Monday, 11 February 2008


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Rochelle Park, NJ 07662

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Anti-immigrant scum on the move

Boneheads on trial




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The News

What's goin' on...

  • The Ron Paul DE-volution  ( 4 items )
    No, he is not a good guy. No he is not for the people, Yes, Rep. Ron Paul is a fascist, and all the We the People sloganeering and all the fanfare is not going to stop us from showing how much this dirtbag likes to cavort with white supremacists, the Christian Right, and assorted xenophobes in this country.
  • The Story of Prussian Blue  ( 1 items )
    These are articles related to the Nazi singing duo Prussian Blue, who go around their little Nazi circles and perform before fawning Nazis as dictated by their mother April Gaede. If you ever hear some benign remark about us attacking children or something about us attacking a mother and her children, this is who those people are talking about - and why they don't tell you exactly who they are talking about. Fact of the matter is this: If they are going to be used like this, we cannot ignore it, but in the end, the biggest criminal is going to be April, not Lamb or Lynx.
  • The Elmwood Park Saga  ( 11 items )
    We, along with other organizations in New Jersey have been working tirelessly to bring attention to a meeting house in Elmwood Park, NJ. It is called the J.O.U.A.M. (Jr. Order of United American Mechanics) Hall and it is where the local white supremacists like to hold their events. Well, we may have to say WAS, because they apparently have been told to go away. That was due in no small part to the work we have been doing for the past few years. We hope that this holds, but just so folks knew what was going on, here are a number of articles related to the issue.
  • Jena 6  ( 11 items )
    Articles related to the case in Jena, Louisiana of six black high school students who are facing prison for fighting back against white racists in their school when no one else would fight for them.
  • Hate Radio  ( 3 items )
    Here you will find stories about the haters and racist shock jocks that stink up our airwaves everyday. Since Don Imus moved to 77 WABC, one of the Jersey guys took his old spot at 66 WFAN, Bob Grant has returned to 77 WABC - which fired him over a decade ago, and Steve Malzberg managed to score a regular gig opposite him on WOR-AM, we are sure we will have more than enough to talk about. This is not a section to just bring up every little thing they say on their show, by the way. Sure we will bring up something that will get our goat from time to time, but there are other websites that document that kind of thing, so we won't get in their way. This is however, a section that will deal with how folks respond to them. We are all abouot the direct action 'round here!
  • Fighting the Thin Blue Line  ( 5 items )
    This is not a section to declare that all cops are bad. This is a section to declare that THESE cops are bad! Police corruption, police brutality, racist cops...that's what you will find here.
  • The Bill White Chronicles  ( 17 items )
    See Bill? We love you so much we gave you your own section!
  • Ye Olde White Power Chopping Block  ( 72 items )
    We don't get it. Time and time again, WPs play that mantra about how black people are responsible for all the crime in the world, and how black people spend every waking hour preying upon the poor, innocent white people that do no wrong. Of course, we know criminals come in all sizes, shapes and colors, and the proof of that is the WPs in this world that time and time again have shown that THEY can't keep themselves out of trouble. This section is dedicated to every Neo-Nazi, every Klansman, every racist that have shown us all that for all their talk about people of color, they are their own worst enemy.
  • The War(s)  ( 15 items )
    Thousands of American soldiers countless numbers of civilians have perished in this most recent conflict in the Middle East, enough to say that we should do everything we can to end it. This section is dedicated to those that do, and will provide as much news and information that we can about this horrid and unjust war, not to mention any other wars our leaders want to get us into.
  • Music and Culture  ( 9 items )
    The world isn't all politics and fighting the opposition. There is something we fight for. This section is dedicated to that.
  • Direct Action  ( 30 items )
    Tired of reading about all the bad stuff someone is doing to society. Come here to see what folks have tried or did do to them!
  • Obituaries  ( 20 items )
    Section for those who are no longer with us. It doesn't matter who the person is. We will either pay tribute to them or pay tribute to the fact they are dead!
  • LGBT Issues  ( 11 items )
    The gay community has made great strides over the past twenty years or so, and to that end their detractors have stepped up the fight. When the only thing that can bring people from various religions together is a commitment to fight someone else, in this case, the gay community, the tide has shifted. This section is dedicated to those who have made it so.
  • Stupid Right Wingers  ( 92 items )
    Okay, the title is a little redundant, but sometimes, we just can't help noticing the outlandish crap our favorite right wingers do, let alone get away with.
  • Immigration  ( 58 items )
    Anything pertaining to immigration will be in this section. We have to warn you though: The issue has really brought out the hate in many that we once called our neighbors. Sometimes we wonder if a few of these articles should be put in alongside our Nazi articles, especially considering most of the anti-immigration groups are hooking up with the Nazis! Some stories here are going to be pretty hardcore.
  • General News  ( 65 items )
    The latest news from on the newsline.
  • Antifa News  ( 309 items )
    All the news about Nazis and other assorted fascists that is fit to print.

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OPP Disclaimer
One People's Project provides this information to help the public understand who we are dealing with, strongly condemns any unlawful act perpetuated against any person, and discourages its visitors not to be like much of the dregs that we spotlight here. Remember, we have the upper hand, not them.

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We are looking for white power propaganda and materials, old and new, to help our work. Some folks out there have items like this lying around, collecting dust and taking up space. Don't throw it out, send it to us. We can use it. If you wish to donate 'zines, CDs, videos, clothing, photos, documents or other related items, feel free to send them to the snail mail address above. All items will be received on a confidential basis.