Blogs about: Religion

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D.T. Suzuki praising Shin Buddhism?

Gerald Ford wrote 19 minutes ago: One Sunday, I was talking with my minister about my research at the time on D.T. Suzuki. The minister then … more »

Tags: Buddhism, Jodo Shinshu, Zen

Rehashing NAFTA

Gorric wrote 21 minutes ago: Recently Canada was informed that any talk of opting out of NAFTA that we’d been hearing in the US media, with … more »

Tags: Politics

Honeymoon bliss and Ohio grief.

dougabbott wrote 36 minutes ago: This time last week I was spending my last night in a little place called Williamsburg, VA.  A very quaint … more »

Tags: Life, Sara

Tsukiji Hongwanji

Gerald Ford wrote 49 minutes ago: I am reposting this from the old blog in honor of Joseph, whose going to visit Tokyo soon. This is … more »

Tags: Buddhism, Japan, Jodo Shinshu, Travel

Musings of.....the Upcoming Elections

krislinatin wrote 49 minutes ago: AUTHORITY    Romans 13:1-7 Dear Father, from whom all power comes, Help me to show proper respect for the … more »

Tags: Bible Study, Christianity, Evangelical, Faith, musings, Theology, Thoughts

Chosen Ones?

bli63 wrote 55 minutes ago: Here it is coming up on Sunday again where does the time go? Here are some things that I wonder … more »

Tags: Christianity, church, Faith, Ministry, Society

Are you there?

marlajayne wrote 1 hour ago: This is it, the absolute last post of the day. I haven’t blogged in several days and seem to be … more »

Tags: Family, LDS, Lessons, Life, Mormons, Mothers, Prayer, Thoughts


gregfish wrote 1 hour ago: Scary word, isn’t it?  It’s today’s equivalent to yelling “fire!” in a theatre.  Tonight the news included a story about … more »

Tags: Finding Hope, God Revealed, Pain, theology schmeology

The Book of Mormon in Hebrew

uft36 wrote 1 hour ago: I found this site while surfing the Internet tonight. The owner has been translating the Book of Mormon into Hebrew. … more »

Tags: Book of Mormon, Christian, INTERNATIONAL, Latest News, LDS, missionary, mormon

Make Me a Stranger1 comment

Barbara H. wrote 1 hour ago: Make me a stranger on earth, dear Savior, Make me a stranger more like Thee. Help me keep my focus … more »

Tags: Christian Life, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Thoughts From Scripture

Jesus Christ Superstar - My thoughts

javadave wrote 1 hour ago: For Tara’s birthday, I did the usual… bought her something for me! I got us tickets to Jesus Christ Superstar … more »

Tags: Culture

Beijing Style Censorship in Canada

paulmct wrote 1 hour ago: Yesterday, there was a story in the news about changes to the Income Tax Act that will allow the government … more »

Tags: Art, Atheism, Canada, Culture, film, Life, Movies, News, People

Is John Marks Ready For The Rapture?

LorMarie wrote 1 hour ago: contributor Louis Bayard interviewed a former born-again Christian, John Marks, about his 60 Minutes segment exploring fundamentalist Christianity in … more »

Tags: Christianity, Life


ciudadderefugio wrote 1 hour ago: Existen 2 caracteristicas en la vida de un verdadero cristiano 1) Lo que decimos. 2) Lo que hacemos. El Apostol … more »

Tags: alma, Amigos, Biblia, Corazon, cristiano, Evangelio, Familia, Fe, Iglesia

:: sin

earthless wrote 1 hour ago: … more »

Tags: Apologetics, Audio

The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths)

hookakat1 wrote 1 hour ago: … more »

Tags: Creation, intelligent design, Myths

Just A Little Nap

Mark wrote 1 hour ago: Welcome sunshine. And with it came the wind. Walking on the beach I got a few shots I wouldn’t … more »

Tags: God, Human Nature, Inspiration, Nature, Philosophy, Photography, spirituality

The Prisoner

Gerald Ford wrote 1 hour ago: While in the car today with the family*, I heard the old song, Hotel California, by the Eagles. I was … more »

Tags: Buddhism, Jodo Shinshu, theravada

What shall I believe in today?

spooneb wrote 1 hour ago: I find this fascinating. Twenty-eight percent of Americans have left the religion in which they were raised for another … more »