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Welcome to the
PRCC Website!

Message from the Executive Director,
José E. López

I am delighted to welcome you to the Puerto Rican Cultural Center Juan Antonio Corretjer's website. As one of the founders of this institution, and its only Executive Director for more than three decades, I am always amazed by its work, its legacy and most importantly, its promises.In the absence of any truly Puerto Rican institution, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center was founded to fill that void. For more than 30 years, not only have we built it as such, but it has also been catalyst many times against what seems to be insurmountable odds of some of the most important historical events of the Puerto Rican diaspora, in Chicago, as well as Puerto Rico itself.

The work of the PRCC is indeed the hub of building, what the Buddist monk Thich Nhat Nahn called a community of resistance: "…resistance, at root, must mean more than resistance against war. It is resistance against all kinds of things that are like war... so perhaps, resistance means opposition to being invaded, occupied, assaulted and destroyed by the system. The purpose of resistance, here, is to seek the healing of yourself in order to be able to see clearly... I think that communities of resistance should be places where people can return to themselves more easily, where the conditions are such that they can heal themselves and recover their wholeness."

About the PRCC's website:

Welcome to the Puerto Rican Cultural Center's revised website. A work in progress, the site attempts to encompass the different programs, work, and vision that make up the PRCC community. We are attempting to incorporate a more media-rich approach, using many of the visuals that are available to us. This includes streaming video of an interview with the Executive Director of the PRCC, José E. López, streaming audio of two tracks from 2 cds that the Batey has produced as well as quicktime slideshows of Paseo Boricua and a presentation on Social Capital and HIV that Vida/SIDA, another program of the PRCC has developed in conjunction with Dr. Michelle Kelly from the University of Illinois School of Maternal Health, and finally, 3 music tracks from work by the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School Students. Future improvements include a complete makeover for the Day Care and High School sections, making them more child and youth-centric. Also in the near future, we plan to stream a speech by Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos at Lares, Puerto Rico in 1950, snippets of past Puerto Rican People's Parades, and a streaming version of "Forging Possibilities" a video of the PRCC's early work. Some links are not finished, some may not work. Whatever the case, feel free to email us at:

On the other hand, if you have an idea, or you would like more information on a program or the PRCC, email us at: We are improving the site all the time, from the galleries to the information accessible on each program, to the addition of more historical audio and video clips.

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