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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Indigenous struggles : International Relations : Protest Activity : Tino Rangatiratanga

Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

30 people today joined outside the New Zealand Consulate General in Melbourne to demonstrate their love and solidarity to all arrested and affected by yesterdays raids.
30 people today joined outside the New Zealand Consulate General in Melbourne to demonstrate their love and solidarity to all arrested and affected by yesterdays raids.

There was police and media (both NZ and Australian) presence as demonstrators spoke and performed street theatre in support of all those affected by yesterdays events.

"We are here today to demonstrate our support and solidarity of our brother and sister activists in Aotearoa and to show our disgust in the New Zealand Government and its police force repression of activists in Aotearoa."

"This is a full on criminalisation of dissent, it is deplorable and a disgusting attack on Tino Rangatiratanga, Environmental & Peace activists, This is a very convenient way for the police to arrest every activist in the country, and smear them with terrorism, in the style of a cointelpro programme."

Demonstrators today especially expressed love and support to all the people of Tuhoe, especially the children, who have been affected by the invasion of their community yesterday.

Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou Ake Ake Ake!!
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Melbourne Solidarity Demo

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

Thankyou very much for your solidarity and support. My Australian friends always tell me about how progressive New Zealand is, which makes me laugh sometimes. Hope this shows them that NZ can be just as authoritarian and unjust as Australia.

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

fantastic work. Police and Government coruption is international SO lets make our solidarity international too.
No to Anti-terror laws

Korero to nz media

Activists in Australia are planning demonstrations today in protest at yesterdays arrests by New Zealand police. (duration: 3′40″)

Re: Korero to nz media

That's a fucking good interview. Good stuff.

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

solidarity for all the crew that have been arrested and everyone who is experiencing these attacks. I hope you can call on our support over the next difficult while. we'll do what we can eh.
Love from (some of) the melbourne crew

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

yeah awesome interview alright. Nice to hear some intelligent insightful journalism. Not like we get over here...

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees


Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

I fully support and appreciate the demo in Melbourne today but i would like to know why you've covered the faces of the people in the photos? If you have nothing to hide, why hide? These people's faces are shown on the video so why hide them here? Cmon people!

Re: Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

Pay attention. There are kiwi activists there. Whats happened in New Zealand last coupla days? Having something to hide has nothing to do with it. And believe me, our country over here in AUS isn't any better. I know people who where arrested for terrorism for just GOING to forest protests (Fortunately the judge was a bit more sensible than the coppers and let em off).

New Zealand activists protest arrests
> In the Australian city of Melbourne, political activists have held
> protests opposing this week's police operation in New Zealand.
> Polynesian anti-globalisation activist Sina Brown-Davis has told Radio
> Australia's Pacific Beat program the arrests are about criminalising
> dissent and repressing the rights of the local Maori tribes.
> "Firstly we're here to express our love and solidarity with those
> who've been arrested," she said.
> "Secondly to show our disgust at the NZ govt and their crackdown.
> "Also to be reminded that this phenomenon is not just unique to NZ -
> this crackdown of indigenous peoples and activists is common
> throughout the Pacific at the moment."

Re: New Zealand activists protest arrests

AUST: Protests in Melbourne over NZ terrorist raids - 16/10/2007

Political activists opposed to this week's police operation in New Zealand against alleged guerilla-style training camps in the eastern Bay of Plenty have staged a demonstration in the Australian city of Melbourne. Around 25 people gathered outside the New Zealand Consulate in Collins Street, Melbourne, earlier today, watched by eight Australian Federal Police officers. Speaker - Sina Brown-Davis, Polynesian anti-globalisation activist


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Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

This time last year I travelled to Wellington for Punk Fest and I spent some time at 128 Abel Smith St, cooking with Food not Bombs and crashing on the couch.
The timing of the raids at the same time as the annual Arms Dealers meeting which was shut down last year and forced to move from Te Papa this year makes the raids look like an attack on political dissent rather than a response to a real terror threat.

Re: Melbourne Solidarity Demo in Support of Oct15 Arrestees

hi,i work in a 搬家公司 ,my injoy such as 裝潢 and 室內設計,others:who like to see some about AV?

test comment..


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