
Infoshops, street libraries, and radical community spaces


Directory of Infoshops, Bookstores and Street Libraries

What are Infoshops?

What is an infoshop?
The Mid-Atlantic Infoshop by Chuck0
Your Friendly Neighborhood Infoshop by Chuck0
Building a Cohesive Vision For Infoshops
Infoshops Ain't the Revolution - The Demise of Beehive - by Brad Sigal

Infoshops and Radical Bookstores on the Internet

Barricade Books Infoshop - [Brunswick, Melbourne, Australia]
Infoladen Zehn - [ Wien, Austria]
Infoshop Assata - [Nijmegen, The Netherlands]
Long Haul Infoshop - [Berkeley, CA]
Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse [Baltimore]

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