Investigative journalists face harassment in Mexico

Juan Trujillo Limones (a La Jornada and Ojarasca contributor) and Raúl Romero Gallardo, reporters for the Narco News electronic bulletin, have been subjected to spying and unlawful entry into their Mexico City apartment.

The journalists, who have been heavily involved in covering the activities of regional independent indigenous movements, saw two break-ins to their homes at the end of last month and the beginning of February.

On both occasions the “visitors” have made sure Trujillo and Romero knew they were there. On the night of January 25-26 they inspected their computers and left them on, and on February 1 they left the television on. Neighbors have confirmed the presence of strange people outside the building.

Narconews have demanded "security and respect for our colleagues’ work", which has included substantial reportage on both the Zapatista movement and the uprisings in Oaxaca for Narconews and other publications over the last few years. The newswire fears that the intimidatory actions may be early warning signs of the effects of the proposed "Gestapo Law", a constitutional reform that, if approved, will legalise warrantless house searches in cases where police feel there is "a current or imminent danger." It would also allow the Mexican government to hold detainees incommunicado for up to 80 days.

Mexico is the second most dangerous country in the world for journalists after Iraq, with most killed by drugs cartels, and ocassionally by paramilitaries.

* Adapted from the mywordismyweapon blog, and La Jornada.