week of 02/24/2008
this is the latest

The Raccoon, the Giraffe, and the iPod -- plus n00bs.

Today, a two-part feature of weird little short animated films. First, "The Marvelous Tale of The Raccoon, the Giraffe, and the iPod," from deep within the Argentinian internet wildlands, as told by Peppermelon. Next, more minimalist fare -- Noobies, by Benjamin Vu.

Compubeaver: Origin of a taxidermied casemod superhero.

He's got an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, a 160G hard drive, a big fat tail, and a mission to protect the forest and all critterdom from destruction. On today's episode of Boing Boing tv, we learn more about the troubled origins of Compubeaver, a most unlikely woodland superhero. In part two of today's episode, the taxidermied fighter of evil floats high and free above Silicon Valley, the land that gave him guts.

Link to BBtv post with downloadable video, and discussion. Previously on BBtv:
* Text-o-possum / Your Psycho Girlfriend
* Compubeaver (It's a computer! And a beaver!)

Special thanks to Kasey McMahon of yourpsychogirlfriend, the creator of Compubeaver. Thanks also to Scott Beale for photos.

week of 02/24/2008
this is the latest