The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for community moderated discussion about such news.
Ever wished for an anarchist discussion board dominated by an exchange of argued out political views rather than insults? So did we, so we decided to do something about it.

Inspired by the Organise discussion list of the mid 1990s (the first serious anarchist discussion list) and, we have launched AnarchistBlackCat. We are building a home for serious anarchist discussion and strong moderation of anything that falls below this according to a set of detailed, transparent and publicly available rules.

Got something to say? Come on over to

January 2008 marks the tenth anniversary of the Los Angeles chapter of the Anarchist Black Cross organization. We are proud and honored to be the longest running self-proclaimed anarchist group in the Los Angeles area.

LA ABC was formed by members of the Black Star Collective, Alternative Gathering Collective and Whittier Food Not Bombs. The group was formed by several anarchists who wanted to engage in concrete work based on the ideas of mutual aid and solidarity – two major tenets of anarchism.

Many of the earlier contributors had directly been affected by the prison system and thus became a natural interest in their politics. After a chance meeting with Lorenzo Komboa Irwin (former anarchist political prisoner) in San Francisco, it became clear to the anarchists that political prisoner support was a necessary part of the anarchist movement and began to build the foundation for the ABC chapter in Los Angeles.

On Sunday February 3rd in Guelph Ontario the offices of Eston Mfg, LPP Mfg, and Comtech Mfg were graffitied, postered and had their locks glued shut. A Re-Max office nearby was also the target of graffiti, glued locks, and had windows smashed.

These actions are a continuation of a fight against Linamar's involvement in the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP is a free trade aggreement that deals with militarizing and unifying the borders of North America to enable capitalist exploitation and stranglehold reprerssion on levels never before seen.

"None Forgiven, Sun Peaks 2001" was left of the Re/Max office door to remind these dealers in real estate that the battle which seemed to end in 2001 at Skwelkwek'welt with the forced eviction of land defenders by police forces is not the end of a struggle against capitalism and yuppie real estate. With the coming of the 2010 winter olympics to BC we see this aforementioned exploitation running rampant on native peoples and the urban poor.

As residents in the center of the global capitalist system we have recognized that the US is heading into serious trouble. This deep trouble will not be dealt with by capitalist society. They are not equipped to deal with it. Only the large-scale resistance that we will participate in will have this equipment.

With this resistance, and our desire in it, in mind we are offering 8 days of Anarchy. 8 days to set our minds on the project of disabusing ourselves of the ideological vortex of the left and sub-culture. Where we act in a way that is concordant with our resistance to this system and toward autonomous struggle. Toward autonomous struggle!

From Athens Indymedia (translated by G*)

Detailed description of the events during the anti-fascistic demonstration in Athens.

Since early in the morning about 50 fascists had been gathered in Kolokotroni sq, where the Neo-Nazi organisation “Chrissi Avgi” had planned a demonstration for 7pm. An anti-fascist demonstration had been scheduled for 2pm, organised by many organisations; though, since the square had been occupied since early, 400 demonstrators from the left and anarchist/anti-authoritarian space, gathered in Propylaea an Klafthmonos sq.

When the antifascists approached Kolokotroni sq, they saw a chain of cops, forming a shield for the fascists, who were standing behind the cops. At some points the cops left some space for the fascists to move in between them. This way, the fascists managed to stub two of our comrades and hit another two ones with stones. The guy who was stubbed, was moved to Evangelismos Hospital, where he stayed, after being having a surgery; his situation is not critical. A young man who had been stabbed on his leg and another one who was hit with a stone on the head, had to be treated for just a few hours. A fourth person, hit by stone, didn't need any treatment.

From Modesto Anarcho #6, out now! - By crudo

On any given night in Modesto, one can find many ordinary folks at a certain major chain store that specializes in upper priced organic, vegetarian, and specialty foods engaged not in buying anything, but instead digging through the trash. Some of those that frequent the dumpster buffet may live without homes, although many live in houses throughout the area. Many come in cars, some on bikes. Some come by themselves, but most arrive with their partners and families. Everyone though, comes for the food. When I meet people there, we talk and share stories. The food there is incredible. It is always amazing to walk away with food that was thrown out a few hours ago knowing that you could have paid too much money for it in the store. With this in mind, as we dig through the trash we also help each other grab various items, sometimes recalling that time we got a whole case of free wine or maybe that night we found a whole dumpster full of whipping cream! We trade items we don’t want for items we do. “Here is a package of hamburgers for that case of butter.” Many people I have met take the food back to their homes and give it out in their neighborhoods or to their friends. What the rich waste, the poor claim for themselves. Often we exchange tips on other spots where we can stock up on food. Once, someone stopped in a car when they saw that they knew a friend I was with and exclaimed, “You do this too?” Sometimes the workers were afraid of their bosses giving them shit and tell us to scram. Sometimes they bag up some food and just give it to us. Lots of people depend on this single store being so wasteful that it throws food away almost every day. The good times however, may soon be coming to an abrupt end.

From Linchpin - Interview by Dave

Q. What is the Ottawa Panhandlers Union and how was it started?

A. The Ottawa Panhandlers Union is a shop of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). It's a real union. What we do is run by the panhandlers themselves. The IWW has one paid member for the entire union. It's entirely member run. The idea is to empower people on the street to fight for themselves.

Ideally despite coming in as an outside organizer I'll be able to step out of the picture once the organization is up and running and there's a structure in place to ensure that the organization continues. I was on the street myself. I'm not on the street now. So I do know something about the milieu in which I'm working.

Ideally it [the Panhandlers Union] should be run by people who are actually on the street but in practice we find that our most valuable members are those who have just come off the street or are in the process of getting off the streets. Their lives are somewhat less chaotic than people who are actually on the street although we do have some [key] people who are hardcore street. It always impresses me. I'm so proud of all of these people. For example, the guy who writes our press releases has to leave the room every 15 minutes or so to take a sip of hand sanitizer As you may be aware people who are heavily addicted to alcohol stand a one in three chance of death if they go through withdrawal so they have to drink alcohol continuously just to survive The fact that someone who is dealing with this many crises in his own life is capable of not only functioning but contributing something to the welfare of others around him. It's just really humbling for me to work with someone like that considering the many sacrifices that he's got to be making in his own life are so much larger than anything I'm expected to give.

From UK Indymedia

A number of arguments are raised against campaigning against Scientology, some of which are summed up here (found through Digg).

One common argument against anti-Scientology campaigning is "freedom of belief." Under this argument, to campaign against any one religion is de facto bigotry and should be rejected. This analysis, however, is extremely superficial. Those Scientologists who do not work within the Church - the Free Zoners, in other words - have not been the target of nearly the same amount of attention, in spite of holding nearly identical beliefs. Why? They do not behave in the same way.

From Anarkismo - by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici

Final document, approved by 67th Council of Delegates of the FdCA

We must not allow ourselves to fall under the spell of the electoral sirens, nor be hoodwinked into thinking that the problems of Italian bosses are our problems. We must work towards creating the greatest possible unity against exploitation, discrimination and repression, so that we can promote new faith in the benefits of the libertarian alternative, with no State and no bosses.

67th Council of Delegates of the FdCA

From the Rag #2

The relationship between class society and capitalism

The defining feature of capitalist society is that it is broadly divided into two fundamental classes: the capitalist class (the bourgeoisie), made up of large business owners, and the working class (the proletariat), consisting more or less of everyone else - the vast majority of people who work for a wage. There are, of course, plenty of grey areas within this definition of class society, and the working class itself is not made up of one homogenous group of people, but includes, for example, unskilled labourers as well as most of what is commonly termed the middle-class and there can, therefore, be very real differences in income and opportunity for different sectors of this broadly defined working class

“Middle class” is a problematic term as, although frequently used, who exactly it refers to is rarely very clear. Usually “middle class” refers to workers such as independent professionals, small business owners and lower and middle management. However, these middle layers are not really an independent class, in that they are not independent of the process of exploitation and capital accumulation which is capitalism. They are generally at the fringes of one of the two main classes, capitalist and working class.[1]