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Aotearoa IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Environment : Indigenous struggles : Prisons

write to the Wellington prisoners

write to the Wellington prisoners
Heres the info you need to write to the Wellington prisoners. They really appreciate the letters and other support they have been getting so far, lets keep it up!

If you know the name of a wellington prisoner, you can write direct to the prisoners at the following addresses:

(name of male prisoner)
Rimutaka Prison
Private Bag 47-901
Upper Hutt


(name of female prisoner)
Arohata Women's Prison
Private Bag 51-901

If you don’t know their full names (they are suppressed by court order at the moment) then send cards, letters etc to
A Prisoner
c/o 128 Abel Smith Street

(either send in the mail or drop it off in the 128 letter box if you are in the area.

Mail will be opened there and taken in to the prisoners on the next visit

Hopefully the prisoners will be bailed this week. What ever happens, any mail received at 128 will be passed on to them

This is just the support info for the four wellington prisoners arrested in the police raids on Monday. Don't forget the others imprisoned in BOP, AK and elsewhere

Mr G
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Re: write to the Wellington prisoners

can we please have an email to send letters that will reach those being held in prison

Re: Re: write to the Wellington prisoners

will be forwarded to the prisoners within a day or two

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