Partner/Hosting - The Collaborative Project

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Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 22 June 2006

2 hands on glass, one green the other white.Welcome to the Collaborative Project's Partner / Networking / Hosting Site. The Collaborative Project is a joint venture between Speaking Out Against Racism (SOAR) and the discountinued website Erase The Hate 2001.  It was developed as a place to unite and bring together the already numerous resources on diversity and social justice into one easy to navigate, united front.  As part of this venture, we attempt to partner with other active websites and provide indepth, detailed reviews along with links to a number of resources provided on the web today.  Additionally, The Collaborative Project offers a number of free and super low cost hosting options to organizations and individuals who cannot afford or do not have the know how to create a website.

What Can the Collaborative Project do for You?:       

The Collaborative Project is always seeking new and fresh websites and resources to partner and network with.  Partner resources should be related in some fashion to Social Justice, whereas anyone may become a network resource.  We request that a link or graphical image be used on your site, publication(s) or that you in some way provide information about the Project whereas we will display your image/logo/name throughout our network of sites and all publications of the Project. 

--By our network of sites, all websites that have been designed by the Collaborative Project have a link back placed on their site, all sites hosted by the collaborative project will have your logo displayed on them--

Website Hosting:

The Collaborative Project provides organizations and individuals with free website hosting and design services.  All hosted sites must relate to social justice or diversity and are free of charge.  There are limitations and requirements for this service, but you are sure to find it an affordable and reasonable.

Website Mirroring:

 The Collaborative Project understands that some social justice websites becoming the target of attacks and hacking attempts, we can provide your website resource a mirror site, which you can direct your visitors too when this occurs.  The mirror can be always on or in the background until needed.

Design/Integration/Other Services:

The Collaborative Project can assist your organization or website with any number of assistance.  Please feel free to contact us about your needs.


What has the collaborative project done recently?

1. Completely redid One People's Radio with design, Audio RSS feeds, Web-based updating of podcasts and integration with itunes podcast directory. 

2. Completely rewrote Speaing Out Against Racism and integrated member registration/login with forums. 


Where can I sign up for assistance/hosting etc...

Click here to submit a Support Ticket.  Select New Service Request from the drop down menu and provide as much detail about your request as possible, a support representative will respond within 24-48 hours.


How much do your services cost?

We generally do not require a fee, though we do accept donations as this is all completed in our free  time.  Sometimes, when we host your site or your request requires alot of effort and time, there may be a fee involved, although very nominal.  All details will be discussed prior to us accepting a job. 


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 July 2006 )
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