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LOCAL News :: Police : Prisons : Protest Activity

Free Urewera17! Wellington Demo Video

A video of the Wellington demo on Wednesday (17/10/07), outside the second court appearance of the four activists arrested in Wellington on Monday.
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Re: Free Urewera17! Wellington Demo Video

Kia ora

This video is really well put together. Amazing to see an edited piece about a demo appear on the same day. Great stuff!

My only (minor) whinge is the .wmv format which makes it hard to watch on Linux ;) I had to move to a Windows PC and download the file to get a decent look. It would be fantastic to see independent videographers making use of open formats like Ogg Theora:

Re: Free Urewera17! Wellington Demo Video

The video was made by the Dominion Post, not any independent videographer, as far as I can tell....

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