The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for community moderated discussion about such news.
Many of you have already heard of the riot that took place in Olympia on Valentine's Day. If you saw anything inspiring in what happened, if you do not believe the police were justified in any of their actions or if you simply are ready, please listen. The police have issued a threat, printed in the Olympian newspaper, to the people involved in the riot. They intend to begin a witch hunt. They will no doubt use everything in their limited power to terrify a community. If they succeed in terrifying everybody, another period of darkness will descend.

Rather than lapse into despair and inaction, I am asking you all to stand up to them. I do not know, nor have I the capability to say what standing up to them means. But I know it is what we must do. The police expect zero-resistence from their herd of sheep and have grown used to always winning. They always win because they have conditioned everyone to never resist them, just like every good domesticator.

For the past 4 months Albert Douglas has sat isolated within a cell, otherwise called solitary, after an arrest by racist pigs on HW 401 on Sept. 27, 2007. The Kanadian government has had a hit out on his head, accusing him of assault, attempted murder, robbery and unlawful confinement, among other charges. They have held him against his will in an internment camp Kanada traditionally used for it's poor, located at 165 Barton st. on occupied land called Hamilton. They have routinely ransacked his cell, searching for and stealing his belongings. As well as this theft, they have forcefully searched his person. They constantly watch and record his every action with video and audio surveillance.

The Kanadian government is trying to process Albert through their colonial, Kangaroo courts. But Albert refuses to be broken, and as a signatory member of the Kanienkekhake tribe, He has and continues to assert that Kanada's INjustice system has no jurisdiction over him. Kanada's kidnapping and imprisonment of Albert has prevented him from continuing to defend his land and his people from genocide & occupying military forces. Albert is not accountable to Kanada's laws but rather the Kaianereh'ko:wa/Great Law, and this matter of kidnapping is an act of treason under International Law.

What We Say Goes: Conversations on US Power in a Changing World

Will there ever again be a public intellectual who commands the attention of so many across the planet? During the Vietnam War, Chomsky’s arguments helped define the responsibilities of the intellectual to society. He has since been an unstinting critic of US foreign policy, exposing in particular the effects of its efforts to oppose socialism in Latin America.

This series of interviews with David Barsamian is a thorough tour of today’s geopolitical horizon. For Chomsky, the greatest threat to civilisation is not global warming, peak oil or terrorism (though these are hardly to be taken lightly) but nuclear war. The Bush administration’s flouting of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and weapons programmes of non-signatories such as India, Pakistan and Israel, have led to instability.

From Evening Standard - By Nigel Rosser and Robert Mendick

Activists plan to disrupt the official opening of Heathrow's £4 billion fifth terminal next month by flooding it with hundreds of protesters.

Demonstrators, wearing yellow T-shirts emblazoned with a "Stop Airport expansion" logo, will descend on the terminal at 11am on 27 March in a "flash mob".

The massive environmental protest will initially be passive to evade strict laws banning direct action inside T5.

On the night of February 18, 2008, paint-bombs were thrown at a branch of the Itaú bank located at Corrientes and Mario Bravo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as an extension of the struggle of anarchist prisoners who are beginning a hunger strike in various countries.

On February 10, anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, who is imprisoned in Switzerland, released a public statement saying that he and some other anarchist prisoners have called for a hunger strike to take place between the 18th and 29th of February, 2008, as part of the permanent struggle against all prisons and repression, isolation, torture, and life sentences, These anarchist prisoners include Rafa Martínez Zea and Joaquin Garces in Spain; Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Jose Fernández and Thomas Meyer Falk in Germany; and Diego in Argentina. Thomas Meyer Falk will not take part in the hunger strike.

Briana Waters Trial: Full notes from 2/15 and 2/19

(Prosecutor Friedman questions witness Lacey Phillabaum)
P: Recall we were talking about the morning after the Arson. Recall discussions of damage to car?
L: May have been when I talked to Avalon about damage. He reassured that the damage was minimal.
P: Plans to repair?
L: He said he'd get touch-up paint wand to fix minor scrape
P: Did you see the communiqué about what happened?
L: Yes, it did.
P: Ex.#349 Communiqué written after arson

(A bit of confusion happened since the exhibit wasn't inside the folder. It was found outside the folder)

P: Read it to the Jury?
L: Part 1: Sent by ELF pg 1. Center for Urban Horticulture(CUH). At 3:15AM Monday May 21, 2001, Researcher Toby Bradshaw's office was reduced to smoke and ashes. His research would release mutant genes into the environment. The building was inspected for occupants then incendiary devices were set. We intended to only destroy his lab but fire spread due to poor response of the firemen. We are determined to stop genetic engineering. Cites other arsons of labs and genetic engineering experiments.

By LAURENT LEMEL, Associated Press Writer Mon Feb 18, 5:15 PM ET

PARIS - Alain Robbe-Grillet, an avant-garde author who dispensed with conventional storytelling as a pioneer of the postwar "new novel" movement in France, died Monday. He was 85.

Robbe-Grillet died at Caen University Hospital in western France, where he had been admitted over the weekend for cardiac problems, hospital officials said.

He was among the most prominent of France's "new novelists" that emerged in the 1950s, which included Nobel Prize laureate Claude Simon, Michel Butor and Nathalie Sarraute. The group's experimental works tossed aside traditional literary conventions like plot and character development, narrative and chronology, chapters and punctuation.

From EJP

PARIS (AFP)---A French anarchist and immigration campaigner was fined 800 euros (1,170 dollars) on Thursday for comparing President Nicolas Sarkozy's policies as interior minister to France's pro-Nazi wartime regime.
Romain Dunant, 35, belongs to the Education Without Borders Network (RESF) which campaigns against the practice of deporting illegal immigrants regardless of whether they have children raised in France, and the CNT anarchist group.

In an email sent to Sarkozy's ministry in 2006 to demand the release of a fellow activist detained for opposing the deportation of a pupil's parents, Dunant attacked his policies as "racist", offering him his "anti-fascist salutations".

Are you looking for a useful political forum that has interesting discussions yet also has a sense of community? Are you tired of political forums where a few egos dominate and try to “win” debates? Are you looking for a place where you can meet like-minded people with whom you can do things with offline? Do you want to support independent media that are fighting against corporate giants like Myspace?

You are invited to participate at the Infoshop Forums, one of the oldest and most popular anarchist forums on the Internet. Started in 2002, the Infoshop Forums have thousands of registered users and several dozen forums. We offer a mixture of moderated and lightly moderated forums.

but does it really succeed as fiction?

From Kansas City dot com - By JOSEPH PESCHEL

“Why don’t you write another novel instead?” Anya asks. “I don’t have the endurance any more,” Señor C says.

Señor C, 72, a South African writer transplanted in Australia, is the protagonist of J. M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year. Anya, a 29-year-old Filipina beauty, is his typist.