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Morocco: public sector workers strike

Public service workers across Morocco held a one-day strike today and joined mounted protests demanding reforms and better conditions and salaries from the government.

Workers are making a series of demands, many related to reforms of the antiquated civil service statutes, many of which haven't changed since 1958, shortly after independence.

Greece: general strike by public service workers

Public service workers in Greece have gone on strike, for the second time in two months, to defend their pensions.

The strikes have virtually paralysed the country as workers nation-wide seek to defend their pensions and protest against a government that has broken its promises.

Poland: Three labour conflicts highlight the state's animosity towards Workers

Currently there are many labour conflicts in Poland, including various forms of strikes and protest. Almost 20 years after Poland's transition to a market economy, labour unrest is still strongest in the budget sector and in state-owned companies.

THE STRIKE IN BUDRYK: Miners get the shaft as elite get wealthy

The mining industry in Poland is still a quite healthy business. Fuel prices are rising as is the global demand for coal. Budryk is one of the mines in Poland that was making a very healthy profit – until a labour dispute began costing the mine losses of about 1 million US dollars per day.

France: round-up of strikes and more government attacks on conditions

Just outside of Paris at the Areva TD factory in Montrouge, 89 striking workers have been occupying and blockading the factory for four days.The movement began after management announced plans to clos

New Zealand: Brackenridge Estate strike - day two

Care workers for intellectually disabled adults are on strike at the state run Brackenridge Estate facility in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The second day of the strike at Brackenridge Estate, a Ministry Of Health run complex for the care of intellectually disabled adults, saw around 40 workers and their supporters on the picket lines, un

Wales: Paramedics in unofficial overtime ban

Ambulance crews covering south east Wales are refusing to work any overtime for four weeks to highlight staff shortages in the service.

The BBC reported that paramedics say they are worried that patient safety is being compromised because the service is dependant on their willingness to work extra hours.

Karen Reissman strike suspended

150 NHS mental health workers in Manchester who have been on strike since early November following the sacking of Karen Reissman are to return to work on Monday 17th December, without having secured her reinstatement.

The strike is now set to be replaced by a "national Unison campaign".

Karen Reissman appeal rejected

NHS Trust bosses this week rejected mental health nurse Karen Reissman's appeal against her dismissal.

The appeal, which bosses deliberated over for a week, attempted to overturn the decision to dismiss Reissman, who was sacked for 'gross misconduct' after criticising cuts to NHS services in the media.

Greece: General strike against pension reform

Thousands of Greek workers have joined a 24-hour strike in protest against reforms which could jeapordise pensions and jobs.

Launched by Greece's two largest unions, the strike has affected all public services, hospitals, banks, courts and airports.

Campaigners slam closures after "critical" blood shortages emerge


Campaigners against the cuts to the National Blood Service have hit out, after blood shortages in hospitals are already emerging.

The NHS Blood and Transplant Board which manages the NBS aims to axe blood centre in this area, in cuts plans that will see 600 jobs lost.

IWW Launches Second Phase of National Campaign

Save Our NBS

A press release from the IWW outining its plans to organise the UK's National Blood Service.

IWW launches second phase of fight against blood service centralisation plans.

France: More workers join strikes

Hundreds of thousands of health workers, civil servants, printers postal workers and air traffic controllers yesterday joined transport and energy strikes over pensions and pay.

Thousands joined street protests in Paris, Rouen, Strasbourg, Marseille, Grenoble, Lyon and other cities.

Manchester nurses strike for Karen Reissman

Manchester mental health workers demonstrate against privatisation, March 2007. Photo: Pia Feig

Nurses today began a rolling strike after their union leader was sacked for speaking to the media.

More than 150 staff, who care for 1,000 seriously-ill psychiatric patients, are on picket lines across Manchester and say they will not return to work until senior nurse Karen Reissmann is reinstated.

700 health workers to strike in defence of their union rep

300 supporters at a meeting in Manchester, August 2007. Photo: Socialist Worker

700 health workers, mainly nurses, will be out on strike again for 3 days Wednesday 31st October, Thursday 1st November and Friday 2nd November.

UNISON members who work for Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust are protesting about the ongoing suspension of their branch chair and national health executive member, Karen Reissmann.

Manchester nurses continue strikes in defence of suspended colleague

Karen Reissman speaking at a Defend the NHS demo, March 2007

Manchester mental health UNISON members will be on strike again on Thursday 18th, Friday 19th and Monday 22nd October.

This coincides with the disciplinary hearing for their branch chair, Karen Reissmann.

France: medical interns strike over conditions

Interns across the country have gone on strike demanding that the government withdraw new laws on their freedom of movement.

15000 interns nationwide demonstrated on Friday to further publicise their strike.

Midlands: health boss to get pay increase while workers face pay cut

Unison demonstration in Wolverhampton

Hospital workers in Leicestershire were shocked and outraged by the news that interim Chief Executive for the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Derek Smith, will be paid £100,000 for three months work. Meanwhile, Wolverhampton healthworkers face a pay cut.

- but they weren’t surprised.

NHS Trust sets date for Reissmann disciplinary hearing

Demonstration in support of Karen Reissman, September 9th 2007

Talks between UNISON and Manchester’s mental health trust broke down on Monday (Oct 1st) when the Trust announced they will hold a disciplinary hearing for Karen Reissmann, a trade union activist, in 2 weeks time.

Striking nurses lobbied their board last Thursday and were told their trust had “made approaches to Unison Regional Centre regarding ways of halting the industrial action”.

Norfolk hospital workers could strike

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Dozens of cleaners, porters, and catering staff at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital are voting this week on whether to take strike action as a dispute over pay threatened to boil over.

If given the go-ahead, the move would affect 44 workers, who are members of the union Unite, who are employed by the private contractor Serco. Angry staff claim they are missing out on the same pay and benefits that there NHS employed counterparts receive. They are campaigning for the company to introduce a system similar to the NHS's Agenda for Change scheme, in which wages were reconfigured.

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