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8 marzo 2008!! Ma quale festa delle donne?
Comunicato della Commissione Etiche & Politiche di Genere dell'FdCA

Le donne sono sempre le più colpite dalla povertà, dalla violenza, dalle guerre

Noi l'8 marzo 2008 ricordiamo le operaie che durante uno sciopero morirono in fabbrica tra le fiamme e nel loro ricordo continuiamo a denunciare e a combattere per liberare le donne dalle catene della società maschilista, patriarcale e clericale che le tengono ancora legate.

Perché l'8 marzo non resti solo una ricorrenza, spezziamo queste catene e ricominciamo a lottare tutti insieme, con una sempre più forte solidarietà e coscienza di classe, consapevoli che nessuna liberazione della donna sarà mai completa, senza la più ampia liberazione di tutta l'umanità dagli oppressori e dai tiranni, chiese, Stati e padroni, consapevoli che la libertà di tutti passa attraverso la libertà delle donne.

[ English]

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Why I Won’t Vote for Obama,
Or for Hillary, And Certainly Not for McCain, And Not Even For Ralph
An Anarchist View of the U.S. Elections

In the United States, there has developed an enthusiastic movement of support for the Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama. Besides the large forces he appeals to, especially among young adults, he is overwhelmingly supported by the left: liberals, social democrats, and Stalinists. I appreciate the movement-like aspect of his popular support, yet I personally will not vote for him.

[ Italiano]

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La movilización del 4 de Febrero en Colombia: ¿despertar o caminata de sonámbulos?
Algunas notas sobre el actual conflicto en Colombia a la luz de las recientes movilizaciones
El 4 de Febrero, marcharon unos tres millones de personas en Colombia en contra de las FARC-EP. Es un número importante, que plantea a esta organización insurgente la necesidad inaplazable de corregir sus métodos viciados.

Hubo muchos que dijeron (uniéndose al coro de A. Rangel) que esta marcha representaba un supuesto “despertar” de la “sociedad” colombiana, en que ya no habría, supuestamente, espacio para la indiferencia. Pero el 6 de Marzo es cuando realmente tendremos la oportunidad de comprobar si esto fue genuinamente un “despertar” o, sencillamente, una marcha de sonámbulos en medio de la larga noche del Plan Colombia. Ese día los que marcharán serán las víctimas de la violencia, todas las víctimas, convocadas en una manifestación de repudio a la violencia de Estado –lo que por extensión incluye al paramilitarismo. Pero lo más importante es el espíritu de construcción de paz con justicia social que anima a esta nueva convocatoria: su principal mensaje será el acuerdo humanitario y la salida políticamente negociada al conflicto

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Ever wished for an anarchist discussion board dominated by an exchange of argued out political views rather than insults? So did we, so we decided to do something about it.

[ Ελληνικά ] [ Türkçe ]

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"Capitalist society depends on class exploitation. It does not though depend on sexism and could in theory accommodate to a large extent a similar treatment of women and men. This is obvious if we look at what the fight for women’s liberation has achieved in many societies around the world over the last, say, 100 years, where there has been radical improvements in the situation of women and the underlying assumptions of what roles are natural and right for women. Capitalism, in the mean time, has adapted to women’s changing role and status in society. "

It is quite common these days to hear criticisms of “mainstream” or “middle-class” feminism from anarchists or others on the revolutionary, and even the not-so-revolutionary, left. In particular, anarchists are often quick to criticise any feminist analysis that lacks a class analysis. This article argues that feminism in its own right is worth fighting for and that when it comes to ending sexism an insistence on always emphasising class can end up merely distracting from the fact that as anarchists we need to be unambiguous when it comes to supporting feminism. Rather than distancing ourselves from other feminists or seeking always to qualify our support, our emphasis should shift to developing and promoting our own brand of anarchist feminism.

[ Ελληνικά ] [ Español ]

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