The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for community moderated discussion about such news.
Announcing the 8th Annual Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development (BASTARD) conference.

This year's theme is (anti)Religion and Dogma. Since this year's conference will be held on Easter Sunday and because a couple of years ago our informal theme was Spirituality, we decided to formally discuss anarchist theory critical of religion. Many, if not most, anarchists identify themselves as atheist (or ambivalent) but there has been very little modern public discussion about religion. We hope to change this.

Montreal's third annual ‘’Anarchist Theatre Festival’’ is seeking submissions of anarchist theatre pieces to be staged May 12 & 14.

Already confirmed are the Bread & Puppet Theatre, from Vermont, famous for their giant puppets, as well as Monique Surel, author of Au temps de l’anarchie, un théâtre du combat, a three-volume reference on anarchist theatre. Also, French actor Nicole Mourer will present a one-man show (a seul sur scène) about the French anarchist poet, Armand Robin.

We are looking for other theatre pieces about anarchists, anarchist ideas and history, or any subject related to anarchism including anti-state, against capitalism, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. We will consider plays or monologues that are original work, ones that have already been performed, or that have been written by anarchists (historical or contemporary). The pieces can be either full productions or staged readings in French or English.

The 2007 London bookfair was one of the best yet. The appeal below has been sent out this week by the organisers. If you can assist, please contact them via their website.


Well we are not the widows of recently deceased finance ministers of obscure African countries with large fortunes languishing unclaimed in Swiss bank accounts... But yes, this is an email wanting your money.

Last year's Anarchist Bookfair was, we think, very successful. We moved to a new venue, increasing the number of stalls. Much of the feedback we have had (admittedly as usual not much!) has been very positive (one account allegedly reckoned it 'the best ever'!). As usual there were small problems of stall allocation, which we hope we sorted, and a more serious issue of disabled access to stalls on the stage, which we hope we have put right for next year. We had no choice but to move from Holloway Resource Centre, but we think we have hit on a good venue in Queen Mary university; we hope to stay there for the future - a bit of stability after 4 moves in 7 years would help the Bookfair grow.

From un frenchy en amerique

American "anarchism" exists. So does generosity and fundraising parties. It was yesterday's discovery...

Are you confused? It is normal but I must explain. One of my political science major classmate, Ilan, a twenty-two French-American student lives in a cooperative house which hosted friday night a fundraising party. Organized by the Amnesty International student chapter of University of Oregon, the goal was to collect money for the Hurricane Kathrina's victims....

During the Hallowen period, there were many parties. I went to a couple of them among which a great one in a huge house. At that time, strangely, I had not been curious to talk with the people who lived there. I came and appreciated the party in that particular house called "campbell club house," but that was all.

From Hoya - By Mark Lance

This being my first column for THE HOYA, it seems natural to introduce myself. Doing so is more complicated than it sounds, however, because I take introductions to be political acts. Consider, for example, the way the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. will be introduced to people all over the country this weekend. He will be described as a man of peace and nonviolence and a man committed to desegregation. But how many celebrations will describe him as a fierce opponent of U.S. wars and U.S. imperialism? How many will describe him as a socialist who demanded economic equality? For that matter, how many will describe his many personal flaws or show him in close and complex relation to his comrades, sometimes leading, sometimes following, sometimes in conflict? These choices matter. They make us remember certain things, encourage focus on particular lessons and teach one version of how change happens in the world and what kind of person contributes to it.

So the question is: What do I want you to know about me?

From Rozbrat

Rozbrat Collective would like to thank everyone who in the last days expressed their support and their readiness to defend our place. We've received hundreds of e-mails, telephone calls, letters, both from indviduals and organizations, social movements from Poland and from abroad.

In general, after the visit of the bailiff last week (8/01/2008), nothing significant has happened, nothing that would change our situation. We're still under the threat of eviction, but the date is really hard to predict. We're still analysing our legal situation, considering both the organizations and initiatives that are active at Rozbrat, and the people living here for years. Within next 2 or 3 weeks our legal situation should be clear and we will publish another communique. However, we would like to state that we will defend Robrat both with all legal means and with all means necessary.

Two years after the arrest of Giannis Dimitrakis after a bank robbery, on 12 o'clock, were realised three simultaneous attacks on three banks and an ATM in central Athens.

Greece: Attacks on three banks in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Giannis Dimitrakis

2 years after the arrest of Giannis Dimitrakis after a bank robbery, on 12 o'clock, were realised three simultaneous attacks on three banks and an ATM in central Athens.

Attacks on three banks (Athens, 17/1/2008)

By some Vancouver anarchists - January 19, 2008

Anarchists in Vancouver, Canada, have been standing in solidarity with indigenous warrior John Graham since his extradition hearings began here in 2004.

The FBI charges that Graham killed his comrade Anna Mae Pictou Aquash, his friend and fellow warrior in the American Indian Movement (AIM). Aquash's body was found on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, in February of 1976.

Although Aquash was a well-known AIM leader and fugitive, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) police claimed they couldn’t identify her. Their pathologist claimed she died of exposure and removed her hands. The BIA prevented people from viewing her body and had her body buried without a death certificate or burial permit before her hands were sent to the FBI for identification. A second autopsy requested by her family and friends revealed that she had been shot.

The new translation, the debate, the history & the platform today

This pamphlet groups together the most recent translation of the Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists (Draft) and the debates between its authors, Malatesta and other anarchists that followed in the immediate years after its publication. The platform has always been a controversial document within anarchism, we introduce some of the history of the early controversies.

From Gibson - By Jonah Bayer

By all accounts, 2007 was pretty kind to Gainesville, Florida punk act Against Me!, and despite some naysayers, the coming year’s not looking any worse.

After spending the past decade pounding out the beats in sweaty basements and DIY venues, Against Me!’s major-label debut, New Wave, was heralded as the best album of the year by Spin. Touring relentlessly behind the album, they converted an influx of new fans by sharing the bill with a diverse roster of bands ranging from Fake Problems and Mastodon to Green Day and Foo Fighters.