Blogs by individual users and the official libcom blog. Our coverage of the anti-CPE movement in France has moved to
If you would like to blog on libcom and you're already an established user, please request one by posting in the feedback and content forum. does not take any responsibility for the content of individual users blogs.


ChristieBooks Films 2008 updates and news

Latest items at the start of the thread

ChristieBooks now hangs out its digital shingle at

Please also remember that we do not carry advertising; we subsist (after a
fashion) through donations and the sale of books, prints and other media ‹
and depend, therefore, on your ongoing financial support to help maintain
and expand our multimedia library-archive project.

Citizen journalism

CNN are close to launching a new website called iReport dedicated to ‘citizen journalism’ (a media term for non-professionals who report and write the news). The citizen journalist has been a topic of heavy debate across many sections of the media, particularly in the NUJ where it is considered a threat to the standards and reputation of the industry.

This is actually a very serious accusation to level.

New site feature: edit tab for all users

Logged in users will notice a new edit tab on library, history and news articles - this allows wikipedia-style user edits to any article. To prevent abuse, edited articles go into a moderation queue to be approved. Anyone blatantly vandalising articles will be banned. Also, please be aware that we may not accept all edits, in the same way that we don't accept all article submissions.

Demanding the Impossible

New edition of the history of anarchism by Peter Marshall

Class struggle by email

Why are email campaigns over industrial disputes making an impact?

Email campaigning has been one of the surprise success stories of the last few years in labour struggle.

Anarchism and Authority

A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism
Paul McLaughlin

Anarchism and Authority
A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism
Paul McLaughlin
Series: Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Philosophy


Anarchism, revolution and reaction

Catalan Labor and the Crisis of the Spanish State, 1898-1923

newish book by Angel Smith

Catalan Labor and the Crisis of the Spanish State, 1898-1923
Angel Smith

418 pages, 11 tables, 5 figs, bibliog., index
ISBN 978-1-84545-176-9 Hb $89.95/£55.00 Published (Summer 2007)

excellent review here (in English):


Scans your Winamp/Itunes music library and scans tickets for sale in your area and gives you a page of when all the music you listen to is gunna be playing live near you.

News comparisons - start of 2008

A while back I did a story count exploring how much the mainstream media actually writes in comparison to anarchist press and online. So, having done a Freedom revamp with more stuff levered in, and as an exercise to see how online is doing in terms of story count, I thought I'd revisit the subject...

Back in November 2006 in this blog, I did a quick analysis of our media and how it compares to the mainstream in any given fortnight (to accommodate the fact that Freedom comes out that often - look at me ma I'm making the sun orbit the earth grin - also because it's a handy ten-day cycle of workdays).

Forthcoming Attractions – February - May 2008

A selection of UK and US books to be distributed by Turnaround in the UK, that may be of interest.

Forthcoming Attractions – February 2008

Broue, Pierre and Temine, Emile “The Revolution and Civil War in Spain” Haymarket Books, Pbk, 590pp £30.00

St. Clair, Jeffrey “Born Under a Bad Sky. Notes from the dark side of the earth” AK Press, Pbk, 300pp £10.00

Forthcoming Attractions – March 2008

Freedom Deadlines

Attached are the submission deadlines for the first half of this year's Freedom, so if any of you budding writers need to check, it's now on here. First of the year is January 10th.

We're going A4

It looks like our first Freedom of the year is going to be one of those issues.

Okay so it looks like we're going to do this thing with making Freedom an A4 size publication, which means the inevitable confusion, tears and recriminations. It's kind of like moving house except the arguments begin with what shape the furniture should be and decorating has to be done by committee.

Annual report 2007

Since it's the end of the year, here's a very short annual report, with a graph!

This year at has seen a lot of changes. We upgraded to Drupal 5.x, fixed some long standing forum issues, finally got our server to a point where it doesn't crash every day. The site has also seen over 1,300 new users and around 100,000 forum posts since this time last year.

It's Freedom, dummy!

There's nothing definite in this, but in the PDF attached is a dummy of a proposed A4 Freedom newspaper which is going for discussion to the collective, which I'd like people to comment on.

What we're mainly looking at here is shapes and styles rather than content, so don't be put off by the downpage article on the front wink. The articles are mostly taken from issue 6820 to give a bit of realism to the whole thing, but they've been simply hacked off at the end where they're too long so this isn't a finished product or anything.

Anarchy Alive!

New book!

Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory by
Uri Gordon

Anarchy Alive!

Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory

Uri Gordon

Pb / £15.99 / 9780745326832 / Published 14th January 2008
Pluto Press

France: not as inefficient as post-Thatcher Britain

As is often the case when large-scale strikes break out, those deeply professional people in the mainstream press have been sitting on the fence as neutral reporters of the news.

The Times has managed a doozy today:

The civil service strike, led by leftwing unions, is a warning shot by the forces of conservative resistance to Mr Sarkozy's attempts to ease the burden of regulation and subsidies that choke the French economy...

Mr Sarkozy's plans to slim down the country's mammoth civil service.

Updates from Nanterre

Some of today's events at Nanterre

The day began badly with the university authorities calling the police. Around 100 Gendarmes were used to break the blockade, tear gas and batons were used on the picketers. There were no arrests, the police satisfying themselves with hitting a few people, although there do not appear to have been any serious injuries.

Unstable universalities - Poststructuralism and radical politics

New book by Saul Newman

Unstable universalities
Poststructuralism and radical politics
Saul Newman

Manchester University Press
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9NR
+44 (0) 161 275 2310

How do we think about radical politics today,
in the wake of the collapse of Marxist-Leninism
and the triumph of neo-liberal capitalism?
How should radical political theory respond

Nanterre strike leaflet

A translation of a leaflet distributed by students involved in the strike action and blockades.

side 1


The General Assembly (AG) at Nanterre on Thursday 8th of November broguht together over 1000 students, teachers and staff of the university. More and more universities are joining the strike.

A large majority at the AG voted for the repeal of the law on autonomy for universities and for the blockade of the university until Monday.

Nicolas Walter book launch

Monday 10 December - 7.00pm

You are invited to join us at Housmans Bookshop, Caledonian Road, London to launch “The Anarchist Past and other essays” by the late Nicolas Walter, edited by David Goodway.
Free, refreshments.
Info: 0115 9693597

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