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Join TotallyClips Today!

Do you like "PartiallyClips?" Do you want to find some way to help out with the strip? This would be the place to start. This is the front door for the "TotallyClips" area, my reward for those who have donated generously to PartiallyClips and its related sub-projects.

Those who donate $25 or more will receive lifetime access to the Premium "TotallyClips" area of the site, which contains a mix of premium content:

Bonus Strips

Inside TotallyClips there is an archive of exclusive strips not seen in the regular archives or in the weekly papers. These will only appear in past and future books, if at all. Ideally, a new one was supposed to load every Monday. However, 2004 has been a brutally busy year and I have let that lapse. I hope to be picking it up, but for now, all I can say is that it will update "sporadically."

Screen Cap Comics

But all is not bleak for the premium content perk. Voting for PartiallyClips has carried a reward, a special comic called Screen Cap Comics. In the past, these have been up for a few days and then vanished. Well, no longer. TotallyClips members also get access to the Screen Cap Comics archives. You can revisit your favorites and catch any ones you might have missed.

Other Crap

Not only extra strips and Screen Cap Comics, but you also get access to a whole smattering of random creative efforts that fall out of my brain, including filks, poetry, creative writing and anything else that happens to wander through my brain.

Special Premium Forums

We even have a special "members only" area of the forums, hidden to normal users, where you can discuss premium content and receive a higher level of my attention than the normal readers.

How to Join

Donating at least $25 will get you lifetime access to TotallyClips. Donating anything at all will get you a month of access for each $5 you give.

If you're already a member of our forums, you can click the Paypal buttons on this page to make your donation. Paypal now accepts secure payments via credit card even if you do not have a Paypal account.

If you don't have a forum account yet (what are you waiting for?!) then you'll need to register with the forums first (so we can get you the special Premium Forums access) and then follow the "Make A Donation" link from within the forums.

Once you've made your donation, just log in to your forums account when you arrive here at partiallyclips.com and you'll have access to the whole Premium Content area.


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