Y'know, Linspire may actually do it

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Y'know, I think Linspire may be banging the right rocks together:


The ONLY recoil-in-horror things I could find about Linspire were:

* FAT32 default file system - what the FUCK !?
* Partnerships with the Devil - but Apple have done the same thing with the beast (Microsoft), and are tearing m$ apart by doing so.

I predicted a couple of things a few years ago:

* Winblows would end up running as a process in Linux
- this has already long happened.

* Linux would end up doing things impossible in Winblows, or things even considered downright impossible period
- this has looooooonnnnnnnng since happened

* M$ would end up writing apps for Linux
- after reading the Linspire details, and this: http://www.microsoft.com/interop/collab/linspire/customer_covenant.mspx
I think even this is starting to happen.....

But then I read THIS and nearly came in my pants:
http://www.transgaming.com/ - look up Cedega

Now there's a VMGL api for Xen, soon VMWare......

Its all happening so fast its literally making my head spin.

Its going to be all-out war......between LINUX DISTROS......as Apple starts to increasingly go "Um, Guys, I'm still here.....!" and Bill G. runs for the hills (he's already packing his bags, and after X billion (he'll probably get away with a few hundred mil after all his bills are paid) - I for one can't blame him for opting out at this point).




Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 02/15/2008 - 21:28.

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