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LOCAL News :: Anarchism : Protest Activity : Tino Rangatiratanga

Report + Images from Chch

Approximately 300 people marched in Christchurch for the second week in a row, in solidarity with those arrested and questioned over the past two weeks.

The energetic demonstration included haka by Tuhoe crew living in Christchurch, loud chanting, a sit down at an intersection, waiata, a wheelie-bin sound system and street theatre.
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Images from Chch
The protest began in Cathedral Square where a local anarchist spoke about the role of Police in our society, before the local Tuhoe kaumatua spoke to the crowd in both Te Reo Maori and English about the history of Tuhoe. A rousing and passionate haka by Tuhoe youth followed, and then the march set off down the street.

The march wound its way through the city to chants of "Ka whawhai tonu matou - Ake! Ake! Ake!" amongst others. The march stopped in Cashel Mall, where street theatre was performed, with a Policewoman and an Armed Offenders Squad member arrested a number of people in the crowd and threw them in prison. Soon the support of the crowd saw the police chased away and the prisoners freed. The marched then went past the Police station (where Police were stacked up, apparently expecting us to stop there) and continued up Oxford Terrace til we reached an intersection where the crowd sat down.

After a few minutes sitting there, the march carried on to Victoria Square where people gathered on the grass, talked and ate kai provided by Food Not Bombs.
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Images from Chch
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Images from Chch
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Images from Chch
Images from Chch
Images from Chch
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Images from Chch
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Images from Chch
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Images from Chch
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Re: Images from Chch

Awesome, Christchurch! Kia Kaha!

Re: Images from Chch

Awesome kia kaha The People of Christchurch and all other South Island provisences. Standup and be Counted & Heard.We need to keep the Mana of our Country in the Hand of the People. Not to be dictated by wonnabees.The Future Destiney of the Future of who are,as a Nation to stand side by side, stands in the Hands of all Decent Respectable KIWI s. Kia kaha

Re: Images from Chch

Tautoko ... brilliant. And I said to myself ... what a wonderful world, yeah.

Re: Re: Images from Chch

Awesome Chch - From Hamilton protester WHAT A GREAT DAT MAY IT GET BIGGER & BIGGER!!!!

Re: Report + Images from Chch

e hoa ma, ka mau te wehi. North, South, east and west. As scribe said, STAND UP. Mauriora

Re: Report + Images from Chch

Loved the idea of sitting in the middle of the road - very good!

Re: Report + Images from Chch

The Wheelie-bin-sound-system wasn't a winner.
Competing with chants, waiata & haka really didn't work.
Not to mention the digga & hoe lyrics(I don't understand the gargening ref in rap - that was it right - it wasn't anything I would find offensive?) in the music played by pakeha that drowned out waiata.

Re: Report + Images from Chch

The music was definately not appropriate especially the offensive language and infront of children. The march itself did nothing but amuse those watching and allow them to see a bunch of weak people that refuse to take reponsibility for anything.

Re: Report + Images from Chch

Please clarify weak? I see pasifisim as the way of the strong.
Those marching were taking responsibility for civil liberties & to raise a consciousness of them.
Any thoughts as to what the marchers weren't taking resposibility for?
Having a juggler & street theatre - you'ld hope there was laughter.

Re: Re: Report + Images from Chch

I fully support the sense of unity on Saturday that meant that ordinary chch people from different walks of life, passionate about a variety of causes and community concerns - all walked together in protest against the recent raids and arrests. The intentions of the day were peaceful, and about standing together, rather than apart from each other in suspicion. The attack by police on the freedom of activists around the country unites a variety of different people and their communities in concern - the unity of heartfelt concern was shown in Otautahi in the variety of people who showed up on Saturday to stand up, in conservative little old chch and take to the streets. Okay, so having the Green Party, anarchists, happy valley activists, tino rangatiratanga supporters, local representation from Tuhoe, concerned mums, dads, kids, anti-globalisation activists, older activists, maori, pakeha and tauiwi - all together walking around the central city is unusual, and not necessarily a completely comfortable bunch of alliances - but it was largely positive and may the mutual support continue in these times of political and police terrorisation of our friends and communities.

Re: Report + Images from Chch

There was heaps od laughter, heaps of fun, heaps of getting the mesaage accross to thsoe watching that although the ones attacking us show anger we can do it in ways that are creative and exciting. I think it was an awesone day where lots of new people got involved and wanted to say to the police and the govt we arent going to sit back and wait while you sort out charges against our friends. If you see negitive maybe that is where you are in your life. Where you see dark I see light. You can join us whenever you like e hoa : )

And for goodness sake SMILE

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