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 Tuesday, February 26 2008 @ 01:38 AM PST

Call Out For Action And Solidarity In Olympia

Anarchists in TroubleMany of you have already heard of the riot that took place in Olympia on Valentine's Day. If you saw anything inspiring in what happened, if you do not believe the police were justified in any of their actions or if you simply are ready, please listen. The police have issued a threat, printed in the Olympian newspaper, to the people involved in the riot. They intend to begin a witch hunt. They will no doubt use everything in their limited power to terrify a community. If they succeed in terrifying everybody, another period of darkness will descend.

Rather than lapse into despair and inaction, I am asking you all to stand up to them. I do not know, nor have I the capability to say what standing up to them means. But I know it is what we must do. The police expect zero-resistance from their herd of sheep and have grown used to always winning. They always win because they have conditioned everyone to never resist them, just like every good domesticator.

If the threats of the police against the community are legitimate (which I truly believe they are), Olympia is going to need every ounce of support it can get. I cannot say when nor can I say what support means. I know as little as you do. But I am watching the dark clouds move in under the sun, on the verge of blacking out the light that has been licking our faces here, at the edge of the water. Some of you may think there is nothing we can do. The police will do what they will, you say. Perhaps they will. But they need not have the way cleared for them. Every step of the way, they must meet fierce resistance. On EVERY front.

Action and inaction. Organization and chaos. Non-violence and violence. These are dichotomies which do nothing but make us fight each other. Regardless of what you think you might be classified as, we all should be resisting. Resistance is not exclusively physical in design (ie: "violent"). Resistance is not exclusive to anything. There is no need to adhere to a certain doctrine or dogma of resistance. Every avenue is as legitimate as the next one. The important part, however, is using them all at ONCE.

This is a battle we can win, given enough effort. People are listening. No one can escape seeing the effects of this system any longer. It is right in front of everyone's faces. The spectacle is growing weaker in its power. Its spell is beginning to break. And that process is out of our hands now. This system is starting to tear itself to pieces and will not stop or decrease in pace.

Do not let them get anyone.

And let them have a hard time trying.

Your loving friend,

Annie Nimmety

Footage from riot (the second half is mostly bureaucratic lingo spoken by a machine):

Part 1

Part 2

Threat from police:

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