Aotearoa IMC :
Aotearoa IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Indigenous struggles

Palmerston North stands in Solidarity!

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Palmerston North - Global Day Action for Civil Rights - Oct 27 20073.jpg
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Palmerston North - Global Day Action for Civil Rights - Oct 27 20073.jpg
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Palmerston North - Global Day Action for Civil Rights - Oct 27 20077.jpg
Palmerston North stood in Solidarity with korero and waiata in support of activists and whanau who have been harassed and detained by the Police.

Trade Unionist Dion Martin began the rally with a waiata and korero about the links with this wave of state repression and the Iraq war.

Malcom Muholland talked about the encroachment of state powers on civil liberties and what had been happening in Tuhoe country

Te Ao Pritchard talked about the global day of action and how fear can immobilise, isolate and that we need to reach beyond the fear that the police state has created.

Tino Rangatiratanga activist Teanau Tuiono talked about the need to support the imprisoned activists and that they were good people, and that the media and the police were unjustly branding them as terrorists. He called for the need to be informed and pointed to sources like indymedia.


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