Author Archive for Din

To Anyone That Cares …

I’m alive! I’m alive! Yes, it has been a long while since I blogged. Months, in fact. I just checked in my blog to clear the bucket load of spam I keep receiving and figured what the hell, I’ll write a new post. Ta-da!
I have been rather disinterested in not only my own blog but […]

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Me blog little. Me busy. Study busy. Me too busy study. Me forget english. No grammar good for me. Sentence construct cannot. Me bad.
Yes, I’m back studying. I’m currently enrolled in the college of law, getting my practical legal training. It might be practical stuff but there’s still a lot of reading to be […]

The Execution Of Justice

I am not a pacifist. I do not a problem with violence per se. I do not have a problem with murder per se either. I think that there are various acceptable reasons for one human being to cause the death of another human being. Self-defence being the obvious example. A dictator still in authority […]

Oh, Happy Day

Pinochet is dead. Long live the celebration!
Now, if Thatcher or Kissinger kicks the bucket soon, I’m going to start suspecting a conspiracy down in hell …
np: Skyclad - Irrational Anthems
Are you ready for The Sinful Ensemble?
Good clean fun - just a bit a rough and tumble.
Dead dictators out on a “labs night”.
Then pints later […]

The Eyes See All

Yes, I’m aware that I have not been blogging much recently. Not that I don’t have the time for it. I just haven’t felt like it, to be honest. So here’s another photo of another cat …

np: Skyclad - The Silent Whales Of Lunar Sea

Ban The Burqa!

Now the minister told the muslim dutch
“You have to let that burqa drop”
Your way’s not the dutch way
Do not cover up the bod
The women, they wear the burqa
They went walking down the streets
Conservatives were left standing
Stunned by their hidden cheeks
The Dutch don’t like it
Ban the Burqa
Ban the Burqa
The Dutch don’t like it
Ban the Burqa
Ban the […]


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