libertarian communism

Kropotkin, Self-valorization And The Crisis Of Marxism

This paper was written for and presented to the Conference on Pyotr Alexeevich Kropotkin organized by the Russian Academy of Science on the 150th anniversary of his birth.

The conference was held in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Dimitrov on December 8 - 14, 1992. It was the first such conference to be held on Russian soil since the Revolution in 1917.

Trade unionism and the class war - Guy Aldred

Rail strikers, Liverpool, 1911

Pamplet on class struggle and the unions by Scottish anarchist-communist Guy Aldred.

Taken from a collection of Aldred's pamphlets Studies in Communism,(1940). Originally published in Pamphlets for the Proletarian, No. 11, (1911). Second edition published in The Spur series,No. 4,(1919).

Guy Aldred was an Anarchist-Communist, based for most of his life in Glasgow and active for many years as a pamphleteer and public speaker.

The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything

Narrow Greed.

The positive conception of egoism, the perspective of communist egoism, is the very heart and unity of our theoretical and practical coherence.

This perspective is the essence of what separates us from both the left and the right. We cannot allow its fundamental importance to be obscured, or ourselves to be mistaken for either the right or the left. We cannot allow any Leninist organization to get away with claiming that it is only 'a little bit pregnant' with state capitalism.



Re-visiting the east ... and popping in at Marx's - Gilles Dauvé

Construction of the Berlin Wall

Apart from North Korea and Cuba, no country calls itself socialist any more. So why bother about old debates on the nature of the USSR? Since capitalism rules the world, what else is there to know?! A great deal.

It’s crucial to understand why Russia was capitalist in 1980, or 1930, or 1920, if we wish to understand what capitalism really is, and what can and must be revolutionized in Russia as well as in Britain in the XXIst century.

An anti-statist communist manifesto - Joseph Lane

British workers in 1900

Joseph Lane's important manifesto for libertarian socialists, first published in the UK in 1887.

"In vain you tell me that Artificial Government is good, but that I fall out only with its abuse. The thing - the thing itself is the abuse !" - Burke


The basic perspectives of the poor, the bad and the angry - Love and Treason

Subtitled A contribution to the politics of the future, this article is an introductory call to arms from anti-state communists Love and Treason.

A contribution to the politics of the future...

The basic perspectives of
The Poor, the Bad and the Angry

The world we must leave...

Principles of Syndicalism - Tom Brown

IWW syndicalist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn speaks, Lawrence strike 1912

Written by the well known activist and propagandist Tom Brown, the article explains clearly the principles according to which syndicalist unions organise, and the new society they aim to create "within the shell of the old".

This simple introduction to syndicalism, workers control and libertarian communism originally appeared as a series of articles in War Commentary for Anarchism in 1943.

1. Not Centralism - But Federalism
2. Economic Federalism
3. Abolition Of The Wages System
4. The End Of The Money Trick
5. To Each According To His[/Her] Needs
6. Workers' Control of Distribution

Anarchist communism - an introduction

A short introduction to anarchist-communism.


Anarchist communism is a form of anarchism that advocates the abolition of the State and capitalism in favour of a horizontal network of voluntary associations through which everyone will be free to satisfy his or her needs.

Libertarian communism, capitalism and direct action - an introduction's basic introduction to our understanding of the world as it is, what we think can be done to make it better, and how a libertarian communist society could function.


What is capitalism?

Situationists - an introduction

A short introduction to the ideas of the Situationists. Based in France, their strand of libertarian Marxism became popular after the mass strikes of 1968.


Situationist ideas came from the European organisation the Situationist International, formed in 1957. While it lasted only 15 years, its ideas were deeply influential, and have been a part of Western society - and radical movements - ever since.

Council communism - an introduction

A short history and explanation of the ideas and practice of council communism.

Council communist - Otto Ruhle

Council communism was a radical left movement originating in Germany and the Netherlands in the 1920s. Today it continues as an important theoretical current within libertarian communism.

Platformism - an introduction

A brief history and explanation of "Platformism" - a strain of anarchist communism influenced by a 1926 document The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists.

Platformists today - the North-Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists in Quebec

Platformism is a current within libertarian communism putting forward specific suggestions on the nature which anarchist organsation should take.

Abolish Restaurants

Abolish Restaurants is an illustrated guide to the daily misery, stress, boredom, and alienation of restaurant work, as well as the ways in which restaurant workers fight against it.

Drawing on a range of anti-capitalist ideas as well as a heaping plate of personal experience, it is part analysis and part call-to-arms.
  • Download Abolish Restaurants in PDF format (13.4Mb)
  • The text-only version is reproduced below

  • Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell

    George Orwell's famous 1938 account of the Spanish Revolution and Civil War, from his point of view as a volunteer in the POUM militia.

    Though the POUM were socialists, he wrote "as far as my purely personal preferences went I would have liked to join the Anarchists."

    His vivid descriptions of classless anarchist Barcelona following the revolution and terrorised Stalinist Barcelona after the counter-revolution are a timeless reminder that a 'revolutionary state' is a contradiction in terms.

    Work. Community. Politics. War. A manifesto

    US insurrectionist communist website's illustrated call to arms to the workers of the world. In text and PDF format.

  • WCPW comic in PDF Format (11Mb)


  • Going in the Wrong Direction or Mephistopheles: Not Saint Francis of Assisi

    Toni Negri's work is enormously attractive, not only for its own merits, but because it responds to a desperate need. We are all looking for a way forward. The old state-centred model of revolution has failed catastrophically, reformism becomes more and more corrupt and barren, yet revolutionary change is more urgent than ever.

    Twelve Theses on Changing the World without taking Power


    1. The starting point is negativity.

    We start from the scream, not from the word. Faced with the mutilation of human lives by capitalism, a scream of sadness, a scream of horror, a scream of anger, a scream of refusal: NO.

    Bernard Reichenbach:The KAPD in Retrospect - An Interview with a Member of the Communist Workers Party of Germany

    Revolutionary History, Vol. 5, No. 2 Spring 1994

    We have omitted the footnotes from this text as they are mainly short biographies of people in the text. This interview first appeared in Solidarity Vol. 6 no.2 when Reichanbach was a militant in the anti-parliamentary Left in Germany. He was interviewed by Rudi Dutschke (RH)

    The German Workers' Councils

    Global War for the World Order, Part II

    September 11 did not change the world and marked no change in era. It becomes more and more obvious that it was crystallization point and catalyst for developments which had started long before.

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