” writes a chapter called ”Simplicity”.   In it, he says, …freedom from anxiety is one of … more »

Tags: Challenge, female, Motherhood, sprituality

What you cannot see now you will see later

Abnel wrote 15 minutes ago: (If you wish to receive these business-day devotionals directly via e-mail, subscribe by e-mailing Brother Abnel at TODAY’S VERSE: … more »

Tags: 2008, Cristianismo, Devotional, Espiritualidad, febrero, February, Religion, spirituality

Full stewardship taught v. Don't get too personal

Jesus 4 King wrote 27 minutes ago: What is New Testament Christianity all about? The four gospel accounts tell the story of Jesus; Acts tells the story … more »

Tags: Bible, Christian, church, Emerging Church, Faith, God, Jesus, Jesus 4 King Project, Life

Who Do You Rep, Satan or JESUS?

Kristia wrote 31 minutes ago: Christians nowadays are so confused. Are we of the world or supposed to stand out from it? Many of us … more »

Idol chatter

singa2n wrote 50 minutes ago: Are you an American Idol fan?  I didn’t start watching until Season 4, but now I’m hooked.  Worn out as I … more »

Tags: Uncategorized

Atheism ≠ Misanthropy

carriedthecross wrote 52 minutes ago: I discussed a while back several reasons why I was hesitant to abandon my Christian faith, but somehow I managed … more »

Tags: Atheism

'Friendly' Atheism and an Analytical Analysis of Prayer

Josh wrote 55 minutes ago: Two of my favorite blogs, Fides Quaerens Intellectum and Nihil Fit, have recently produced some particularly interesting posts. Johnny Dee … more »

Tags: Atheism, Blogwatch, Prayer

Sent Into The Desert: A Lenten Meditation

Chuck Warnock wrote 1 hour ago: Tomorrow I bring the lenten meditation for the second of our Lenten lunches. I hope this helps you find your … more »

Tags: Journey, Mark

The Results of Poor Hermeneutics and KJV Extremism1 comment

A.P. Sullivan wrote 1 hour ago: I originally saw this on the Mabe family’s website.  It is unspeakably infuriating to see God’s Word abused and … more »

Tags: Bible, Biblical Studies, Evangelicalism, Hermeneutics, KJV-onlyism, study


jowiki wrote 1 hour ago: One day I want that title, missiologist. For some positions in life you need lots of degrees and for … more »

Tags: Christ, Community, Culture, Evangelism, Missional, Read, Religion

The Purpose of Living

Harrison wrote 1 hour ago: It must the one question that everybody at some time in their lives asks themselves, “What is the purpose of … more »

Tags: Art, Culture, death, God, Inspiration, Jesus, Life, Love, New age

Texas Minister: Murder and False Idols

Dan (Fitness) wrote 1 hour ago: A Minister turned himself in for a murder he committed 14 years ago, and the reactions from the community are … more »

Tags: ethics, Justice, Morality, murder, Politics, Religion, Texas, Theocracy

Complex Sin2 comments

Zachary wrote 1 hour ago: There is no such thing as a simple sin. There are only complex sins, multiple sins in one action. If … more »

Tags: Forgiveness, God, Religion

How Did I Know?

Sheila wrote 1 hour ago: I knew that my refusal to permit someone, who disagreed with my expression of faith on my Calvinism Analogy post … more »

Tags: my faith

What Do We Really Believe???1 comment

chad myhre wrote 1 hour ago: Maybe there will be a tomorrow, where I do not think the way that I do today. I firmly believe … more »

Tags: Apologetics, Books, calvary chapel, doctrine, ECM, Emergent, Emerging Church, Holy Spirit, Ministry

A perspective on Christ's death

ontologist wrote 1 hour ago: Christ didn’t have to die for the sake of dying but to prove loyalty to point of death. So … more »

Tags: 1

The Problem of Evil on NPR

Jennifer Lawson wrote 1 hour ago: Here’s an interview with Religious Studies Professor Bart D. Ehrman (UNC-Chapel Hill) on the problem of evil, the Bible and … more »

Tags: interviews, Philosophy of Religion

Did You Know Mercy Me Has a Blog?

mattdabbs wrote 1 hour ago: Here is the link. … more »

Tags: Christian music, Religion

Dream... chance or choice?

jeremydunn wrote 2 hours ago: Had a great talk with my brother recently in regards to one of my old post..”to dream is to change” … more »

Tags: 20 somethings, church, Destiny, Dreams, florida ministry, Jesus, Life, Me, ormond beach

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